Should i say something??!!



  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    He never asked for anyone's opinion, she did.

    Good greif, i thought a forum was somewhere adults talked things out, not ganged up on eachother when they had differing opinions. That's the only point I was trying to make.

    Why don't you quote me , so you get the last word.

    Why don't you two get each others phone number and call each other on your own time!!

    By putting his answser on a public forum he asked for responses. Nobody asked for your opinion yet here you are giving it. How is that any different than us giving our thoughts on his rude response to her?

    You're absolutley right, when I posted I invited the personal attacks on my profile, which, shame on me for posting anything there that was honest and meaningful, so that people like you could take advantage of it. If you want to know, my grandmother passed away a few years ago and I'm still dealing with that because I was taking care of her at the time, my brother had his 3rd child last week, and I am scared to death of the day my parents pass away. I love my dog Lemon she is the best, and there is a girl I love very much. LOL There is more information about me you can use.

    It was my mistake to point out how emotional and irrational some people can be. LOL. It is pretty funny, that you are proving my point. I guess I should thank you.

    I am concerned about the OP though. In that she is unable to solve these family issues on her own and turns to a public forum for help. That seems kind of strange doesn't? I mean she isn't the only one that does it, I see a lot of posts like that ... just seems odd to me. Like wouldn't you first go to the people who know you for a suggestion? or even people who don't know you that are just coworkers or something.

    What point did you prove? Do you really think that you don't also seem emotional? You got offended because I disagreed with you and even more so after I pointed out that you misunderstood the article. If you are not reacting on emotion why are you still letting the thoughts a stranger has of you upset you? Now what? Are you trying to get sympathy from people by trying to tell everyone what a hard life you've had, because that is not emotional or whiny at all.

    I'm not upset, I'm just having a good laugh. :) Its just funny to me.. the "I know you are but what am I " defense. It just makes me laugh. You are just too funny. I don't think suggesting I love my dog or a woman is complaining. I was just giving you more ammunition to use. Its what you like to do. So please by all means .. entertain me! I have to admit, this is kind of fun. I like how you are all .. What? what? .. what? come on what? Every sentence is like a question? like everything I say has an upward inflection? ya know what i mean? :)
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I tried to put in this: Why don't you two get each other's phone number and talk to each other on your own time!!
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