

  • vpleblanc
    vpleblanc Posts: 7 Member
    There is a difference between disappointed and discouraged. It's normal to be disappointed if we don't reach a goal. That disappointment tends to keep our resolutions on track. However, when we become discouraged it's a sign of losing hope and can lead to us giving up on our endeavors. DON"T GIVE UP!!! There are any number of reasons you're moving slowly and some of the veterans here may be able to offer some guidance. Isn't that what the site is all about?! I am having trouble meeting the calorie goal before I even do any exercise, so I'm somewhat frustrated. But since I'm new to the whole calorie counting concept, I just keep looking for tidbits of information to help me along.

    I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom to help you, but I surely can lift you up. Chin up! Keep moving forward!
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Slow and steady will win in the end when you keep the weight off. I made it a whole year and lost a total of 43 pounds - which is less than a pound a week while working out a minimum of 6 times a week (sometimes more). You got this. Keep your head up!!
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I was hoping to hear from successful people to help me be successful....sorry

    Don't be sorry...........he's just being mean! He could have at least offered you something positive or just left the post when he saw the message wasn't what he wanted to see.........People are getting really rediculous on here............who cares where you post something..........we are all here to help one another..........Good luck sweetie and for what its worth......I agree with the other posters....I think you may have to up your calories:bigsmile:

    Then why have subforums at all? Why not have all posts in one big forum? Think about why that might not be a great idea.
  • caroline_is_fine
    Don't be discouraged!! That is actually great progress, I think that maybe our bodies, at first, it's hard for them to change from not eating healthy to eating healthy..so it may take a little while for your body to understand what is going on. Also, zumba is GREAT! I love it and am a huge supporter of the exercise, however; our bodies get used to the work outs we do if we are only doing one type of exercise and will stop burning as many calories as you would if you were switching it up. So maybe try throwing something in the mix, maybe an eliptical, or a bike, running, or something like that! But def don't stop doing zumba, maybe just throw something else in the mix to surprise your body! Also, all the trainers at the gym I work out at tell me that I need to be mixing some strength training into my exercise, and preferrably its better to do this first or in the middle instead of last, because at some point in time of our exercise our bodies go into a major fat burning session, so if we start off with strength training and then end with cardio, we will be burning the maximum amount of fat and calories during our workout. For me though, it is hard to do strength training first,so i will do like 15 mins on an eliptical, then strength train, and then finish up with some other form of cardio.
    You are doing great, I have to pray for strength daily, but so far, with God's help completley, I have lost 37 pounds. You can do it! Never give up, there will be hard times, but you can get through them...with God's help...He LOVES to help us, especially when we depend on Him. Hope this helps! Small goals are the key! Also, have a cheat day...try to only have 1..but it keeps you onboard!
  • kaylammurphy
    Not really important where it is, just so long as people get the help they need :)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Take measurements!
    And try upping your calories and making sure you eat back your exercise cals :)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I found this great article that makes a lot of sense. It's a fantastic explanation with tips and tools to determine what is really going on when the scale won't budge AND HOW TO FIX IT. I will be referring to it when my scale get "sticky"... and it will.

  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    It's okay to feel discouraged, I did during my training :grumble:

    I used to weigh 75+ kg and I was only 16 years old! Now I am 19 and 56 - 57kg :smile:

    Keep in there! There are plenty of motivational people out there willing to help and I certainly am too!!

    The easiest way that I found to be motivational is to listen to upbeat music and it gets me into the mood to exercise. Sometimes I have my down days too where all I do is drink water and make sure my calorie intake is around 1200-1500 p/day.

    Just remember, there are alot of people out there that are feeling the same wayy you are! :happy:
  • CherrySunday
    Try not to get discouraged. In my experience whenever I've hit a no loss period, it's because either I haven't been eating back my calories enough OR I've needed to change up my workout routine. You have to remember that your body adapts to activities after awhile, you either need to ramp it up (intensity) or move onto some other activity.
  • onmyway31
    Also, this board is for Success Stories. Your post would be better received in the "Motivation & Support" board.

    What? This is the Motivation and Support message board! When I look to where she posted it say "Motivation and Support" right at the top of this page. Stop being so mean and so quick to give a negative response...
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Also, this board is for Success Stories. Your post would be better received in the "Motivation & Support" board.

    What? This is the Motivation and Support message board! When I look to where she posted it say "Motivation and Support" right at the top of this page. Stop being so mean and so quick to give a negative response...

    The thread was moved to this forum after he posted that.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    Also, this board is for Success Stories. Your post would be better received in the "Motivation & Support" board.

    I can't believe as an Officer in the Airforce you would post "Also, this board is for Success Stories. Your post would be better received in the "Motivation & Support" board"

    many people support you and what you do for this country no matter where the forum tends to be.

    Also, Thanks for all you do..
