What I am looking forward to when I get to my goal weight



  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    When I hit 220, we're going to buy a big screen TV, so that's a big incentive for me.

  • 1. I am looking forward to wearing a slutty halloween costume * every year my friends do and they go out and I make an excuse not go.. not this year I will out shine them all!

    ^^This^^ and..
    To wear shorts - I haven't worn them in years!
    To rock a bikini
    To be confident in everything that i wear or not wear - I just want to feel comfortable in my body.
    To be at a healthy BMI again
    To just finally be happy - My weight has been holding me back on so many things in my life and I'm tired of it
    To not hide from cameras!
    To be able to wear whatever I want
  • CoCo41
    CoCo41 Posts: 7
    To wear sexy clothing and shoes for my hubby!
  • PureLife5891
    PureLife5891 Posts: 48 Member
    I can't wait to get to my goal weight so I won't have to look like I'm 5months preggo lol, (not cute). I want to be able to wear fitted shirt like I use too. I would like to stop wearing sweater, jackets or shirts to hide my stomach
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    I am looking forward to putting a bikini on in public and not being afraid of what other people think!