Energy Booster



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I always find the best thing to perk me up is water, I try to drink at least 2 litres a day.
  • perrybucsdad
    perrybucsdad Posts: 36 Member
    I sed to be tired all the time. I went to bed tired, and would wake up tired. Finally one day I listened to my wife and went to see a doctor and found out that I had sleep apnea (my wife and kids had been hinting at this for the last 10 years, but why would I listen to them??)

    Well, now I have much more energy and sleep a ton better. Might want to consider this as well. Stopping breathing while you sleep really can have a toll on you and is very harmful to the body.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Haha I think it's funny I JUST got my daily email from WebMD with the subject "Could You Have a Sleep Disorder?" I think the gods are trying to tell me something...
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Well last time I tried to donate blood (Red Cross on their quarterly school visits) the guy testing me said my iron was too low to donate.

    I took some iron pills for a bit, but then I got tired of taking them because I never remembered

    Ok. You need to take control of your health.

    Low iron won't just prevent you from donating blood, you know. Iron transports oxygen in your bloodstream. This would absolutely affect your energy levels.

    But if you got tired of taking a pill because you weren't really taking them because you forgot.... well, I just have not resonse to that kind of logic.
    It's not logic...I never remembered to take them.

    Even the simplest phones these days have an alarm function. Set an alarm to go off daily and take that pill. Eventually you will form the habit and not need the alarm anymore.
  • zahra51
    Greens 8000 is one thing. Amazon approx 25.00. Also Ener G in Citrus flavor Vitamin C
  • ChickenTuna
    ChickenTuna Posts: 24 Member
    get you some liquid B12 vitamin....I take the liquid B complex which u can find at any pharmacy.
  • endya1
    endya1 Posts: 3 Member
    It could actually be what you are already putting into your body that is causing you to feel this way. I used to have no energy like yourself, until I read about foods to avoid in the January Issue of Whole Living magazine. They suggested staying away from caffeine, gluten, dairy, added sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. After I cut these things out and replaced them with healthier options like fruits, veggies and lean proteins, I began to have a lot more energy. Also taking a multivitamin helps.
  • hannahpauc
    those are also signs of having depression....having depression takes all your energy and you wont feel like doing anything
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Nobody here is going to be able to diagnose you.
    (Energy drinks, pills, etc are not the first step you should be taking)

    1- You know you are iron deficient but you don't take steps to resolve this
    2- You're diet is likely not in check.
    3- Normal Sleep Schedule (7+ hours per night?)
    4- Do things that make you happy and improve your mood.

    If these things do not rectify your problem, go see a doctor.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I have been struggling with the same thing since my third pregnancy. I used to think it was because my baby didn't sleep for more that 2 hours at a time until she was over 2 years old and was VERY fussy and cried all the time. Now she just turned three, is sleeping much better and I still feel the same and I also have constant body aches. I recently decided to get a complete bloodwork panel and found out I have high platelets. Blood cells have a life cycle in the human body of 9 days, but my platelets are not dying off after 9 days. This causes extreme fatigue and bone and joint pain because the extra platelets put pressure on them. Some days are a complete struggle for me and it is only my love for my family that gets me out of bed to take care of them. I know it may cost you some money to get this testing done, but it is SO IMPORTANT. Sometimes high platelets are caused by a chronic leukemia. It is not hereditary sometime during the person's life 2 of their chromosomes change. If found early it can be treated with lifelong medication and a person can have a normal life expectancy, but if not treated quickly it can be terminal. I am going back for another blood test in 3 weeks to find out if I need to get a bone biopsy. Also having anemia can be a sign of high platelets too.

    Ok so now PSA over if you have anemia it will definately make you tired. Taking your iron supplements is the best thing for you to do. Make sure you take it with vitamin C like a piece of fruit or glass of juice, it helps your body absorb the iron. Make sure you do not take it with calcium or multivitamins because they block the absorbtion of iron. Try making it a part of your morning routine, setting a cell phone reminder or leaving the iron pills where you can see them. Red meat and dark green veggies also have iron in them. Also make sure you eat plenty of fiber since the iron supplements can cause constipation. You might find you need to take a stool softener.

    On the mornings when I feel like I have zero energy I drink Spark from Advocare. It is a natural energy drink that you can buy from someone who sells the advocare products. It gives me energy without any spike or crash.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I went to GNC today and found a vitamin pack with about 5 different pills inside this little pack (plus if I buy it I get OxyElite Pro free) but I didn't know if I needed Active or Active Energy. Plus neither one had iron in it (go figure).

    I didn't buy it but I was thinking of picking it up tomorrow. I've never been in GNC before so at least the guy there was somewhat helpful. I'll go back tomorrow and stand there for about a hour reading labels and pretending I know what I'm looking for lol