The Paranormal



  • chaoticxinsane

    Hello fellow wacom user. XD

  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    LOL! <3 Hello other fellow wacom user <3
  • grimmaster1983
    had a few things,
    when i was 18 i was asleep and dreaming that i was looking over myself sleeping, but there was this young boy with old clothes on pushing at me telling me to wake up, then suddenly i woke up and the moment i opened my eyes i saw this young boys face, cracked lips dark eyes everything, followed by a huge bang (was so loud my father shouted at me to stop slamming doors lol)
    i didnt sleep for weeks after that,

    another time i was with a friend near a park it was late and the entrance to the park had a arch of trees, well were sitting there and there is this eerie white "thing" moving inbetween the trees, we were so scared we couldnt move, then suddenly a black "thing" passed through it .. like two spirits battling lol .. yeah we got on our bikes and didnt stop.. i thought my heart was going to explode..
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    We have some friends who live on an old railway site. They built the house on the vacant land. Their diningroom wall has a face in it (plasterboard), so they decided to paint over it. The face came through again so they painted again, same thing. They then wallpapered over it, the face came through, and so then they put wood panelling over it and the face came through again. They are at peace with it now, it doesn't matter what they do, the face is there to stay. They also regularly hear kids running up and down the stairs giggling, and through the kitchen. My husband and I have both heard the kids... He's seen them (!) when he was a child, thinking that they had friends over...

    When I was a kid there was a little space behind our school library where the older kids would hang out. It wasn't in use, because the door had been painted shut about 20 years previously. It was properly sealed! Stupidly, we were dabbling in ouiji, and the door flung open when we asked if there was anyone there. Picture half a dozen 10 year old girls, screaming the school down and running in 6 directions LOL. Will never forget that! Of course, we were called to the principals office demanding to know how we got the door open. We were too scared to explain!!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Def a believer!

    I work overnights in a hospital lab. There are often a lot of sounds and such going on, but I've been here for almost 5 years so I know them all by heart. One night I was in the blood bank, putting units of blood away in the fridge (sounds creepy I'm sure lol), my upper body was in the fridge so someone would have to be close for me to hear them call me or something. So as I'm doing this, I hear what sounds like my female coworker say, "HeyAllie", both words like put into 1. So I turned around, and said yeah? No one was there. So I went into the lab next door and the person I thought it was, was sitting at a computer, obviously nowhere near me. I asked her if she had come into the blood bank and she said no.. Kinda weird.
    Also sometimes I swear I feel someone passing behind me, or shadows out of the corner of my eye.. Doesn't help that the morgue is on the floor above us!
  • veepie
    veepie Posts: 103
    ...never had anything or seen anything or felt anything. Only thing remotely paranormal was when I went with my friend to see a medium and she told my friend that she had a ghost attached to her. I said where....and she replied with this weird look "...They don;t like to be near you...when you leave it will come back".....I am so sceptical...but being told spirits dont like me doesnt bother ,me one bit. Kinda like the peace and quiet.
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    I've 3 spooky stories!

    1) When I was little apparently my mams uncle and I got on really well, he passed away when i was maybe 3.. my dad told me he came into my room to check on me and saw me talking to a playing with someone and there was no one there but me, ask me who i was playing with, i don't think i answered him just kept playing, then one day my dad was sat down going through a photo album and i pointed out my mams uncle, saying daddy thats who i was playing with!

    2) My Nanny told me when she was pregnant with my Aunty, her dad (my great granddad) was so excited about the new babys arrival!
    he unfortunately passed before her birth, but one night when her and granddad were in bed and my Auntie was in her crib, my granddad went to the toilet, and my nanny said her dad walked into the room, he smiled at her and walked over to my Aunty blessed her on the head and then was gone... when my granddad came back into the room my nanny told him what had happened and my granddad laughed it off, the next night my great granddad came back and smiled at them both, blessed my Aunty one more time and then was gone.. (I think that seemed kinda like he came back to prove to my granddad that he had been there) :)

    3) Most recent: Last summer (2011)

    keep in mind My husbands dad passed away 8 years ago, well My nephew came up to his mam one day and said, i have two granddads now, she hadn't told him about her dad yet because he's still very young. she asked him oh do you? whats his name? and He said my granddad christy he has red hair like uncle paul! and she was so freaked out!
  • a_robinson86
    a_robinson86 Posts: 55 Member
    Bump I love these stories!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Right, now that I'm off work and back to the land of bed, I remembered something else that I never quite link with all my other 'ghost' experiences mentioned earlier in this thread, and that's because it happened when I was so young and doesn't quite feel like a ghostly experience. It's the most personal one, though, just all muddled in my mind and very 'real'.

    My grandma died of cancer when I was young, on the same day as my great-grandma. For the year or so that followed, I apparently used to sit on the swing and talk to her. Looking back, all this is a little blurry. I do remember conversations with my grandma on the swings in the garden and in her bedroom, but I was convinced these were when she was alive - I've been told otherwise. Anyway, I've had a very clear memory all my life of an occasion when both my grandma and great-grandma were in the same hospital at the same time, close to the end of their life. In this memory, we're walking along the corridor on the way to visit my great grandma. There's a room she spends a lot of her time in, and it's furnished with brown seats and a fish tank. Today, we go in and she's not there. We walk out to reception and ask where she is, and we're told that unfortunately she's passed away. I went through most of my life believing this was a genuine memory, until I was around 18 years old and was told I'd never been to that hospital. I described the corridor and room to my mum who said my description was perfect. Later, I found out that final journey was the one my grandma took to look for her mum. Once she found our her mum had gone (which she did ALONE by going to the room then asking at reception), she returned to her own hospital bed and let her own life end. I wasn't there, but I remember that whole journey. I also recall an occasion when I went upstairs to see grandma in bed as a toddler - she was lying fairly still, turned to me and said 'tell them I'm gone'. I went downstairs to where my mum and aunts were, and they were all crying in the living room - I gave them the message and they said "we know". I don't recall them ever questioning how I knew, but I was particularly confused for some time after because I was sure grandma had been at home, but she'd actually been in hospital for weeks and had just passed away.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member

    This is what it looked like

    LMAO, love it! :drinker:

    Great thread... keeping me entertained during a dull Friday in the office. Keep 'em coming :)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Yes, I believe - had a few things happen throughout my life, as well as family members around me. Moving things, water turning on by itself, whisperings.

    Believe it or not, my husband also sees spirits, I kid you not. He's helped quite a few people connect with loved ones, he is a certified hypnotherapist, and has also done some past-life regressions.

    Imo, life doesn't stop when our bodies do, this is just one part of our journey.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I don`t believe in ghosts as the disembodied spirits of the dead however I do believe in a supernatural consisting of angels and demons that may at times make their presence known and interact with people.

    I have lived all my life in a house built in 2 sections during the 1800s and less then a 10th of a mile from where I sit is a cemetery,in what is now woods that dates back to 1816 and on up to the 1850s.
    Never once have I seen or heard any kind of strange or supernatural activity here.

    As for the ghost shows on now,I do watch them and find them entertaining but it is clear that the hosts are also acting a bit in their reactions to enhance the affect.
    I have to be honest and say that when they play the tapes of "voices" they hear they seldom sound like anything to me except static.
    If they didn`t put words on the screen that they are trying to make one believe was spoken there is seldom if ever anything intelligible.

    I am certainly not denying that people have seen or experienced things,just I don`t believe the source of them are ghosts.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I can't even read the replies to this thread! I am a chicken **** when it comes to the paranormal! I totally believe in ghosts and such - Because if I say I don't believe they are going to come and PROVE to me that they exists. Same goes for aliens!! **stop laughing**
  • a_robinson86
    a_robinson86 Posts: 55 Member
    I've had a few weird experiences in my life, only a few really stick out though.

    About 9 years ago I asked my then boyfriend (he's my husband now!) to move in with me at my family's house because he was having a few issues at home. We went round his parents house one day whilst a lot of people were out to pick up a few of his things, he was downstairs in the kitchen trying to find something and left me in the bedroom he used to share with his brother. I was just standing looking out of the window when I felt something touch me on my elbow, I turned round strait away because I thought it might have been the dog (I wasn't too keen on him! lol) but it wasn't, there was no-one behind me at all! That freaked me out a bit so I asked my boyfriend to hurry up so we could leave! lol

    On another occasion a few years later we were lying in bed watching T.V and I had a couple of candles lit on top of the T.V, they suddenly just flew off the T.V and one of them hit my leg! I mean I can understand the vibrations of the T.V causing them to fall off, but to have them actually fly off and one of them hit me?! Very creepy!

    One of the worst occasions I can remember was when we first moved out after my eldest son was born, we had quite a few problems in that house. It was a relatively new house (built in 1980's-1990's) but there were quite a lot of noises I couldn't explain, one night when we'd only been there for a few days we heard this really loud scream coming from the landing right next to my sons room, we looked but there was obviously no-one there. My husband had a few experiences himself, he woke up one night because he could hear someone walking around in our bedroom, whatever it was had noticed he'd heard it and walked over to the bed next to him and was standing there until my husband drifted off to sleep again! One night he was bathing my son and had took him into his bedroom to dry him off and get him ready for bed, he was having fun with him and he heard someone walk up the stairs and he obviously thought it was me so he shouted out for me to come and see what my son was doing but there was no response so he opened the door but no-one was there, he come downstairs and asked me if I had just come upstairs but I had been in the kitchen cleaning my son's bottles! Then there were other nasty things like we kept discovering nasty scratches on my son (he was only 5 months old when we moved in so he was a little baby) we checked his finger nails and inside his cot but there was nothing sharp in there so that's when I really started getting scared. Some days I would stand at the bottom of the stairs and just stare up at the top, I couldn't see anything but I felt frozen like I couldn't move, I started making any excuse possible to get out of the house then when the 6 month tenancy came to an end we decided it best not to renew it and just get the hell outta there! When we moved into the next house I felt like a huge weight had been lifted, I still had nightmares about the first house for quite a while though!

    I have more experiences, but they're the without a doubt the worst so far!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Totally believe. My husband I took a ghost hunting course for our honeymoon actually!!! I'm somewhat obsessed with the paranormal. There's just too many things that can't be easily explained away you know??

    LOVE this thread!!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I was a tarot reader and got messages for people but kept getting woken up at night by large black shadows over my bed so stopped and they went away I never charge but even I was seriously spooked by the messages I got through that meantt nothing to me when i got feedback I was like wow

    There are alot of pretend readers who will rip us off though x

    Spirits are left energy from us when we pass over,I have had many things happen to me too many to list and too many to be explained as not spiritual x
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    My old house was a bit creepy, we found an old Nazi soldier passport under the floorboards. Very old creaky house and I can't really remember much stuff but, the mirror that was hooked onto the wall in two places decided to lever itself up and fall off smashing, the hooks were still in place... ooooo.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I go through phases of believing, but I remain a skeptic. There have been a few things that have happened...I tend to explain them away though like - when I was young, maybe 12 or 13 I had this stereo that would turn itself on at random times during the day and night, crank up to full blast, turn back down and shut back off. I couldn't do anything to interfere with it, turning the volume knob was useless...the only thing that would stop it was unplugging it.
    Staying at my grandparents house there have been several occasions I've heard really loud bangs and noises. No one else was in the house with me, and when I went to investigate everything was normal. Also, in the same house I came home to find a door open that I knew I had shut, and I know no one else was in the room
    The place I lived last year had quite a few things happen, like a dish falling out of a cabinet and breaking when no one was anywhere near it, loud bangs on a door, and only a little while later that night doors slamming (but all the doors were open just a minute afterwards when 2 of us went to check it out). One of my housemates swears she saw someone standing down the hall....
    That kind of stuff.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I used to do paranormal investigation. I have seen, recorded, and experienced a few things that lead me to believe there's a lot out there we just don't understand. I absolutely don't believe these experiences to be mystical. And it's only scary because it's outside of what we perceive as normal. We simply don't have the science to make these things concrete and logical to our human brains. I kinda hope I'm around when someone is able to explain this stuff.

    In my investigations, a lot of people took comfort in learning that the voices or sounds waking them up from a sleep, has a name and is a very common condition. Hypnagogia. It's the same thing that causes your muscles or a limb to jerk and wake you up.

    Other *really* common reports people had that were "paranormal" were having the sensation of someone or something sitting on their chest making it so they could not get up during sleep. Sleep paralysis helped explain the "unseen forces" and night terrors or different parts of the brain essentially "waking" in a dream but being unable to move. Sometimes people just feel better when they feel they understand it.

    My point: if it is scary to you too, try to find real-world reasons for these things before immediately categorizing it as supernatural. When my son woke one night to a room full of people wandering around and passing through a closed door, I was immediately freaked out. But then I remembered his history of night terrors as a baby and that his dad is a sleep-walker. My son has a medical reason that he's able to walk around during a sleep hallucination. He's comforted in knowing there's a reason this happens to him from time to time.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Great now it's least I forgot about food while I got scared!
    And here's something interesting and true -
    On Tuesday am I had vascular surgery on one of my legs. I went in with naturally low B.Pressure.
    The anesthetic lowered it get to the point they had trouble finding a pulse for me and the emergency team with a crash cart came to help. then the priest came.
    I was pretty certain things were not looking good for me. Understatement.
    Although the team were all franticly working on me around the bed. the head of ICU was calmly standing beside me holding my hand and smiling. In between giving orders he told me he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Everyone else in the room looked like black shadows, and he looked like he was in a tunnel with a really bright light behind him.
    I told him about it the next day, he said in a tunnel at the same time I said it. It's so common. I guess that's the tunnel and bright light you hear about?
    P.s. I'm back at home recovering now and I'm o.k.