5 Things I'm thinking today



  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    1. I am exhausted!
    2. I have no idea what to do for dinner tonight.
    3. I need to help my daughter with her school project.
    4. I really wish I would see more movement with these last 10 lbs but I know my eating and lack of exercise is why the scale isn't moving.
    5. I love my new apartment!
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    1) My lower abs hurt from my workout last night.
    2) Wait, I still have lower abs?!
    3) I love my new HRM...can't wait to use it again tonight.
    4) Nervous about a meeting between my boss, a coworker, and me today.
    5) My office is a mess...really need to clean it up!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    1. My ego needs a boost.
    2. Laughing that everyone is asking me who gave me the rose plant in my office (bought it myself)
    3. I feel like a fool in this skirt.
    4. I am excited choir is starting tonight...can't wait to see everyone!
    5. Is it too early to leave for lunch?
  • 1. What am I gomna do when I get home from school
    2. What and I gonna were for the fancy field trip tomorrow
    3. How can I get thin
    4. When will I be thin
    5. Why can't I memorize exponents!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    1) I hope these pants don't look too tight across the hips---they fit right everywhere else but feel a bit snug to me in the hips
    2) It felt sooo good to have a really nice restful sleep last night--I haven't been sleeping well lately
    3) My new shampoo/conditioner make my curly hair extra curly :-D
    4) I can't wait to do pilates tonight
    5) I think I might actually see a loss this week after a month of stand still.
  • 1. Would anyone notice if I slept in today?
    2. How will my husband react when he finds out I smashed my hand and in turn smashed my wedding ring (again).
    3. I sure hope my family will be there when I return back to the states.
    4. Is my hair long enough for extensions or should i just go with wigs again...
    5. I can't believe I ate that icecream sandwich on my day off from the gym.
  • ape087
    ape087 Posts: 30 Member
    1. Are Wednesdays really necessary in my clinic?
    2. How did my daughter manage to run out of diapers about the same time I ran out of money to buy them?
    3. Can the recruiter please call my husband and get him in this week?
    4. CAKE!
    5. I should have ate the yogurt for breakfast because its now 10:45AM and Im hungry!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    1. When is my income tax money coming in.. I'm broke!
    2. I'm hungry
    3. I need to look for another job.
    4. I should have eaten breakfast.
    5. I need a raise.

    Thoughts not in any kind of order.. lol
  • 1. Wondering if the teleconference is gonna go today.
    2. Why I eat carrots dipped in peanut butter and type. lol
    3. Wondering is my hubby will be on Yahoo this morning.
    4. Hoping my friend is doing ok.
    5. Why this office is so cold...maybe it's me - I have lost a lot of my personal insulation. =-P
  • 1. When will my tax check come?
    2. Why does the justice system suck so bad?
    3. Why didn't I give up pop a long time ago?
    4. I need to go to the library.
    5. Why do people procrastinate so much?
  • skump425
    skump425 Posts: 166 Member
    1. Cannot wait for work to be over to go to Tool
    2. Can I leave work early today because "I'm not feeling well"
    3. My stomach is poking through these pants
    4. These new, smaller pants do make my butt look nice
    5. daydreaming about last night :)
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    1. I need a dang money tree to pay for this wedding
    2. I wish I could tell my boss no when she asks me to do stupid things she should be doing
    3. I really miss my best friend
    4. Will I ever lose this stupid effing weight????
    5. What am I gonna have for lunch since I was too lazy to pack one?
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    1. I can't wait to get off work
    2. I really need to get ahead in this school work and stop playing around.
    3. I wish I could wake up and it's time to for graduation in May
    4. Where is the money someone owe's me, I know they have their taxes back by now.
    5. I can't wait to work this weight off and feel healthier, I want to look better by my Birthday in March, and even better for Graduation in May!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    the more I count on people-the more disappointed I become
    I miss my best friend
    so glad the sun is shining here today
    bad dream about my cat dying (stuck in my head)
    how wonderful a hot shower is
  • 1. Why am I so tired this morning, eyes still burning
    2. Praying my brother is okay
    3. Daughter has ride home after her rehearsal tonight
    4. Calls, meetings and work travel again soon, I so hate being away from my family
    5. Should I go to do 30DS on my lunch break in the next six minutes.....
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    1. How is it only Wednesday?
    2. If I just made a few hundred more dollars per month, life would be awesome.
    3. Do I have an accent?
    4. There aren't enough color copiers in the world.
    5. I can't stand Conda.
  • lme0627
    lme0627 Posts: 46 Member
    1. I really want some ice cream
    2. I really do not want to call a customer back to tell her how to CLEAN stainless steel grill
    3. It is dreary out and I want to leave work and go home and sleep uninterupted by dogs, child, husband
    4. I shouldn't of gone so postal this AM getting ready for work (I hate being late- and husband oversleeps and no help!) Gotta let it go.
    5. I should go to church tonight but think I will go thrift store- I need some pants that fit.
  • 1.) i cant for the weekend
    2.) working out back to back on Friday,Saturday,Sunday
    3.)cutting back on sugar and salt
    4.) getting ready for Hawaii if the plan is still on
    5.)looking sexy by my birthday
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    1. Hoping that the swelling in my right calf is nothing to worry about.
    2. Not sure if I should hold off one more day before going back to see the doc, since she suggested a ultrasound.
    3. My hair color looks a bit lighter than usual.
    4. I was so hoping today was Thursday.
    5. I can't stop thinking of someone.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    1. I wish I could go to Zumba tonight, but I told my mom I'd swim with her.
    2. I'm excited to use my HRM for said swimming plans. I hope it works right.
    3. My Dave Matthews Band Pandora station makes me all nostalgic n stuff. I'm loving it.
    4. I'm so happy I just ate a peanut butter cookie without feeling guilty cause I know I'm working it off tonight.
    5. I'm almost through my first camelbak of water.