Never realized how many Calories...



  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    almonds and pecans, just plain out of the bag. 1 serving of Pecan Halves is only 1/4 cup, andit's close to 300 calories!! I could easity sit and eat a half bag with a bunch of raisins because it was "healthier" than chips--OMG! I was probably eating at least 1,500 calories in a sitting! And I agree with all the posters about portion size: one "serving" of lots of things meant "one container" of it! Bag of chips? bag of mini candy bars? etc etc :blushing:
  • tataliciousd89
    Burger King Whopper Cheese meal. I knew it was a lot, but my god, didn't realise it was that much!
    Lol, yeah. I worked there for 3 years. Believe it or not it is very common for someone to come in and order a tripple with cheese and bacon between each patty and extra sauce. That with a large coke (free refills), large fry, and large ring, with like 10 dipping sauces, then sit in the lobby and scarf it down in about 10 minutes. Do the math on that one.
  • tradingfoods
    tradingfoods Posts: 64 Member
    starchy veggies fried foods candy bars mm's wild how may just because it's there stuff you don't really want just habbit walking into the office and picking up something and eating it and you don't even want it
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Fruit. I was shocked at how many calories are in one average sized banana....

    Also surprised when I started to weigh my food versus measuring cups/spoons. Cereal, peanut butter, dates... All suprisingly little amounts of food for their calorie counts.

    Oh yeah, rice and quinoa! SO calorie dense!
    I was surprised at bananas as well - also avocados. Such a shame all the good stuff is high in calories.
    I would add nuts and potatoes as well.
  • ruthnor
    EVERYTHING. I was one of those "one serving OBVIOUSLY equals one container" people. I'm ashamed now to think of how many times I used to sit there and just ... inhale an entire bag of chips or package of oreos or something. OH and those freaking Odwalla drinks!
  • slived
    slived Posts: 12 Member
    oreos.....70 cals a cookie...i would have a half of a roll

    Exactly!!! Crazy
  • _Shelley_
    cadbury cream eggs... and it's almost that time of year again :-X

    I thought that today in CVS when they had the "SALE" sign posted over them.
    I freaking love those things.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    When I was working an old job at a hospital, I used to have a muffin and a latte from the coffee place nearby most every morning. It was that breakfast that made me discover my reactive hypoglycemia (I was diagnosed with benign postprandial hypoglycemia in 2005; my pancreas secretes way too much insulin when I have high-carb foods).

    I'd usually get an apple cinnamon muffin (it was huge) and a medium "light" latte. The muffin, I came to find out, was 750 calories (ever notice when you buy a muffin they say a half-muffin is the serving size?), and the latte another 250. And more than 130 grams of carbs and 80+ grams of sugar. Holy. Crapoli. No wonder my pancreas was going crazy.
  • valorieflowers
    Jack in the Box regular size Oreo milk shake: 840 calories!!!!
  • abrn93
    abrn93 Posts: 77 Member
    chips and french onion dip...the whole bag and all the dip! yummy
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I second the Samoa girl scout cookies!!! OMG I can't believe I would eat so many.

    We eat out a lot and I THOUGHT I was making okay choices and the Honey BBQ Chicken Crispers with all the fixins is over 1200 calories!!! And the little tacos at On the Border are like 900 calories and their rice is 300 calorie. I sooooo don't need rice that bad!!!
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Panera chocolate chip cookies. I used to eat two with lunch @ 440 each (880 total). And my whole sandwich was only 420!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    American "chinese " food. That's tha first meal I logged in and I knew I had to stay when I saw those numbers. I had no idea it was so high in calories.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I don't exactly have a meal, but I do have a salt addiction. I am supposed to be lowering it to 1500 per Jillian Michaels program..but I have it set at 2000, and I go over it at least 3 times per week.

    Work in progress!

    Wait--- Reeses peanut butter cups. Now, I just have half of a package (so 105 cals and a buttload of sugar) if I am in serious need of a fix. lol
  • Real_Cool_Hand
    Lots of things, lol. Healthier ones being a protein shake with peanut butter and a banana and soy milk, 400 calories or so. But thats usually a post workout thing.
    Not healhty: dinners out! Went out to a nice prixe fix 3 course dinner and ordered a martini a few weekends ago and found the closest items I could on here to my meal, and it was over 1000. Ouch!
    Also, we just got a 5 Guys and I have been craving a burger! Entered it here first and a "little cheeseburger" and small fries was about 1100. My daily goal is 1300... won't be going there!
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    I grew up in a pretty health conscious household in a pretty health conscious community, so I always knew that fast food and pasta were dangerous. What surprised me the most was learning that juice usually has the same amount of calories as the same size serving of Coke. I used to limit my Coke intake to once a week, but had glass after glass of fruit juice daily!

    The other big shock was avocados. Over 300 calories for something usually labelled "healthy!"
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    pizza!!! i LOVE pizza!! lol
  • jodyburton
    Pop Tarts - 400 calories for a 2-pack of frosted strawberry :(
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    ice cream shakes, walnuts, and olive oil.