i'l eat what i want and NOT FEEL GUILTY



  • Venus2011
    I myself eat what I want but in moderations. I was taught long time ago by Weight Watchers that this is not a diet. You are changing your life style and eating habits. Never deprive yourself otherwise you will fail. I still have a bit of candy or chocolate if I want it. I just fit it into my calories and eat a smaller portion. Every blue mooon I will buy the candy in the little packages that I pass out on Halloween. One package and I'm good to go. I am still among the living and that is what I plan to do. Live life to the fullest and eat in moderations!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    realllly grinds my gears when other people who are not on a diet look shocked and exclaim "but your on a diet you cant eat that"

    eh... yes i can. you can watch me if you want.

    people need to understand and grasp that a "diet" is not restrictive. i do not eat lettuce constantly.

    i will still go out for dinner and get dessert if i want, i will still go on nights out and do shots of tequilla through my eye if i want.
    there is nothing stopping me.

    i take into account what i want to eat, i write it down and log it. i might have a dominos pizza tonight but tomorrow i will have chicken breast and veg and make up the calories n work ma butt off in the gym.

    so yes. i am on a diet. yes i am going to still eat mcdonalds. and chocolate and ice cream. and i will enjoy it. i refuse to give up the things i like.

    and the best part....I WILL STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    rant over. :)

    a diet is restrictive. it's a healthy lifestyle you're maintaining!! :)
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I've been maintaining for years, I eat healthy all during the week and stay within my calories, but on Friday that is my cheat night. I eat whatever I want for supper and have dessert. I love dessert, I could eat just that for my meal :heart: But I run my *kitten* off on Saturday mornings, those are my long run days.
    But I will eat cake at work if its somebodys birthday or going away party and people will just be shocked "your eating cake, is that on your diet!?" I have to explain to them that I am not on a diet, I have a healthy lifestyle. I am not restricted to certain foods.
  • tabithaanne
    Well said!!
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    What about when friends/relatives are eating cakes/sweets etc and say "sorry you can't have this, being on a DIET" and then smugly snaffle what they are eating!.

    Damn rights!
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    What about when friends/relatives are eating cakes/sweets etc and say "sorry you can't have this, being on a DIET" and then smugly snaffle what they are eating!.

    Damn rights!

    Oops meant to quote a different post!
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    People try to tell me stuff like Oh, you can't have ranch! Thats too much fat! At least make it a vinagrette! Or, thats soo much meat! You'll never lose weight that way!

    GET OFF MY CASE. I've lost 30lbs so far and lift more than you. Zip it!

    Damn rights! -- there that's the one I was lookin' for!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    And besides, this is not a damned diet. It is a lifestyle change and choice. Diets end at a certain time.. this wont.
    Well said!!!!!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I just don't tell people I'm on a diet! And they don't have to know because it's none of their business. This way, if I choose to get a salad at a restaurant, they just think I like salad (which I do), and if I get a steak, it's because I like steak. I can eat dessert, go out for drinks, and do whatever I like, because their expectations of my diet have not changed and they don't notice it.

    If they say I lost weight, I say, "Hey, I think I have! Thanks for noticing." If they ask me what I've been doing, "I found a Zumba class I love/I bought Dance Central for the Kinect and it's kicking my butt." I don't mention the food part of my diet, or that it's a grueling task to work out. I treat it as a natural thing for my body and they adopt that mode of thinking as well.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I don't tell anyone about my diet, they would say stuff like this all the time
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    What your doing though wont be healthy. 1200calories of fruit and veg or 1200calories on mcdonalds. Decide what's best yourself. If your on a diet you obviously want your body in good shape.

    There are other ways to get your body in good shape besides diet... Hello exercise anyone? Plus who really eats 1200 calories of McDonald's or 1200 calories of fruit and veg? No one.. Hence the moderation aspect!

    As long as it balances it out in the end, you're going to be ok.

    Hell yesterday I ate a chocolate chip-oreo-brownie bar with my lunch... did I feel guilty? Nope.. but did I go to the gym and exercise that night? Yup!

    I am not dieting. I do NOT like to diet. Dieting has never worked for me.......that's why I weighed 184 a year and a half ago!

    Yesterday, I had some calories left to use, and ate a piece of cake. Birthday cake from my daughter.........nice marble cake with thick chocolate frosting. It was delici:heart:us! And I logged it, and was under, and life went on!

    I absolutely, positively REFUSE to be locked in a box of "you shall not eat that" and "YOU shall eat THIS!" Clean food, bad food, naughty food, good food.............it's ALL FOOD, people. Call it what you will, it all contributes to your health, or lack thereof.

    If I want to eat 1200 calories at McD's, I will (but I don't like McD's, so I know I won't ;) I have lost 24 lbs. I am doing well......so leave me alone!

    carry on, dear friends :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Here's what I love.
    I eat more than those who are NOT dieting - :laugh:

    And people see me mostly eating on "free day" where I totally blow it out with McD, Pizza, chinese food, ect....and I eat more than 3 people combined. For breakfast I order 2 specials, eating the both - LOVE IT!

    And the best part is the fallen countenance of those I am with.
    They just don't get it just like many here do not get it.

    You can train your metabolism! This is part of the reason I am so against the crash diet.

    And that's why you SO ROCK!

    I've only had pizza a couple of times since starting my adventure.........but I've enjoyed it immensely! And I will never, never, ever give up good bread........I'd rather eat that than a cookie!
  • donniesgirrl
    One I've had a hard time with is how we are engrained to think fat is bad. "You can't eat fat - it's fattening & bad for you." Um, yes I can & in fact, you need a certain amount of fat for your body to function properly. And yes, certain fats are better for you than others, but I am not going to feel like I'm doing something wrong for eating nuts to balance the piece of fruit I had for a snack.
  • donniesgirrl
    I don't know where I heard this quote, but I really liked it: everything in moderation, including moderation. ;)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    One I've had a hard time with is how we are engrained to think fat is bad. "You can't eat fat - it's fattening & bad for you." Um, yes I can & in fact, you need a certain amount of fat for your body to function properly. And yes, certain fats are better for you than others, but I am not going to feel like I'm doing something wrong for eating nuts to balance the piece of fruit I had for a snack.

    and BUTTER.........when did butter become a sinful food? I love butter. I use it on toast and in cooking and will ALWAYS use it, yes, even on my POPCORN!

    so there :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • anstine42
    i feel the same way! i tell people i dont see it as a "diet" but as a life style change.
  • kikukaede
    I do feel guilty when I eat overly fatty foods, but you're right - its annoying when other people warn you not to eat things or tell you that you 'can't' - its my diet, my business, I'll eat what I want!
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I have had the same thing happen to me. I am eating a handful of cheez it's mind you I have accounted for them in my calorie allotment and some guy I work with is like I hope those are carrot sticks you shouldn't be eating those. :devil:
  • Lokah13
    I have had the same thing happen to me. I am eating a handful of cheez it's mind you I have accounted for them in my calorie allotment and some guy I work with is like I hope those are carrot sticks you shouldn't be eating those. :devil:

    HA HA HA...it wasn't be when I was up there was it? *LOL* People tell me that every time I "snack" on somethng. I try not to overeat on not so healthy snacks, but every once in a while I do and I account for them on my calorie intake. And when I do eat those things of things, I eat healthier the next day and work out an extra 30-60 minutes as well.