Weight loss pills?



  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I'm currently taking adipex aka Phetermine 37.5 under the supervision of my doctor. While a lot of people say that diet pills don't work, these work with proper diet & exercise. They're not a miracle pill, they just help suppress your appetite, and make it easier to stay within your calorie goals. Though there is no 'miracle pill' these do help keep your appetite in check, and make it easier to lose weight, but remember it's a prescription drug, and should only be taken while under the care of your family physician.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I wouldn't use any of that stuff! It is filled with so many extra toxins that you are only ripping your insides apart. I have been using Herbalife for 5 months now and I love my lifestyle. I am down 26 pounds and 18 1/2 inches. I have gone from a size 22 to 14/16. I have tons of energy, I don't get sick and most of all I can keep up with my kids! This is the best I have felt in years. It is all natural and made up of only food! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :happy:

    herbalife? wow, all the issues with that stuff scared me away long ago. bad enough the founder of the company died in his 40s from "an accidental overdose". How many lawsuits has herbalife settled?

    Glad you're doing well with it. But seriously, be wary of the side effects and long term ones.

    Herbalife: It's such a scam. Total scam for people that work for that company and have to sell it to all their friends and family. I refuse to stand up for a company that operates like that.

    I have tried the hebalife meal replacement shakes, seemed to work quite well, a friend of mine had them and I did it for about a week. I lost like 2 lbs that week. I have never heard anything at all about that company before trying this. What's the scam? just curious.
    Also about the diet pills, I have tried some.. I can't remember what it was called...I think one was the acai berry pills and I don't remember the other but they "seemed" to work..keep in mind that I took them while dieting and exercising so it may have just been all a mental thing. Either way, haven't taken the pills in months and I'm still losing so that shows that dieting and exercising alone WILL help you lose weight.
    Lastly, I know there is no "magic" pill, but does anyone know anything that is supposed to work good for metabolism? I have a very slow metabolism... so that makes it a bit harder to lose weight then other people.

    I was introduced to Herbalife in 2009 before I had my last child. Since she's been born(2010) I have lost 155 lbs using Herbalife products. It dosen't matter what "weight loss program" you are on it is still your decision what you put in your mouth. I could use Herbalife and still not see results if I don't watch what goes in. Plan and simple. Herbalife is not a scam, it does work, as long as you do your part too.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I use Healthe-Trim - I am not using it so that I can eat whatever I want - I am using it to help control the cravings while I learn the proper way to eat and start controlling my portion sizes. I also take days and weeks off of it. I realize that I am not going to lose 40 pounds in one month - there is not a miracle pill - but I know I need help to control my cravings and to get my sluggish metabolism moving. Healthe Trim does that.
  • saraann752003
    I first want to say, I consulted my doctor before I started taking supplements, but in conjunction with my current training schedule (x-fit class 4 times a week), my current diet (Paleo)... I also take GNC's abcutter... I used to be on just an aerobic exercise kick and was taking it then as well and have been on a steady weight loss journey.

    I will say that when I discussed this with my doctor, she said to me, she didn't know if it would work, but that the ingredients included what was equivalent to the fish oil I was taking and that if I choose to take the abcutter, I should stop taking the fish oil.

    I don't get jittery, and it's not technically a diet pill, but I do feel more full with less food.

    Hope this helps!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Lifestyle change to your Diet and Exercise is the only true lasting answer to maintained weight loss.

    Warning... If anyone is to try "Phentermine" please note that it can be habit forming and addictive. It is an amphetamine and psychostimulant that should be taken under a doctors supervision as it can have severe side effects and is not recommended in specific cases. And usually only prescribed in rare cases where patients are at an increased medical risk due to their weight. You do NOT want to take this on your own without some medical supervision especially if you have high blood pressure.
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    In the past I had success with Hydroxycut, Xenadrine and most recently with OxyPro Elite. I am not recommending this path. I would use these to lose wirght right before a weigh in (military) and then would immediately put the weight back on until right before the next weigh in.
    I am tring to be smart this time. I am getting older and the crash diet stuff is harder and harder to do!!!
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I have never taken weight loss pills and never will. Not sure if they work or not....but guessing not. If they did, I don't think there would be so many overweight people. But even if they do.....what happens when you stop taking them? If your body needs them to lose weight, won't it all come back when you stop?

    I don't agree with those food diet plans either, like Jenny Craig and Nurtra System. Great. You lose weight when you eat THEIR food. What happens when you buy REAL food?

    So, I guess I'm losing weight and getting fit the old fashion way........changing what goes into my body (mostly how much....really haven't cut anything out of my diet) and exercising.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I have lost more weight and inches just following MFP than I ever did on any pill. People use pills as a crutch.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What is the opinion for the "ultimate fat burner" apparently this product has all natural health ingredients :huh:
    The "ultimate fat burner" is just another caffeine pill scam as are they all.

    Except for the ones proven effective like ephedrine, yohimbine, clenbuterol, cytomel, DNP etc etc
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I have lost more weight and inches just following MFP than I ever did on any pill. People use pills as a crutch.


    Guess I'm confused. People are saying they take pills along with proper diet and exercise. What are the pills doing? If you watch your caloric intake and exercise to burn the calories off......why do you need a pill?
  • synthetiquecindy
    EC is quite effective

    Goodness. I don't think the average person should stack... But it is quite effective when pairs with a proper exercise regimen, clean eating and lots of water lol!. :)
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member

    People are such haters on here..don't mind them :) People who JUDGE others have something obviously going on in their own life, because in my opinion its never our place to Judge. They make ASSUMPTIONS that diet pills are an excuse and a way out and cheaitng ETC ETC well thats not always the case. Of course I'm sure theres a handful of people whoa re lazy and want to resort to everything but putting efffort but thats not everyone.

    Seriously? You wear brown pants every day and leave a trail of poo behind you. Do what you want. If you want to take pills that make you leave poo everywhere go ahead. I have light tan seats in my Jeep and that would be a disaster.

    Haters or not, but for those people on MFP that take a drug that makes a poo mess, go for it. Just think of your insides on traditional diet drugs...gross. If there was a magic pill obesity would not exist in the US.

    I have been taking Alli for four months now and have not had a single problem with it, and I wear a white lab coat all day long. Unless you have taken it and have had a bad experience with it, please don't bash people for using it or considering it. This then brings me to the next point, the only reason you would have "poo trailing you" is if you think that you can eat what you want and that this pill will magically erase it. It doesn't work that way. You suffer the consequences if you don't do as you are supposed to.
  • mtbiker1069
    mtbiker1069 Posts: 62 Member
    When it comes to diet pills drugs like Fen-Phen and Hydroxycut come to mind. The supposed "miracle" weight loss pills or shakes that after a few years of use wind up killing people or leading to liver damage, ect.

    IMO, You don't know exactly what's in the different diet "supplements" or drugs, so no telling what kind of damage it will do to your body after use, and I don't want to be the one that finds out that, opps, this new version of hydroxycut or what ever drug your taking has led to liver disease, cancer or something else. Being fat is unhealthy enough so I choose to not make it worse by adding chemicals to the mix.

    Eating natural, healthy and organic non-processed food, with exercise and proper hydration not only is safer but leads to a life long change in your lifestyle that is sustainable for the long run..
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    i took phentermine! it worked awesome! it helped my metabolism, it gave me energy to workout and was a great appetite suppresant! Warning: this pill can become addictive as it makes you feel great....it is to only be used for short-term. i only used it for about 8 weeks as i was aware it could become addictive.........But it gave me the boost to start my weight-loss and i was able to finish losing all on my own.

    i then became pregnant and ten months later, here i am taking it again for that initial boost and so far i'm down 8 pounds in 5 weeks, but its not a fix all.......but definitely a motivator

    Gonna have to second this one. I took it the first time not realizing how it worked, and dropped 30lbs *bam* just like that. Gained it all back and then some. Tried it a second time thinking I'd use it as a starter....and now I'm just doing it the hard way.

    I'm going to vote with the rest of the folks that it's hard to do it the honest way, but the postive note is that YOU did it ALL BY YOURSELF.
  • leanmachinedream
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    Pills simply don't work. Lots of things that might help temporarily but only changing patterns works longer term. Might as well binge and purge as trying some type of diet pill.

    and right out of the box you get negative comments. Never ceases to amaze me.

    Why do you think that is? It's stupid to think anyone on here, with an OUNCE of intelligent will agree with using a diet pill. It's insulting to everyone here who works their *kitten* off every day to lose weight and it's a huge waste of time. Be "amazed" all you want but you must not pay much attention around here if you really think anyone would have something positive to say about diet pills.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I quit using weight loss pills when I discovered this;

    AOQILI is a unique soap made from the elixirs of undersea plants, including rare seaweed.The record of the healing and slimming property of seaweed has existed for over 400 years in the East. The soap not only provides natural skin care in bath,but the unique qualities are its defeating agents which penetrate to the subcutaneous layer to assist in the elimination of fat layers.It contains many kinds of trace elements,vitamins and minerals,which reduce the accumulation of series fluid and estrange the skin.Given some time, you will be surprised to find that your body has become slender and you skin more tender.Even when used on highly sensitive skin,it causes neither stimulation nor ache.In your weight reduction program whenever you take a shower,you will enjoy a superb skin care and a delightful fragrance!It makes you weight control simple, convenient,and relaxed.This product has been widely reported in the US media and programs such as Prime Time,A Current Affair,and Hard Copy.
  • mtbiker1069
    mtbiker1069 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh, and by the way, don't let the "All natural" label on pills and supplements fool you. Lot's of poisions, like Cyanide, are "All natural"....
  • leanmachinedream
    For everyone wanting phentermine just go to the shadiest part of town and buy a few speedballs. Or since you really don't care about your body, go big and get some coke. No prescription needed and you get the same amount of energy! Works great for those who can't swallow pills easily. Or find some geeky little kid in high school selling his adderall. It's the same thing all around.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    What is the opinion for the "ultimate fat burner" apparently this product has all natural health ingredients :huh:
    The "ultimate fat burner" is just another caffeine pill scam as are they all.

    Except for the ones proven effective like ephedrine, yohimbine, clenbuterol, cytomel, DNP etc etc
    clenbuterol? Horse medicine? You're citing banned, illegal substances along side other addictive herbs and such?
    Come on man...it's about health - not what will enhance performance at the expense of health.

    I am surprised you would advocate this.
  • yoli830
    Alli works good !!
    Oh sure, if you want to leave a trail like a snail....

    Lol. Hilariously disgusting, and true! One of my former coworkers (and now friend) had been taking Alli for a few months and decided it wasn't working fast enough so she started doubling up on her dose. Well one day we all had to stay late for an audit meeting and our manager ordered pizza and she ate some. And 20 minutes later she didn't quite make it to the bathroom. SO GROSS!!! But she learned her lesson and to this day we still laugh about it.
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