The Paranormal



  • elcyclista
    Oh man creepyyyy. Was that face like finger-drawn in the condensed steam on mirror? I'm afraid of showering with hot water now haha.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Oh man creepyyyy. Was that face like finger-drawn in the condensed steam on mirror? I'm afraid of showering with hot water now haha.

    Yeah! I'll do a quick doodle on my computer and post what it looked like... so weird!
  • elcyclista
    You got to see it?! D:
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    I'll be plugging my night light in tonight
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I believe in ghosts and had quite a few experiences with them from the age of eight until early adulthood. My last experience was when I was 19 or 20. Nothing since, and a part of me misses that.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    You got to see it?! D:

    Thank goodness no! LOL! He showed us in the bathroom (of the new house he lived in)
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    I believe in ghosts and had quite a few experiences with them from the age of eight until early adulthood. My last experience was when I was 19 or 20. Nothing since, and a part of me misses that.

    experiences like what? :D
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I believe in ghosts and had quite a few experiences with them from the age of eight until early adulthood. My last experience was when I was 19 or 20. Nothing since, and a part of me misses that.

    experiences like what? :D

    I won't go into them all for now, as it would take quite a while, but I'll pick out a few key experiences, all quite different, to give you an idea.

    The first time I saw a ghost was when I was eight, and in a church. Typical. There was a scrawny, grey figure sitting on the stairs - a young teenager in rags - holding his hands out with palms outstretched as though he was begging for food. I was at a youth club there and I went to get staff who said they could tell something was there, but couldn't see a boy. Eventually, they asked me to move away but I was allowed into the back room where records are kept whilst they talked me through what I'd seen.

    Then there were smaller incidents growing up - seeing shadows drifting along corridors in the house, pockets of cold air where they shouldn't have been. There was the time I was sitting talking with my mum in her bedroom, when we were in the house alone, and a man coughed right in our ears as though his head was directly between ours. We both heard it clearly, of course.

    There was an occasion when we were having a BBQ when my sister was a toddler, and things kept going missing from the garden during the day. Eventually, my sister turned and asked us, "Who is the man you've invited, in all the black clothes and the big hat?". Obviously nobody was there.

    There was an occasion when I was in bed, asleep, and was woken with a start. I then sat up, saw a shadow at the end of my bed that I knew wasn't human, lay back down to ignore it and felt the blanket move before someone sat down on my leg. They weren't heavy, but they were definitely solid enough to feel. It wasn't sleep paralysis or anything, they lowered their body onto my leg. I didn't look back - just stayed lying down - and they sort of dissipated a few seconds later. It wasn't that it felt they stood up - just that they left.

    Another occasion was when my brother and I both woke on the same night with a nightmare. He said his was about a fire in a house, and mine had been as well. I asked him not to tell me any more, but to go away and draw the room the fire had been in, in as much detail as he could. He came back with a room drawn the same as the one I'd done.

    We tried the EVP thing once, and heard a young boy's voice but couldn't make out the words. My very youngest brother years later was scared to be left in a room on his own because there was always a boy around that he didn't recognise, and my last experience was in student halls when I was 19/20 and helping a friend clean all the flats once people had left for the summer. I felt like I was being watched in one of the flats and could tell something wasn't right, and when I broached the subject with my friend he told me that about five years before someone had got drunk and fallen from that flat's window and died.

    Since that day, nothing.
  • Trinketona
    Yeesss....I get scared just remembering. It was back in 2003 I was living with my then husband, we would always sleep with the radio on and every-time we were (u know, lol) the music would go off. Back then I also worked the night shift at Wendys. From 4pm to 4am n he would go to work at 5 am so we would rarely see each other. For about a month I would always wake up so out of breath. I would dream I was drowning so I would hold my breath and it would take me a good 30 minutes to be back to normal. Also the faucet in the kitchen sink would turn on. I started sleeping in the living room in case I saw anything I could book it lol Well one day I was trying to sleep on the couch on the living room and when I woke up there was a little baby boy in his walker trying to reach for something on the table. I think it was a boy because it was wearing blue. I didn't have any kids. So that scared to the point I froze and I kinda just slumped back into the couch not being able to get up and right by head I heard a loud ripping noise like the kind u hear when fabric is being ripped. I started crying and couldn't move so I laid there just praying and finally fell asleep. when I woke up I was staring at the bathroom door and I opened all the way. Thank the Lord I was able to get up and ran outside. My heart almost came out of my chest and from that day I was never there by myself. I would go sleep at my parents house until my husband would get home from work. Scarrryyyy!!! :sad:
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member

    This is what it looked like
  • Trinketona

    The thing I saw had a very pale face, and it didn't seem to have any eyes. Or maybe it did have eyes but they were black.

    So I shut My eyes again but this time I fell asleep while that thing was out there. XD

    you went to sleep?
    I would of been paralysed with fear

    lol Same here!!! As soon as I was able to run I would of booked it.
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Who ya gonna call?:laugh:
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    When I was younger, I was sleeping upstairs, which was right beside the attic. I hated the attic. I would always see things move around in my room and in my parents room next to me.

    One night it was storming, of course, and I was asleep and I started to see this ball of light forming to the left of me. My eyes were closed but I could see the light forming across the room. It got bigger and bigger. Then it started to come at me and then went through me and I could feel the heat of it.

    After it passed through I was able to open my eyes and sat up screaming but no sound came out. I lay back down and then a black shadow figure came out from the wall over me, and it's like they were leaning over me. It had messy hair, red slitted eyes, and even though it was a dark shadow I could see it had sharp pointed teeth. It then spoke and said, "I'm going to get you." It laughed and then disappeared back into the wall. I sat up and looked at the wall, and with the lightening I didn't cast a shadow then finally a few seconds later my shadow was there. And I was able to scream.

    Another thing that was cool, I was able to float down the stairs. I would stand at the top, close my eyes and could feel the ground leave my feet. I would open my eyes and I would be a stair or two down. And I would keep doing that til I was almost at the bottom.

    Another time I was having a birthday slumber party. we lived in the country and we had a dog. He usually slept right in front of the garage door, in the hallway directly across from my parents bedroom. I had lots of friends over so we slept in my parents room. I saw his form and his glowing eyes in front of the garage door so I was calling him in the room but he just layed there blinking. Finally my mom yelled at us and asked what we were doing. I said I was trying to call the dog. She said he's in the room with her. We freaked right out and moved away from the door and didn't look again.

    The last time I had an experience I was using a ouija board with friends. And we asked if the spirit would make itself known. It just said soon. A few days later my mom tried to overdose on her meds. My friend and I went to go rent a movie and came back and my mom had moved from the couch to my bedroom. So I thought whatever. Put the movie on and watched it. My younger brother came home and watched the movie with us. the phone started ringing so I told my brother to go answer the phone. He came back and said, someone said to call an ambulance for mom. I asked who was it, and he said he didn't know.

    So we called and ambulance, and right when they were wheeling her out the door, a couple missionaries from our church walked through our door and asked what was going on and they had been driving around and had the strong urge to come over.

    I still don't know who called to say to call an ambulance, because wouldn't it have been easier for them to call one themselves if my mom had overdosed? I still think it was a guardian angel. If we hadn't called when we did, my mom wouldn't have made it.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    When I was younger, I was sleeping upstairs, which was right beside the attic. I hated the attic. I would always see things move around in my room and in my parents room next to me.

    One night it was storming, of course, and I was asleep and I started to see this ball of light forming to the left of me. My eyes were closed but I could see the light forming across the room. It got bigger and bigger. Then it started to come at me and then went through me and I could feel the heat of it.

    After it passed through I was able to open my eyes and sat up screaming but no sound came out. I lay back down and then a black shadow figure came out from the wall over me, and it's like they were leaning over me. It had messy hair, red slitted eyes, and even though it was a dark shadow I could see it had sharp pointed teeth. It then spoke and said, "I'm going to get you." It laughed and then disappeared back into the wall. I sat up and looked at the wall, and with the lightening I didn't cast a shadow then finally a few seconds later my shadow was there. And I was able to scream.

    Another thing that was cool, I was able to float down the stairs. I would stand at the top, close my eyes and could feel the ground leave my feet. I would open my eyes and I would be a stair or two down. And I would keep doing that til I was almost at the bottom.

    Another time I was having a birthday slumber party. we lived in the country and we had a dog. He usually slept right in front of the garage door, in the hallway directly across from my parents bedroom. I had lots of friends over so we slept in my parents room. I saw his form and his glowing eyes in front of the garage door so I was calling him in the room but he just layed there blinking. Finally my mom yelled at us and asked what we were doing. I said I was trying to call the dog. She said he's in the room with her. We freaked right out and moved away from the door and didn't look again.

    The last time I had an experience I was using a ouija board with friends. And we asked if the spirit would make itself known. It just said soon. A few days later my mom tried to overdose on her meds. My friend and I went to go rent a movie and came back and my mom had moved from the couch to my bedroom. So I thought whatever. Put the movie on and watched it. My younger brother came home and watched the movie with us. the phone started ringing so I told my brother to go answer the phone. He came back and said, someone said to call an ambulance for mom. I asked who was it, and he said he didn't know.

    So we called and ambulance, and right when they were wheeling her out the door, a couple missionaries from our church walked through our door and asked what was going on and they had been driving around and had the strong urge to come over.

    I still don't know who called to say to call an ambulance, because wouldn't it have been easier for them to call one themselves if my mom had overdosed? I still think it was a guardian angel. If we hadn't called when we did, my mom wouldn't have made it.

    The last story is amazing... seriously...
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Who ya gonna call?:laugh:

    THE BARTENDER???? lol :drinker:
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    Not to me personally but to my friend

    she phoned me up one night at about 9pm and asked me if I could go and stay at hers
    her fan had turned itself on she turned it off
    the cooker hood in the kitchen was on - she hadnt used the cooker
    and there were noises

    so I went to stay at hers and we all slept in the one room
    I had her bed
    she and her two young boys shared a mattress on the floor and the baby had her cot

    nothing untoward happened while I was there
    but when her husband got home some of his tools were in the wrong places (the boys could not reach them)

    we were sure the house just didnt want them to leave - it was on the market to be sold
  • chaoticxinsane

    This is what it looked like

    You win the internet. XD
  • elcyclista

    This is what it looked like

    Wow you drew that? Haha that is hilarious I love it. XD
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member

    This is what it looked like

    Wow you drew that? Haha that is hilarious I love it. XD

    Haha yah! XD quick doodle on wacom... maybe I should do my posts like this from now on xD
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member

    This is what it looked like

    You win the internet. XD

    Looool <3