what's the latest you'll eat?



  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    When my mouth is closed and sleeping! LOL
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I try not to eat after 9pm, and I usually go to bed between 11pm and midnight. It doesn't matter what time you eat as long as your overall portions throughout the day are reasonable.

    The main reason why I stop eating 2 hours before bed is because I take a medication at bedtime that cannot be taken with food, and since I love breakfast, I decided it was easier to stop eating before bed.

    Some like to argue that eating late affects your sleep and digestion, but I'm not sure how much I believe it, because I haven't experienced problems with those habits in the past. I think for most people the real danger with eating late at night is the type of food they eat and the reasons why they want to eat. If you are hungry, by all means have an apple or some peanut butter or whatever. However, if you just "want something' and you go on a brownie and pizza raid, that's a different story.

    I think it is absurd that people try to prescribe a certain hour to stop eating, because there are many of us that work later hours and if we if we don't eat late, we don't eat dinner at all. I get off work at 6:30, and get home at 7. If I don't get to eat a real dinner at 8pm, then my alternative would be to have some sort of prepackaged crap while I'm still at work. No thanks! I will gladly go home and whip up something nutritious on my own time.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    I try not to eat past 7 p.m. Our metabolism slows down in the evening, and food digests much slower the later we eat. I worked midnights for a short period of time and developed acid reflux for the first time in my life. No matter what, my food wasn't digesting properly...it was as if my digestive system completely shut down on me. Now I work from 4 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. If I don't eat late, I don't have stomach problems.
  • there's been times when i've eaten right up until i went to bed and woke up the next morning to see that i've lost weight. it doesn't specifically matter what time you eat, as to how much. it also depends on what you eat. if you eat something greasy & high in fat right before bed, chances are it will cause you to gain. if you eat a light snack, such as an apple or whole grain cereal, this can be just enough to fill you up and satisfy your craving for something (or pretty much anything!) !
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    Once I'm asleep I stop eating. LOL Seriously, I eat a lot of my calories in snacks, and a lot of that is after dinner, and half the time dinner isn't until 7-8:00pm, something about the sun going down just makes me hungry. I already know that I like to snack after dinner, so I plan it into my day in advance so I know I have the calories to use. And I've had great success thus far. :-)

    I'm the same way. Its easier for me to save calories and stuff for later in the day. Sometimes I eat right before bed.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    The LATEST? Right before I fall asleep.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    11:59 p.m. The earliest I'll eat is 6:30 a.m. :wink:
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    all the way up till midnight sometimes.......as long as I'm not going over my calories.......
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, I don't buy into that "don't eat after a certain time" because if I do that I'm going to wake up in the middle of night with horrible acid reflux
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I never go to bed with a full stomach but I eat whenever, I know it's irrelevant. That said, I usually don't eat after 9 p.m.
  • I usually don't eat past 8PM, but I do drink coffee with creamer around 9PM.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I'll eat any time I want. The whole, don't eat after a certain time mantra is one that I don't believe in. I'll even have a small bag of trail mix before I go to sleep some nights, just something to keep me from waking up in the middle of the night to snack, which still happens sometimes. I generally just leave a little buffer in my cals for the day just in case.