Do I get to eat the calories today that I didnt burn yesterd



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yes sure why not?!

    For a pound a week weight loss you need to cut 500 calories per day for a week so if you eat extra one day and less another it does not really matter long as you still have the 3500 calorie deficit in there.
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    You can if you want to. It's kind of like budgeting $ for the week. If you spend half by Tuesday, you have half to make last longer. Same goes if you spend it slowly, you have more at the end.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Look at those who answered you with well reasoned, coherent responses and who answered you with "LULZ no way dude." Personally, I'd go with the smarter sounding people. :wink:
  • runfoodierun
    runfoodierun Posts: 59 Member
    I say yes. I eat mine, on an average for the week Monday through Sunday. My IPHone shows me my average across the week. AS long as I come in under or at my daily goal as an average, I do. It is how weight watchers works too. THis way you can splurge a day in the week and not feel guilty. BTW, I have lost 17 lbs since January 1st. It must be working. :)
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    But it's probably not a good habit to get into of having large variations in your eating, that will make it harder on you in the long run in terms of modifying your overall eating habits and getting into a good routine.

    Disagree with this -- firstly 1700 one day and 2300 the next is hardly a 'large variation' in your eating, secondly there are many schools of thought that not eating a consistent calorie level every single day actually helps you from slowing your metabolism down more than necessary.
    (psst..., 24% is a large variation)
  • jwulgaert
    jwulgaert Posts: 13 Member
    Personally I say no ... but if you choose to count your calories that way, try tallying the end of week calories instead of end of day.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    When was your last cheat day? When was the last time you went over calorie intake? It's good to "shock the system" from time to time. But only if that time to time is far between.

    I make myself a small cheese and veggie tray and drink wine with it about every 4 months. I do NOT count those calories that day. It is a fun, special day. I am still losing weight and I can still lift heavy weights. It just keeps me sane to have that day.
  • Butterfly3730
    Oh my gosh people! Please stop! This isn't about being in a certain calorie count every day for the rest of your life. This is about being healthy for the rest of your life. If you are just here to lose weight and not learn anything along the way. You will gain it all back and then some.

    It is about balance. So, OP asked if she has a certain amount of calories one day that aren't eaten...can she eat more the next day? The question could be re phrased as....If I am really good and only eat x amount of calories on Monday...can I have something the next day that I normally wouldn't eat? Or...can I cheat? Or...whatever. IMO...if you are learning a healthy lifestyle, you can eat WHATEVER you want!

    Ideally we want to stay in a certain calorie range because it still comes down to calories in...calories out. So, to logically answer OP. If your calorie allotment is 1700 and you only eat 1300 on Monday...can you eat 2300 on Tuesday? Are you hungary? Then eat it! Will you lose more weight if you don't...not likely. Why not? Because that 300 calories isn't going to make or break you!

    If you are truly learning HEALTHY EATING HABITS you will eventually lose weight! Or maintain....or live longer cause you are healthier anyway! Learn the basics...what is good for you and what should be eaten in moderation.

    I'm sorry for this rant....I've been fat all my life and have nearly lost 100 lbs. Not one day of that journey has been about eat this and never touch that. It has been about balance and learning what is good for MY body.

    To of luck to you! I hope you realize this was about showing you that are in control of your lifestyle. The fads are in control of the diets!

    ^^This -- LOVE it!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,226 Member
    Your body does not run on a 24 hour clock. If you maintain your weekly calories within your goal you will lose weight.
  • fairygirl716
    I called my 1st grade math teacher, she said it was fine

    I love this! You obviously have a sarcastic personality...but it really works here! So witty! Sounds just like my husband!!!! Did I mention I LOVE this respons? lol