

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't think Dave has gotten this much :heart: :heart: :heart: the entire time I've been on here! :bigsmile:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I agree with what you said Dave. Except - I TOTALLY don't feel like I've sacrificed anything. I'm not sacrificing when I'm working out - I'm claiming "me" time - something that, as a homeschooling mom, I don't get that much of. Food? I swear that I don't give up anything... I eat what I want, when I want - just less of it... and I don't miss anything!

    Sacrificing is what I was doing before... I sacrificed my waistline to having my son (not that I regret that). I sacrificed my healthy food choices to my husband - because he liked white bread and whole milk (bleh). I sacrificed all my time for anyone and everyone else because I didn't think I was important enough.

    I AM important enough and I AM (for the first time in my life) doing this for me. I'm not sacrificing a dang thing - I'm reclaiming what was mine from the start.

    You wanna come be my coach for a little while? :wink:

    Aymie - I'm not qualified to be anyone's coach yet... but I'm always here for you if you need some support! That goes for anyone else too... because I know that I'll need my own share of support as well!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    bump! smiley-dance006.gif
  • proquesi
    proquesi Posts: 6
    :noway: H as this attitude worked for you? By now most over weight peopel know what you are writing. However, it doesn't change our desire tobe thin quickly. We are still looking for thr magic. meanwhile we keep on with our slow but steady weight loss. Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I totally agree!
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?

    umm, not sure if that's a male thing to do but is it a female thing to miss the sarcasm OP intended in his title, obviously he doesn't consider this a "shocking discovery" or anything, it's just one of these threads MFP needs to see and read from time to time and it helps a lot more than discussing for the zillionth time whether we should eat excercise calories or not
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    :noway: H as this attitude worked for you? By now most over weight peopel know what you are writing. However, it doesn't change our desire tobe thin quickly. We are still looking for thr magic. meanwhile we keep on with our slow but steady weight loss. Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?

    Ummm, wow, that was a little nasty....does your attitude work for you, cause I think it kinda sucks?!?!?!

    So, you know that quick fixes are ineffective and unhealthy and you're still looking for one?...Hmmmm, interesting....could you do me a big favor and not generalize by saying we? Speak for yourself, thanks :wink: !

    As for Dave thinking he made some great statement because he's male and we women would have never considered that....uhhh yeah, that kinda screams "help me I have issues" might want to get those taken care of before you start trying to lose weight, as emotional eating is a B to overcome.

    Have a fabulous day and a blessed Easter :flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    :noway: H as this attitude worked for you? By now most over weight peopel know what you are writing. However, it doesn't change our desire tobe thin quickly. We are still looking for thr magic. meanwhile we keep on with our slow but steady weight loss. Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?

    Ummm, wow, that was a little nasty....does your attitude work for you, cause I think it kinda sucks?!?!?!

    So, you know that quick fixes are ineffective and unhealthy and you're still looking for one?...Hmmmm, interesting....could you do me a big favor and not generalize by saying we? Speak for yourself, thanks :wink: !

    As for Dave thinking he made some great statement because he's male and we women would have never considered that....uhhh yeah, that kinda screams "help me I have issues" might want to get those taken care of before you start trying to lose weight, as emotional eating is a B to overcome.

    Have a fabulous day and a blessed Easter :flowerforyou:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I love it! Thank you.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Proquesi - I think you'll find that yes... that attitude does work. When you stop looking for the "easy out", the "magic pill" and the next fad diet... then you buckle down to do the work that you need to do to get healthy. Take it from someone who has tried every "get thin quick" scam out there.... eating right and exercising is much faster, much easier and much more rewarding,

    Look around - you'll find plenty of people on MFP who have lost weight doing it "the right way".
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    great post
    facing the truth was the hardest part for me
    now I'm wordering why I put this off for so many years
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    great post Dave!!!

    I've wanted quick fixes in the past when it comes to losing weight...I know now that it will take hard work and in my case sacrifices to get me there. But I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm doing this no matter how long it takes me. I also know that for me my weight is something I'll have to constantly monitor for the rest of my life. I know I'll have to always exercise. I know I'll have to always watch how much sweets/fatty foods/alcohol I consume.

    Diet and exercise...a priority for me for the rest of my life. :bigsmile:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    :noway: H as this attitude worked for you? By now most over weight peopel know what you are writing. However, it doesn't change our desire tobe thin quickly. We are still looking for thr magic. meanwhile we keep on with our slow but steady weight loss. Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?

    Ummm, wow, that was a little nasty....does your attitude work for you, cause I think it kinda sucks?!?!?!

    So, you know that quick fixes are ineffective and unhealthy and you're still looking for one?...Hmmmm, interesting....could you do me a big favor and not generalize by saying we? Speak for yourself, thanks :wink: !

    As for Dave thinking he made some great statement because he's male and we women would have never considered that....uhhh yeah, that kinda screams "help me I have issues" might want to get those taken care of before you start trying to lose weight, as emotional eating is a B to overcome.

    Have a fabulous day and a blessed Easter :flowerforyou:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I love it! Thank you.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Proquesi - I think you'll find that yes... that attitude does work. When you stop looking for the "easy out", the "magic pill" and the next fad diet... then you buckle down to do the work that you need to do to get healthy. Take it from someone who has tried every "get thin quick" scam out there.... eating right and exercising is much faster, much easier and much more rewarding,

    Look around - you'll find plenty of people on MFP who have lost weight doing it "the right way".

    well said..... well said, as usual! :drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    :noway: H as this attitude worked for you? By now most over weight peopel know what you are writing. However, it doesn't change our desire tobe thin quickly. We are still looking for thr magic. meanwhile we keep on with our slow but steady weight loss. Isn't it just so male to think they made a great deep statement that women haven't even (gee) considered?

    There are a lot of us on here that aren't looking for the "magic" because we know it doesn't exist! Don't make this a sexist thing. Dave was obviously not being serious with his topic title. And the women on here aren't just some airheads that just go along with whatever the mighty, wise, heroic male tells us. We're smarter than that. Give me a break!! :mad: I see you're new so maybe you need to read some of the previous posts from the others that have been on here awhile before you post something so stupid!

    Sorry I just had to vent. That just ticked me off.