Negativity....I literally want to strangle someone!!



  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Wow, screw those people! That's really nasty and people who'll post something like that instead of being happy for you definitely aren't your friends.

    Am I the only one who is preparing herself to get more abuse after I lost weight than I ever have being overweight? I mean people think it's okay to point out slim people's flaws all the time because "they look great so their life must be great so they won't mind a little criticism" but right now, when I have all that extra weight it's like they're afraid I'll hurl myself from the next bridge if they say something to me. Sometimes, when I post something like "Mmmhh, ice cream!" I WISH a friend would comment or message me and say "Put that thing down and eat a carrot instead RIGHT NOW!" but instead, I get coworkers telling me I look so much better now than I did when I had lost 50kg. WTF is up with that?
  • Elundari
    I admit that anorexia is a huge problem these days and often people (especially young girls) feel pressured in being as thin as they can and some people will assume that you are pushing this but not ANYONE who knows you! Obesity is by far a bigger threat to people's health today and people should celebrate the stories of those who have beaten it! It gives hope to others who otherwise feel that they alone are struggling with it and that they can never beat it, At 323lbs I felt the same - the road is too long, it's impossible to do it but by seeing peoples stories on here and other places have given me the inspiration to turn my life around - I CAN do it - because other people have! Anyone who knows you will take you as an inspiration and use your story to motivate themselves. Ignore the haters - they are uneducated and narrow minded!
  • noemike
    let there hating motivate you they are just jealous sitting at home on their couch looking at their own bodys hating on you! just keep going your doing good!!
  • 26point2mom
    26point2mom Posts: 3 Member
    I agree, if people are giving you crap...unfriend them. They are NOT your friends. They may be jealous of what you have accomplished, and trash talk is easy. Or, they may just be jerks. Your posts are fine. It's good to be happy with what you have accomplished. Unfriend away, girlfriend. You don't need that negativity.
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    First of all, you look great! Anyone who makes these negative comments towards you are just jealous!
    Let them continue to envy you and just keep doing what you're doing.

    If it really bothers you, you can always delete them! :ohwell:
  • blueeyes67
    There just jealous, u look good
  • Kelly50054
    Sounds to me like they are jealous. Blows me away how people just can't be happy for you, instead of spewing hate, because you have changed for the better and thay haven't.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    I deleted the Photoshop guy - and I feel good about it! :D xx
  • ElizabethKathrynJ
    What!? Wow.... Some friends they are. YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! o.o They're just beyond trippin'! :/ You look beautiful(:
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    You look FANTASTIC!!! All of those people are JEALOUS!

    Stick to MFP rather than Facebook, we all know what it's like and we're here to support! Great job and feel free to show deserve it! Rock that dress!!!

    I agree
  • leanmachinedream
    Wow, that is a hot picture and a hot dress! Forget about that loser.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I deleted the Photoshop guy - and I feel good about it! :D xx

    Good for you, you don't need people like that in your life
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I love the quote : I use NEGATIVITY as my FUEL for MOTIVATION!
    Seriously, go to the gym or a run when you're angry that is usually when i will beat my personal bests! lol
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I keep all of my workout related stuff to step mom told me I should be spending my money on better things than the gym? Uh really, cause I'm pretty sure working out is good for you! XD Haters will hate. People think if you aren't overweight that you aren't eating, because that's how they are. We're all eating healthy and taking care of our bodies here on MFP (or at least trying)..that doesn't make someone anorexic. Eff em, they're douches. I'd hit the unfriend button. :)
  • seaglass2
    You look awesome - go you!!!

    People are showing you a reflection of what they feel inside about themselves. You don't need their negative energy.

    Banish them from your facebook page ;)
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    These types of things is the reason I am deleting my facebook page as of today. People are so catty and negative. I've never seen so many people in my life who just are not happy, and want to bring everyone else down.

    You look fabulous. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise. :)
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Sometimes I look at my own profile picture on here and think that people who know me in real life and haven't seen me for a long time would have to think it was photoshopped. It is so incredible that I have gotten to this point and I am so proud. No comment, no jealousy, no miscommunication can take my work effort and continued success from me.

    OP, I don't know where you started in weightloss, but your picture reflects an attractive woman in fantastic shape. I hope remain strong and proud of your success. Don't let passing comments on Facebook, here or anywhere deplete your positive energy.

    On another note, I do know a person who only uses photoshopped pictures or pictures from her youth as profile pictures for a physical portrayal to her hundreds of virtual friends. I love her dearly, flaws, insecurities and all. I would never defriend her virtually or in person.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    While I agree that the status update is iffy, it's not anorexic. people should know you better. also, people who say that you'Re photoshopped need to be chopped from you friend list. you're hot. (exceot for the duck face, but nobody can pull that off and look cute at the same time :)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I was just going to say what I think a few others have said....

    Someone needs to go through their 'FRIENDS' list and do some deleting.... sheesh !

    When I post anything on Facebook about my weight loss journey, weight lost, or working out etc, I get nothing but love and support from my family and friends.
  • rrrbecca11
    I like to say nothing tastes as good as being HEALTHY feels. ;-)