5 Things I'm thinking today



  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    1. Every time it rains, I'm wearing either white shorts or a white top.
    2. Where can I get a REALLY good curry goat recipe? ...

    First, commenting on #2 above... I recently tried curry goat in Jamaica when visiting from a Cruise! It was pretty good (fatty meat, though) but sorry I don't have a recipe - try Google? That usually works for me....

    1. having a hungry day - ugh
    2. really need to step up my exercise a notch to break this silly plateau
    3. feel like a robot at work today - can't concentrate
    4. can't wait for nice weather to try out my brandy-new kayak!!
    5. what am I going to do for exercise on Saturday so I can have pizza & cake at the b-day party?? hehe
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    1. I am really looking forward to flying home next weekend to see my dad and sisters!
    2. I am thankful for the few people in my life that make me smile EVERY DAY.
    3. I'm looking forward to going to OLIVE GARDEN on Valentines with my hubby!
    4. The weather is nice and sunny although, it's 26*, it looks gorgeous and improves my mood!
    5. I would love to get a manicure later.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    1. Found a 5 calorie energy drink without taurine and sugar, and actually tastes nice - this makes me smile
    2. Meeting with PhD supervisor in 10 minutes. So unprepared.
    3. WHY do I procrastinate when I have deadlines
    4. Who invented deadlines anyway...
    5. Immigration have f*%$#d up my Visa... this could be interesting :/
  • smilewithkatherine
    1. I can't wait to eat chocolate again on Friday.
    2. I wish we more more to do at work.
    3. I really hope to maintain my weight this week.
    4. I need to do my tax's this weekend.
    5. Sudoku is a great way to pass the time.
  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    1. Dang, I forgot the ONE thing I went to Walmart for
    2. Now I have to go to Walmart again
    3. I hate Walmart
    4. Why does pizza have to have so many calories?
    5. I need to burn those pizza calories off
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    1- Want a cup of coffee.
    2- Have to remember to pack up all the gear for ice skating tomorrow a.m.
    3- What to make for dinner (million dollar question)
    4- Hoping the Wings beat the Oilers tonight.
    5- Want to kick my own butt because I didn't work out today.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Only 5?

    1. I really need to get this knot in my back worked out.
    2. I can't wait till Sunday.... (massage for back)
    3. I have been working too many days in a row, I need a day off.
    4. I wish I had the energy to give myself a hardcore work out like before.
    5. Uncle Sam was really good to me this year.