just counting calories no excercise ?



  • smoochypearl
    im only online because i'm in the ER..please i don't need to be judge thanks

    I'm not judging, I just said I don't buy it.

    well thanks for nothing then

    So all you got out of my original response was "I don't buy you don't have time to exercise"? Wow.

    the whole " you screwed yourself ..i don't buy that" is a little much.... clearly we all have some kind of problems if were on MFP i don't know why feel that was appropriate

    "you screwed yourself" was meant to be taken somewhat tounge in cheek. You see when you are on a sustained low calorie diet your body gets used to the low cals then freaks out when you actually feed it properly by gaining weight. Since you were on a ridiculously low cal diet, and are in fact trying to eat healthier you may end up gaining weight before you lose it on a simple low calorie diet. This was all I was trying to convey and, in fact, stated as such. You will encounter many kinds of people on MFP. I'm just one to not sugar coat things.

    well thank you again for your comments ..they are not appreciated and will not be ...regardless of how many times you try to explain yourself ....
  • ValleryK
    You can definitely lose weight without exercising.
    I've been eating healtier and ~1200kcal for 5 weeks now & I've lost ~4 kilos during that time.
    Right now I have so much energy that I actually start to WANT to work out, but finding the time is also a problem for me.

    Anyway, as I see it, food is just as important, and maybe even more important than exercise. If you eat healthy, you become healthier either way.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    well thank you again for your comments ..they are not appreciated and will not be ...regardless of how many times you try to explain yourself ....

    You really need to grow a thicker skin.
  • smoochypearl

    well thank you again for your comments ..they are not appreciated and will not be ...regardless of how many times you try to explain yourself ....

    You really need to grow a thicker skin.

    no its called being polite there were many things i could of said back to you that would have been nasty ..but factual so please save your negativity for someone else ....

    5:43am ..keep playing the no manner game with yourself..write a whole essay if you want i'm being revealed in 5mins to go home and finally sleep just to wake up at 8:00...when i come bk ill sure to skip over any comments left by you thank you and goodnight
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Nursing student here. I haven't exercised because I'm not allowed to. I am currently in therapy for my back and am only counting calories. So far, I've lost 11lbs. As a nursing student as well, you sbould know the importance of eating well and eating enough calories a day. I am on a 1510 calorie a day plan and occasionally I will be way below or a little bit above my target. I do feel ck of exercise does impede on my weight loss but it's not leaving me completely hung up to dry as I have seen progress. If you can't set time aside for exercise, take simple steps to up your fitness level during the day like taking the stairs, walking versus driving to places that are close and parking further away. Get a step counter. I love those things and it can really give you an idea of how much walking. Good luck!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    no its called being polite there were many things i could of said back to you that would have been nasty ..but factual so please save your negativity for someone else ....

    5:43am ..keep playing the no manner game with yourself..write a whole essay if you want i'm being revealed in 5mins to go home and finally sleep just to wake up at 8:00...when i come bk ill sure to skip over any comments left by you thank you and goodnight

    IF I wanted to be rude I could have EASILY. Not telling you what you wanted to hear =/= being rude, sorry to burst your bubble.
  • demhareis
    It sounds like you're thinking that "exercise" must be some sort of formal Go for a Jog for a Half-Hour sort of thing.

    Doesn't have to be, if you're living a busy life.

    If your life is so busy that there's no time to exercise, sneak it in. There are ways to increase your caloric burn throughout the day.

    Take stairs instead of elevators.
    When you walk (down the hall, from the bus stop to class, fetching the mail, grocery shopping), increase your pace.
    Do five pushups in the morning.

    Stuff like that.

    Also, quality of diet is extremely important. You will lose more weight by consuming 1800 calories of mostly fruits and vegetables than you would 800 calories of mostly starches and sugars. Adequate vitamins and minerals and fiber will ensure your body operates at optimum performance levels and you will be less tired at the end of the day.

    Oh, and skip the tea and coffee. It's not doing anyone any favours.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Sure, you can go from fat to skinny fat - no problem.
    It won;t be optimal health, but an improvement I suppose.

    And get honest about the time thing. Nobody ever came to me and said they had extra time on their hands, so they'd like to get fit.

    Nobody has time.
    But everybody has time.

    Here's the disconnect. People either make the time or they do not.
    Your fitness goals are either a priority or they are not.
    And if they are not, then failure is asured.

    That's reality.
    Make the time.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    While weight loss is basically from calorie deficit and that you CAN just lose weight from it, you increase the loss of lean muscle tissue if you don't exercise. Loss of lean muscle tissue means lowering your metabolic rate. And if for any reason you over eat (which is NOT uncommon after reaching goal) regain of weight will be much more likely. Also, it's VERY common for people who diet only to completely stall and plateau much faster than others that do it with consistent exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    this is only true if she had the muslces to began with, sense she is not currently working out then I dont see how her muscles will change
    everybody has lean body mass, and every pound of weight loss includes muscle as well as fat.
    Resistance exercise shifts those odds.
    It's the difference between success and failure at the end of the day.

    How bad do you want it?
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    One thing to think about is you can't always say when___ happens I'll have more time. I thought that when I was in school full time. Then I graduated and life got really crazy. I had family near by that wanted me to visit, got married and my husband wants to spend time together, had the money to buy all those things I wanted to do and didn't have the money for before. Then my full time job offers to pay for my masters... Yeah WAY busier now then I was going to school full time.

    Then I realized I wasn't the only one like that. The other people in my same program (same job, same type of masters) were not fat. Its because they had hobbies like rock climbing, hiking, back packing, basketball, etc.

    So I learned to make time. I have been on here for less then 10 weeks, eat a minimum of 1500 calories a day... and I'm losing quite well, I'm also getting stronger, have more energy so its becoming even easier to make time... and I worked at 9.5 hour day yesterday and had a grad school class, but I still found time to run....
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Sure, you can go from fat to skinny fat - no problem.
    It won;t be optimal health, but an improvement I suppose.

    And get honest about the time thing. Nobody ever came to me and said they had extra time on their hands, so they'd like to get fit.

    Nobody has time.
    But everybody has time.

    Here's the disconnect. People either make the time or they do not.
    Your fitness goals are either a priority or they are not.
    And if they are not, then failure is asured.

    That's reality.
    Make the time.

    Exactly. I've always liked this for "inspiration" because it's so true!

  • thepegasus
    thepegasus Posts: 54 Member
    hun best thing i can say, find out what works for you and stick to it... everyone is different and what might work for one person might not work for another...

    i suffer from chronic back pain so i CANT do alot of excercise, i go to the pool and do laps for an hour twice a week and i walk for 30/40 mins 3 times a week... thats it
    i have never been a big eatter, i put all my weight on due to medications i was on due to my back problems, and eatting the wrong types of food..
    i average around 700 to 900 calories per day (ive only been using this site since jan, just hit my 25th log in day) and ive lost 16.2 kilos since 0ct last year, so 16 kilos in 3mths... i do try and eat more but i just dont think about food and forget... and its hard to force myself to eat when im not hungry...

    when you look at the excersice i do, i would say you would do more then me on a daily basis when your at work

    if you want to add me feel free :)
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I understand exercise is good for you and burns fat but I want to know can i lose weight without exercise? I'm a nursing student and barely have time to sleep let along exercise I know when I'm finished I can start working out again but for now I'm gaining weight and really need some tips to lose it I was thinking no carbs or low carbs unprocessed food 1200 calories anyone try something close to this please and thank you
    You probably are undereating. What is your height and weight? Also hopefully you're sleeping more than 7 hours?
  • megpiemac12
    I have just started watching my calories first and eating more healthy. I do not go under 1200 a day and have lost almost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. There is an older woman at my doctor's office that just cut portions and did not exercise and lost ALOT of weight. So, yes, you can lose, but I know I feel better when I exercise also. I work alot too right now, working for a ski resort in the winter and I have a hard time trying to get some time in to exercise. I'm going to start my walking cd's again, but wanted to get the calories on track first. Good Luck to you!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    As a nursing student, you should be very aware of the differences in people's bodies not only when healthy, but especially when not healthy.

    You keep asking what everyone else is eating for calories, that has absolutely no bearing on your body.

    With no formal routine exercise really available now, perhaps just increased daily activity as many suggested, you have the easiest setup to come by.

    Use the MFP calculator for your BMR. Despite that being a calculation, it is within 10% of the vast majority of people. Unless you have slowed down your metabolism, or have thyroid problems, or take meds for thyroid and run much higher.

    Go to Home - Goals - Change - Custom - Net Daily Calories.

    Set this to your BMR figure.

    Done. Eat that much every day.

    Don't have time for exercise right now, fine, that will work for awhile too, possibly longer depending on your smarts doing the above.

    It could be as simple as that.
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    I am one of "those people" who lost a lot of weight (90lbs) without exercising and only eating 1, mostly unhealthy, meal a day.
    This was a good 15 years ago and slowly I gained all the weight back and then some. Now I'm really having a difficult time losing anything.

    I'm trying to eat my calories 1440 a day, but it's seems like really a lot of food. I'm exercising at least 30 minutes 4 days a week Treadmill, Zumba, stationary bike.... and am not eating back my calories burnt.

    How does one get over this vicious cycle? The minute I start eating...up goes the scale.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm trying to eat my calories 1440 a day, but it's seems like really a lot of food. I'm exercising at least 30 minutes 4 days a week Treadmill, Zumba, stationary bike.... and am not eating back my calories burnt.

    How does one get over this vicious cycle? The minute I start eating...up goes the scale.

    Add about a 200 cal snack before or after your workout, depending on where it fits near a meal.
    Do that for a good week. Your metabolism needs to know this in not a gift to hold onto, but a regular thing so it will start going into full burn potential.
    Then next week, add another 200, perhaps 2 meals increase by 100 each.

    So protein shake after workout or such.

    And you should expect weight to go up. If your are working out this much, and underfeeding your body, your muscles have not been getting extra energy to actually repair and get stronger.
    So while muscles should increase finally being fed, they'll help increase the metabolism even more.
  • Pavient
    I also want to lose the wt by calorie/carb restriction since I am physically challenged and very limited as to what exercises I can do. Any helpful suggestions?
  • Kina7381
    Kina7381 Posts: 58 Member
    I understand exercise is good for you and burns fat but I want to know can i lose weight without exercise? I'm a nursing student and barely have time to sleep let along exercise I know when I'm finished I can start working out again but for now I'm gaining weight and really need some tips to lose it I was thinking no carbs or low carbs unprocessed food 1200 calories anyone try something close to this please and thank you

    My schedule is really hectic too but I managed to loose 12 lbs just by counting calories (1200 daily), no exercise. But then the weight slowed down =/. So I figured I definitely needed to incorporate some kind of exercise
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I find that exercise helps me sleep better.

    Even if you don't have time to go running or whatever. Try to fit in some strengthening and flexibility. You are pretty active in your job, so you probably don't need much long form cardio.

    Doing intervals once a week will help your heart, and takes a lot less time than running at a steady state.

    And maybe when you get home in the evening, try to fit in around 15 minutes of yoga to de-stress and relax a bit. Some yoga poses are secretly strengthening exercises, things like downward dog, the chair pose and the warrior are great for strengthening your legs.

    Exercise helps you in other ways besides weight loss.