Hubby trying to lead me astray



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    My man cooks regularly, but he also eats what I do and loves it. He may have a larger portion. Last night it was home made chilli with rice. He had a naan with his. I would simply refuse to cook 2 meals and he needs to lean out anyway so it won't do him any harm. Can't believe you guys are bowing to them lol... They should support you and eat your healthy meals. Personally I think my healthy meals taste better than the unhealthy ones x
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    My husband used to cook but I have kicked him out of the kitchen because he would cook a meal and come to find out he used alot of butter or something that would send me over my calories lol......he's banned from the kitchen I know he meant well, he's learning slowly yet surely lol
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Cook one meal, if you hubby wants something else have him make it himself.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    hey i had the exact same issue with my husband when i first started. he thought it was funny to tease me & wanted to eat unhealthy stuff. so i made kinda the same meals but i added more veg to mine, less or no rice/pasta/bread or made switches for wholewheat foods. after about 10 days my husband noticed a difference in me and my energy & now he is being healthy, going the gym and telling me im doing a good job haha. a good tip i find with men is if u ask them for help or advice they love to feel like they are telling you whats ask him would it be better to eat this or this? then he may enjoy sounding the expert & think it was his choice to eat healthy lol.

    This is all true!!!!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Cook one meal, if you hubby wants something else have him make it himself.

    ^^ this!^^
    I love to cook and also have a very fussy, not-so-healthy husband. I generally tell him in advance what I'm making for lunch/tea and ask if he wants the same. If he does, I happily make us both, but if he doesn't, I still make what I was planning, but only make enough for me. Yeah, it take a while to get your head round cooking just one single serving of a gorgeous meal, and, yup, I'd rather we cooked and ate together all the time - but perhaps that was what got me 100lbs overweight in the first place. Wanting to prepare and eat meals we'd both tuck into, I found myself making less-healthy choices that I didn't particularly enjoy. Did it get me thanked? Nope, it got me fat! So now I've gone the other way...he's welcome to join me in MY meal, but I'm no longer sacrificing health and taste for the stodge he wants to shovel!
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    I have the same problem, tough at least I decide what is had for dinner each evening BUT hubby has to cook it as he is home before I am.

    I try to have healthy dinners prepared and skip the starchy carbs in favour of more veg. This seems to work fine. Like this evening we are having fish , the boys and DH Donegal catch and me a piece of salmon. All cooked in the same way but mine so much healthier. I am moving towards getting the boys to eat my food too.

    I have one unhealthy dinner a week which is our chinese and then Hubby doesn't mind. I just eat half the amount of rice I used to and I am amazed I don't miss it. I used to go for seconds on the stuff.:noway: .

    Please add me as a friend as sounds like we have similar problems to overcome. I am further down this road so hopefully can give you some tips and can still use some myself.
  • dgsmithjr
    I exercise everyday and have for the past two years. I lost 50 lbs. and have kept it off. My wife eats unhealthy. Very unhealthy. She did through my weight loss training and still does even though I like eating very healthy.

    My advice to you is STAY THE COURSE. When he eats chips, you eat a low fat yogurt. When he eats ice cream, eat some nonfat cool whip sprinkled with sugar free jello. For me it was about beating the crave and changing the nutritional and physical lifestyle.

  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    seriously, i think someone already said it, but it really has DELICIOUS recipes that both of you will want to eat, and you can be more conscious of your calories at the same time. it's perfect.
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I am the cook at my house, so I don't even give my husband a choice. If I am cooking dinner, he eats what I make or he doesn't eat. I will admit, since we have a 2yr old, that I do try to incorporate something that everyone will eat in the meal, but I try to keep it as healthy as possible. I've also started brushing my teeth as soon as I am done with dinner, it really helps to keep me from snacking in the evenings! Just be strong and try to let your hubby know you need his support even if he doesn't like it. Have a great day and feel free to friend me if you would like too.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    other than there is also

    I also agree with the one post which recommended you just do smaller portions - measure and weigh all you eat every time - you can still have much success in your journey by doing so - exercise and eat in moderation, that is really all you need.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have the exact same problem. My fiance dislikes everything healthy pretty He doesn't like any vegetables unless they are slathered in cheese. So, what I do is usually make him the same thing as me but then I shred cheese over his

    If he is still hungry after dinner he usually snacks...
  • carolannallen
    Go to all, They have some really good recipes that my family is eating instead and they do not feel like they have given up 1 thing. They have actually said wow mom what's up with you and all this gourmet food!!! How funny. They fell for it :-)Hang in there it's a tough road to take control of what you are eating. I know to well. But you can do it hang in there. You can friend me if you like.
  • loulou2085
    I know exactly how you feel... I'm trying to lose 50lbs and my boyfriend is actually trying to gain weight and therefore will eat anything and everything he wants. I have the job of cooking for him and I always end up cooking two meals but I have to say my boyfriend is pretty good at why I am wanting to eat differently to him.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I will try to help!
  • CVAB
    CVAB Posts: 56 Member
    My dear man was like that at first til I stressed how much I really wanted to change. So he stopping bring fast food and junk home, Sometimes he'll come home with healthy groceries for me because he'll think I'll like to try things.

    In the end now he eats all the healthy things I do because he thinks it all tastes so good.

    Also if I plan on making something that he won't eat, he can make his own supper.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!
    My wife loves to cook. Oh yes....:sick:

    Lousy cook she is......

    I am not sure I should really laugh at that, but I can't help it :laugh:
  • abreia71
    WOW! I am kinda shocked @ how many un-suporrtive spouces people have! Isnt part of marriage supposed to be being that persons LIFE PARTNER! I would think that would include supporting them in whatever they decide! (dosent even mean you have to agree with it! ) On another note, hubby always eats what I fix, and if (on the rare occation) he dosen't want it or is not hungry he will find something else. Never would he expect me to cook 2 meals. I do all the cooking and cleaning and most of the kid stuff ( I am a stay @ home mom) thats not to say he dosent throw in a load of laundry or something, but he works all day and I am home so I don't think he should have to mess with house stuff. LOL Anyway I feel SUPER blessed to be married to this man after reading this fourm. He has supported me compleatly! He is honest with me, and encourages me! Thank God I am married to a man who dosent want to keep his wife fat because he is so insucure with himself that he thinks she might leave if she is thin!
  • CVAB
    CVAB Posts: 56 Member
    lol my man can't cook for the life of him. He's awful!
    He does help me with prep and such.
    Sometimes I let him make me a sandwich. ha
  • kellyrpagel
    Oh my goodness, I have the same problem. I keep reminding him that we all need to eat better and when he offers to go to McDonalds or order pizza it is not helping. Slowly but surely he is getting better and I find him nibbling on an apple. It makes me happy to see him start making those good choices so that our daughter can learn from both of us.:happy:
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I just cook 2 meals it is easier than dealing with him.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I am genuinely shocked that so many women seem to cook for their husbands on a daily basis, honestly - do they never cook or do you not cook together? I've always cooked with my partners, it was a bonding, romantic sort of thing. Though to be fair I am the single one on this thread - perhaps I need to get my apron on!

    I personally cook because
    1. I'm better at it
    2. It's a passion of mine.
    3. If he cooks, it will be loaded with cheese. :laugh:

    Don't get me wrong, I love cheese, but I like to at least be able to see the food underneath....

    ***Have to note that I am EXTREMELY blessed that he usually loves my cooking, even the "healthier" versions, and he will eat any vegetable I put in front of him in great amounts.... that makes it so much easier!!! Could not be with someone who didn't like veggies...