out of calories = quit eating for the day?

I am really not doing well making changes so far (maybe not truly ready to do this) and today ended up eating way too many brownies instead of lunch -- because they were there-- and I used up pretty up my entire calorie budget for the rest of the day. Should I try not to eat anything at all until tomorrow (it's only 2 pm) or just accept that today is going to be over my limit and try again tomorrow?


  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    That's a tough one, cause you don't want to be starving. Maybe have some healthy cereal or soup for dinner. Don't worry, tomorrow is a new day :)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    I would eat a sensible dinner and work-off the brownies at the gym. Can you fit in some exercise today?
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I say just try to budget better tomorrow.
    You can't go without eating till tomorrow and brownies or any refined carbs will make you hungrier within a couple of hours.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    tomorrow's another day, so make conscious and healthy choices tomorrow, but i wouldn't stop eating today! just eat lighter and healthier. while you wouldn't technically starve, you'll be grumpy and probably resentful! i say have a couple of healthy snacks and start on the horse again tomorrow.
  • PrincessSparkleUk
    Hey, I have done this so any times in the fast. Get home after work and put your tennis shoes on and go for a run you will be amazed at how many calories you will earn. Then give yourself a hot shower and a good meal after. If you have kids take them on their bikes!
  • ameyer410
    You can't not eat the rest of the day, you'll starve, slow down your metabolism drastically, and your body will not let you lose weight. Don't have the "all or nothing" mindset and eat whatever you want the rest of the day, but I would snack very lightly until dinner, and have a light dinner that is mainly vegetables.

    I am like you, and an addict for all things sweet. I would highly recommend a motivational diet book to help you...
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    I thought the answer would be to exercise ?

    gain some calories back, then if your hungry at night time you'll have calories to spare
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    yup.....or go workout and eat those calories.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    If it were me.....I would punish myself by not eating and polishing off a glass (8 oz.) of water every hour till bed. Or I would go work out so I can eat the calories I burned exercising.

    I need to know their are consequinces for things and my tummy will figure it out when it begs for more food.

    On the other hand, you could go a healthier route like, eat only fruits and veggies the rest of the day.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I'm no expert but starving yourself never is a good thing. I would suggest a little of both. Accept that you have gone over but also have a healthy low calorie dinner. Perhaps something with just veggies or a large salad with vinegar or lemon dressing. Starvation and denial just set you up for bingeing. Just my humble opinion.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Get some exercise in and earn some calories for dinner. If you absolutely can't you still need to eat just try to keep it healthy and tomorrow is a new day.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    Depends on how hungry you are.

    Some days, I eat a really big lunch - and I am either not hungry for dinner (thank goodness), or it's only little tummy growlies that can be tamed with a cup of tea or something.

    Some days, I'm out of calories, but I'm still hungry - and on those days, I either try to exercise to earn back a few hundred calories for dinner, or I just eat a bowl of soup - relatively filling, and can be done for around 200 calories or less.

    One day of an extra 200 calories is *not* going to break the bank. Just get back on the horse tomorrow.
  • rachelpries
    rachelpries Posts: 26 Member
    You should eat! Even though you are out of calories your body still need vitamins, minerals, etc. Make a mix of vegetable containing as many colors as possible. Also, consider a lean protein as it will help you feel full. Additionally, consider a couple of prunes if you are not effected too much gastrointestinal. Prunes will slow the movement of food from the stomach also helping you to feel full longer. Drink a couple of liters of water if you can manage it.

    Don't punish yourself. You will only HATE dieting and watching what you eat. Just do your best everyday...and know your best will be different each day.

    Try to get some exercise tonight even a short walk. This will burn some extra calories and help you feel better about your food choices.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    If it were me.....I would punish myself by not eating and polishing off a glass (8 oz.) of water every hour till bed. Or I would go work out so I can eat the calories I burned exercising.

    I need to know their are consequinces for things and my tummy will figure it out when it begs for more food.

    On the other hand, you could go a healthier route like, eat only fruits and veggies the rest of the day.

    I would do the same thing. No more food until tomorrow. I really don't think it will affect metabolism to do it just one day.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    And for what it's worth I find it really helps me to have my diary be public. I may still eat things from time to time that I regret but knowing I have to put it there for all my friends to see helps keep me more on track a lot of times.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'd say it's your choice, unless you suspect that you have blood glucose issues.

    Not eating for the rest of the day won't hurt you unless you have a hypoglycemic episode. You will know if you have one because you may feel headachy, sweaty, faint, dizzy, or a little drunk. If that happens, get some orange juice down you.

    The other potential downside is that amount of hunger and restraint might just rebound and make you overeat tomorrow.

    If it was me (which in fact it was on Monday night), I would try to eat in moderation for the rest of the day and attempt to even out my calorie deficit over the course of the next week by eating just a little lower than usual. But as far as I know, there's no difference in the end result whichever route you take.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Go for a nice walk, or dance to some music when you get home. Earn some calories back so you're not quite so far over. Eat a sensible dinner and do better tomorrow!
    No time like the present to get back on track!
  • JodieLBradbury
    JodieLBradbury Posts: 38 Member
    I love brownies. You should just eat another one.
  • Rickelleplus3
    Rickelleplus3 Posts: 3 Member
    A couple of times that has happened to me, at first I washed out the day, then I tried to save what I could by eating raw veggies and broth soup. Now if I go over I walk or something to earn more calories.
    Hope that helps. Down 13 lbs.
  • marquesajen
    Have a light and sensible dinner. Work out a bit to make up for those brownies, but don't worry too much. We all mess up. Someone brought in an evil lemon loaf today, grr.r...