7383 calories



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    The only advice I can give, is there is life after a binge. There is still the opportunity to lose weight, and every time you might happen to binge doesn't mean that you've undone every single day of eating at your calorie goal or every minute of exercise. Accept that it happened and move on with that much more determination to recognize and destroy your urge to binge, this is what has worked for me.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.

    Advice - don't comment in threads you obviously know nothing about

    Better advice - don't rely on the advice of total strangers on the internet for a medical problem that you should be speaking to a doctor about .......
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Congrats on your spike day :)
  • heatherterp
    Yea, so you had one bad day. Start fresh tomorrow, and dont stress about it. Your not gonna stop your binge habit over night. Your going to struggle with it. But don't let it take over. You will learn to control your eating habits over time. It's ok....:flowerforyou:

    start fresh at your meal. The first step to fixing a problem is knowing you have one and accepting it. Now the hard part. make sure you are tracking measuring everything! you can do it!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.
    How is this remotely helpful? This is just kicking sand in somebody's face.
  • sharonrheault65
    sharonrheault65 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not really sure that you are looking in the right place for help. You said that you have recovered from anorexia. Have you really? I think that you should be seeking medical treatment through a facility that is equipped for your type of problem. You need to learn to love yourself and find out why you have this disorder in the first place. No point in beating yourself up about it. Take one day at a time. Keep on smiling :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.

    Advice - don't comment in threads you obviously know nothing about

    Better advice - don't rely on the advice of total strangers on the internet for a medical problem that you should be speaking to a doctor about .......
    She's already under the care of a physician, including an upcoming visit. She's not seeking medical advice but support from others facing a similar struggle. That's NOT something a doctor can provide.

    Your post just looks like bullying.
    Maybe I am wrong....
  • MyeongHi
    I would say don't stress about it, but if you're anything like me that comment will do no good. You're going to stress about binging and that's ok. Try to take these feelings, this stress you're putting yourself through, and use that as motivation to help you stop. Try to figure out why you're binging and focus energy on fixing that trigger. Also try to focus on living in the moment. It's so easy to get caught up in the past or future plans that we spend so little time thinking about what we're doing at that moment. I know that's really cliche advice, but when you're paying attention to what's actually going on it's harder for things to slip by you and you'll make better decisions. I hope this helps and I hope you overcome your obstacles soon!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I haven't read all of the responses but here are my two cents! You need to remember three things!!

    1. This is not easy
    2. Change does not happen over night
    3. How sick you feel right now

    I have chosen those three because I think you need to be a bit less hard on yourself and that you also need to remember next time you want to binge just how bad you feel! If you need a binge eat a ton of veg! Fill up on them until you can eat no more and you won't have the same guilt or sick feeling you have now. You also wont have the same massive calorie issue! Reduce the amount of your binges over time when they occur and eventually they will not happen any more. This falls under point 1 & 2 but it will also help if you remember 3!

    Good luck!!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member

    I haven't been in your shoes in the same sense, but part of what got me "off track" was the "tomorrow mentality". "I'm starting my diet 'tomorrow' so, today, I need to splurge and get in everything I can.". Then of course "tomorrow" would come and I would say "I'll start my diet tomorrow, so today I need to splurge and get everything in I can.". -I didn't even really LIKE/LOVE some of the foods I was eating, but felt the need to eat them, because "tomorrow" they were "off limits". Of course, this just headed me in the OPPOSITE direction while KNOWING that I desperately NEEDED to lose weight. If I hadn't had that "tomorrow mentality" I would be a LOT closer to my goal than I am now.

    I don't know what changed it. I just stopped. I said I NEED to get through THIS day. -And then I did it again and again. I have had my freak out days. -And then I stopped. I didn't let the cycle continue. I know it's easier said than done, but try to keep the mentality that NOTHING is ever "off limits". I think that has helped me quite a bit. -And if I feel the NEED to eat something "unhealthy", then i try to find the HEALTHIEST option (or substitution) for it. Of course this is just the beginning for me, but you will get there. Keep your chin up and DON'T WAIT for tomorrow. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted with your well being!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I'm impressed that you kept track of your calories! I'm sure everyone on here has had a day or more like that and just didn't bother to count. That awareness alone is a HUGE step in making positive changes in your health. I've had a sordid relationship with food all my life, and know that the only way to correct something is to be aware of it, admit it isn't healthy and then get the right tools and support you need to change it.
    If this scale of binge is a common practrice, or is generally followed by a severe purge and self loathing, you are going to have to get those tools from a counselor, my dear. Professionals are the only ones that can diagnose the true issues in those extreme cases and give you the tools to overcome them.
    The good news is you are young, you've admited the problem and there are lots of options available to you. If your doctor is reviewing your food diary, that's a really good place to start. If he/she isn't specialized in eating disorders, you should ask for a referral.
    You haven't ruined your life. But life is sooooo much harder when you don't eat the right foods in the right amounts for what your body really needs. You are ok, and you will be ok so long as you keep working on it and reaching out for help.

  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    Moving on is hard, but you can do it. The fact that you reached out at all is PROOF that you can do it.

    After a binge I always want to feel bad - belittle myself, put myself down. I DO put myself down a lot of times.

    But I was ALREADY down - that's why I binged!

    And the 'tomorrow is a new day' advice always seems so easy and trite and pointless to me in the middle of feeling bad.


    IT'S TRUE!!

    IT'S TRUE!!

    IT'S TRUE!!

    The fact that you are not hiding this, and reaching out, means that you want to change - you DO have that power. The binge was the punishment - PLEASE don't keep punishing yourself by denying yourself hope, and a fresh start.

    Take it from me - that's crap. You DESERVE hope and a fresh start.

    It is a new day. Let the old day go. ('... but I can't just let it go!') Yes you can! It's already gone. You can't change it. Don't let a bad yesterday drag down your today and tomorrows!

  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.

    Advice - don't comment in threads you obviously know nothing about

    Better advice - don't rely on the advice of total strangers on the internet for a medical problem that you should be speaking to a doctor about .......
    She's already under the care of a physician, including an upcoming visit. She's not seeking medical advice but support from others facing a similar struggle. That's NOT something a doctor can provide.

    Your post just looks like bullying.
    Maybe I am wrong....

    Couldn't have said it better myself, after all this was posted in the MOTIVATION and SUPPORT area. Smh at some people.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Congrats on your spike day :)

    *2thumbs up and a wink*
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Ate 7383 calories today. Biggest binge in a while. I seriously feel so sick and hopeless. I don't know how I can recover all of the hard work I put in this week. I can barley even move with out feeling like I'm going to be sick. I don't think I could feel any worse than what I am feeling right now :'(

    Also, knowing what my doctor will say to me when I go back in a few weeks. I've been fighting this eating disorder for so long and I haven't made it over 5 days without binging. I feel so miserable and upset. I have no idea what to do with this anymore...

    Sorry for the rant, I just don't know who else to turn too. Can anyone please give me some advice. I've had binge eating disorder for almost a year now. I recovered from anorexia and with that mind set still I feel horrible because what I do to my body.
    Firstly I need to say, well done on recovering from anorexia! I still can't see myself without it. It's been almost fourteen years and I'm still in its grip, despite trying and hm failing recovery:(
    Secondly, okay you binged, I'm so so sorry it happened, but all you can really do is put it in the past. Don't let this one mistake make you fall back into a relapse. Maybe something happened to make you feel triggered into this binge?
    You are a strong and beautiful person and I promise you will feel good again soon, it may just take a few days that's all, but you will get there again I know it.
    Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
    After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
    Chin up sweetie:)

  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.

    Advice - don't comment in threads you obviously know nothing about

    Better advice - don't rely on the advice of total strangers on the internet for a medical problem that you should be speaking to a doctor about .......
    She's already under the care of a physician, including an upcoming visit. She's not seeking medical advice but support from others facing a similar struggle. That's NOT something a doctor can provide.

    Your post just looks like bullying.
    Maybe I am wrong....

    No, you are totally right. I wish people would learn to exercise a bit of sensitivity when replying to threads that deal with serious topics.

    To OP: I hope posting on here has given you the positive and supportive feedback that you so clearly need. All the best with your difficult journey.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Another tip that helps me... don't start again tomorrow. "Tomorrow" is a dangerous word I discovered, especially for us binge eaters. Starting again tomorrow is an easy excuse to binge for the rest of the day today. Try taking a gentler approach with yourself on a per-meal basis. Don't start again tomorrow, start again the very next time you put food in your mouth. Every single meal is a chance to get it right or get it wrong. Start trying to view your habits as "per meal" instead of "per day".
  • JBaltusis
    I feel for you that you're feeling hopeless and beating yourself up. I don't know if I can really give you any advice, other than that you can do it. I know how hard it can be to let go. I hope you're getting some professional support as well! I agree with cgwatson who said don't start tomorrow, start the next time you eat.

    Try to look at every meal that you eat healthily without binging as a success, because it is. Maybe take some time to reflect on what you were feeling when you binged, so that you're not just playing it over and over again without a purpose.

    And you can recover all the hard work you put in, by not binging next time and if you do trying to learn from what you were feeling at the time. You can do this, and I hope you feel better.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Another tip that helps me... don't start again tomorrow. "Tomorrow" is a dangerous word I discovered, especially for us binge eaters. Starting again tomorrow is an easy excuse to binge for the rest of the day today. Try taking a gentler approach with yourself on a per-meal basis. Don't start again tomorrow, start again the very next time you put food in your mouth. Every single meal is a chance to get it right or get it wrong. Start trying to view your habits as "per meal" instead of "per day".

    YEP! -I also saw this and thought it might help a little bit.
