Who else hates Conda from biggest loser???



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    I do not like this season nearly as much 2 seasons ago (when Michael Ventrella, the 537 pound guy, won). I don't find most of the contestants at all likeable and find it hard to sympathize with them or root for any of them. I watch parts of it simply to see the trainers. I think they are as sick of the drama as the viewing public--I am on Dolvett Quince's FB page and he posts some comments about the show that tell me he is frustrated with how some of the contestants are acting!

    Every week a friend and I debate whether Conda will be sent home...and every freakin' week she's still there. Unbelievable. I think the producers play up the drama, for sure, but she does not seem like a nice person at all.

    I also couldn't believe a people actually LEFT on their own (quit). Who gives up an amazing opportunity like that (full time training and nutrition and health support, and you don't have to try to deal with work/family/other issues)?

    Thanks for pointing out that Dolvett has a FB page. :love:

    And yes, Conda acts like she's 13-years-old. :indifferent:
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I quit watching, Kim and Conda are so ridiculous It's such a waste of time this season. I initially felt bad for Adrian because of the way he was treated..... but then the way he handled it, and his actions were poor too, so he sealed his own fate I think. If he responded to the team in a different way, I think he could have turned it around for himself. I don't think he's malicious or bad like Conda and kim, I just don't think he has the social skills to have made it work.

    I'll give next year a shot, but no longer watching this season. I figure that's the best way to get the producers to change things......not watch.

    I do agree with you on how Adrian handled himself last night and when he came back to the Ranch, however if you watched from the beginning both Adrian and his sister were never accepted into either group......Conda is just a spoiled little BRATand the other female on the red team is just as bad, neither one of them should be there......as for the men they just knew that they would be beat with the EXCEPTION of Santa he seems to be the only one who has any compassion.

    Next week Condra starts with Andrians sister and I hope that she gets her A** handed to her and a BOOT out the door.....a my last final comment is: I WOULD LIKE FOR ADRIAN TO COME BACK AND TAKE THE AT HOME PRIZE AND SHOVE IT UP AT ALL OF THEM.............GO ADRIAN................
  • bblonskidesigns
    can't stand her! she complains way too much
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.


    I secon that!!!!!!!!!!
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I agree! She's very rude and immature. If I were her, I would try to set a good example for my daughter!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I wish the viewing audience could vote Conda off the show.

    that would be great............next week I think we are suppose to be able to chat with them.........I think that is what was advertised
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I like the commercial that said "nobody's fond-a Conda."
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I agree she's awful. Won't make any sense to get the outside all slim and pretty and be UGLY as all you know what on the inside.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    The BL has become difficult to watch and this season is horrible. The show has moved away from inspiring overweight people to get healthy and moved towards drama, bickering, in-fighting and popularity. Oh, and I forgot product endorsement. If I wanted to see this much drama, I'd just watch the Real Housewives or Mob Wives. Yes Adrian was a talker but he shouldn't have had to defend himself so much. Kim had the audacity to tell him that he had no right to be there. He's lost more weight on his own than any of them lost in the first 5 weeks with a trainer.
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    Dolvett is hot. That is all I have to add.

    Oh yah!!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I find her as annoying as that sniveling old woman from last season! Ugh
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one! She is awful and she is poisoning the feel of the team. Adrian had the social skills of a rattlesnake, but I felt like he NEVER had a chance. He earned his spot by working his butt off at home. I wish him the best and I REALLY hope he wins the at home prize.

    I may have to stop watching this season as well. To me the best season was the season with: Sam and Uncle Oneil. They had such a supportive group there and there wasn't really any drama. There's already enough drama with battling weight. They should be trying to support each other.

    As much as I love Dolvett and I wanted someone from his team to win... I'm now pulling for Bob's team. I'm hoping that the little girl who was on with her grandmother takes the whole thing.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    I subscribe to Dolvett's updates on Facebook. His update this morning stated:

    Dolvett Quince
    its been, tough this season navigating all the hate on this team, to many distraction, not enough focus. Then again, how can you love someone else when haven't even learned to love yourself

    Speaks volumes, IMO
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    As much as I have always enjoyed the show, this season not so much. First off, the contestants are annoying, I miss Jillian and as much as I like looking at Dolvette, I don't like how he screams allllllll the time, it really bugs me. Bob acts as if he is really unhappy this season and does he or doesn't he like Dolvette? I personally think he acts as if he can't stand him, not much interaction that I see between the 2 of them. Not much about this season I am enjoying and I always kept Tuesday evenings clear. Might start going to workout at the gym myself now on Tuesday nights.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I subscribe to Dolvett's updates on Facebook. His update this morning stated:

    Dolvett Quince
    its been, tough this season navigating all the hate on this team, to many distraction, not enough focus. Then again, how can you love someone else when haven't even learned to love yourself

    Speaks volumes, IMO

    Hot and smart. LOVE!
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    how can you love someone else when haven't even learned to love yourself
  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member

    I just wanna look at Dolvett again. :love:

    Edited to add....Conda annoys me so much....just wish she'd go away.
  • Beautybeyondmyskin
    As much as I have always enjoyed the show, this season not so much. First off, the contestants are annoying, I miss Jillian and as much as I like looking at Dolvette, I don't like how he screams allllllll the time, it really bugs me. Bob acts as if he is really unhappy this season and does he or doesn't he like Dolvette? I personally think he acts as if he can't stand him, not much interaction that I see between the 2 of them. Not much about this season I am enjoying and I always kept Tuesday evenings clear. Might start going to workout at the gym myself now on Tuesday nights.

    SOOOOOO AGREE this season sucks big time!!!:sad:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I don't care for conda either !