Who else hates Conda from biggest loser???



  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Who the *kitten* names their kid Conda????

    Sir Mix-a-lot of course!

    "My anaCONDA don't want none, unless you got...."

    Sorry...that is all I think of when I hear her name when watching the show. Its true...ask my kids...it is stuck in my head for hours!
    WINNER!!!! Best line of the day!!!!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.


    This! :love:
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.


    He is honestly the reason I watch....so Yummy!

    NOW this has made my damn,,,,WOW he is so so hot!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.


    He is honestly the reason I watch....so Yummy!

    Same here! He is the epitome of hotness.
  • monbeaucher
    monbeaucher Posts: 75 Member
    I think she's annoying, yes, but I absolutely disliked Adrian!!!!!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm so ready to call the network and get her whiny A@$ out of there! BOO CONDA. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun. That's all I think about when I hear her name #randomness.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I actually don't like her super much, shes a bit whiney. It was really intersting to see the dynamic of the two teams with the addition of the new members. Red isolated the new person, but black, once they realised that she was on week 2, seemed to be more welcoming. I still watch it though, no matter how annoying they are. I take my ipad and watch it on hulu while I work out, and basically hear her whine constantly and think to myself "keep going, do NOT be a whiner like her".
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.


    He is honestly the reason I watch....so Yummy!

    Same here! He is the epitome of hotness.

    Smackaroni Toni!
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    I don't watch much tv due to my crazy work schedule and commute but last night I caught a glimpse of the show and all I want to say is, the red teams trainer is HELLA SEXY!!! That is all........:love:
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I HATE Conda, but I am really starting to not like Bob's attitude towards Dolvett either. It is so shocking that Conda and Jeremy are related.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Hate Conda too, last season was tough to watch, I ended up skipping the finale, but this season is even worse! Really, choosing people who just leave? They need to cut the couples crap and just go for size and need!

    Yes! I don't think there should be "game-playing" on the show. It doesn't make sense to me.
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    She is very annoying and needs to be voted off next.
  • jyow01
    jyow01 Posts: 123 Member
    I agree bad attitued but you wonder if it is just for the show or if she is really like that.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    You can't fake meaness unless that is what you are all about. I read she was a nutritionist....hello??????????

    I wonder if she'll have a friend or a job after this. Does she not know America is watching her mean girl antics!
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    One thing we all have to learn when we change ourselves... is to have confidence in ourselves. She is really lacking int hat area, because that's the reason that one acts like such a loser.
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    I cannot stand her!! she has a terrible attitude .. and she needs to go.
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Ugh, me and my fiance say this every week. She needs to be voted off immediately. Literally biggest drama queen I know. I can't believe no one else on her teams hates her.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I quit watching, Kim and Conda are so ridiculous It's such a waste of time this season. I initially felt bad for Adrian because of the way he was treated..... but then the way he handled it, and his actions were poor too, so he sealed his own fate I think. If he responded to the team in a different way, I think he could have turned it around for himself. I don't think he's malicious or bad like Conda and kim, I just don't think he has the social skills to have made it work.

    I'll give next year a shot, but no longer watching this season. I figure that's the best way to get the producers to change things......not watch.

    I totally wanted to side with Adrian, and every time I started feeling bad for him, he'd open his damn mouth... What a moron..

    I agree. I also feel that they wouldn't have accepted him either way, regardless of how he handled it. The team (especially Conda and Kim) made it clear from the time he got back that they were already a "family" and he was an outsider. How was he supposed to react to that? We can say "yeah, just sit back and watch/listen" but he would have been gone either way. It ust wouldn't have been ad dramatic. He worked hard to get back there and they all thought that he wouldn't be able to do the work BUT HE DID - he was right with them or exceeded what they were able to do. One minute he was "impressive", the next he was throwing the weigh-in because he had a 2 pound loss. They failed to look at him as an asset to the team even with his 9 pound loss last night. C'mon! He was doomed from the first day he came back. His mouth didn't help but it wouldn't have no matter what. He stayed on the defensive with good reason - that's where they forced him. I hope he wins the at home prize. He seems to be a nice person who was there for the right reasons but was thrown into a bad mix.

    We can pretty much guarantee red will lose the weigh-in next week. I wonder who will be on the hit list. Probably Santa Claus because he voted to sent Mark home.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Ugh, me and my fiance say this every week. She needs to be voted off immediately. Literally biggest drama queen I know. I can't believe no one else on her teams hates her.

    ^^^^SAME HERE^^^^ We can't stand her additude!!! Can't wait for them to get fed up with her and vote her off!
  • Vote Ms. Conda-scending off please!!