Butter Substitute?



  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I am sticking to butter, margarine is to processed and chemically ehanced and oils have way too many calories for such small amouts, plus butter for me tastes the best. Don't give it up, just use in moderation.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I am a big fan of Land o'Lakes sweet cream salted butter. Of all the adjustments I've made toward a more healthier lifestyle, I just can't seem to get myself to not cook with real butter. I just think that real butter tastes better.

    So, could anyone please recommend which butter substitute is the most like real butter but is lower in calories and fat?
    What do you all use? Thanks!

    Butter is the healthy option. Those fake margarines are not healthy for you and not much better than the container they come in.

    Keep eating your butter. Natural, whole and natural food.

    They are not fake anything.

    Butter is not good for you either, it is bad for the heart, didn't you know?

    No, I don't know that becuase there is evidence that in reasonable amounts, it's not true. See the attached comprehensive article on satruated fats with multiple built in links to the research.
    No, I guess many people do not know it is not good for the heart. Saturated fats are bad for the heart due to the cholesterol.

    Besides which, the amount of calories in butter is astronomical.

    Wow all this for a little bit of crap on one's toast ;)

    So I'm guessing you didn't read the article or the links? Specifically the link that talked about the relationship of saturated fats and high triglycerides? And that dietary saturated fat in the absence of high triglycerides shows no indication of increased heart disease? And that the body stores excess glucose calories as....guess what? Saturated fat!! I guess not.

    Feel free to disagreee if you've got credible evidence.

    Did you read the link I put in earlier on? No, you didn't did you. Doesn't matter.

    You stick with butter.

    Actually I did. I don't agree with it. This is one Doctor's opinion without much research to back it up cited. Also I found this quote interesting
    "But not all margarines are created equal — and some may even be worse than butter. In general, the more solid the margarine, the more trans fat it contains "
    The article I gave the link for contains multiple links to scholarly research. Now you may not agree with it and that is your choice. But your statement that butter is bad for the heart is highly debatable.

    I will stick with butter, thank you. Based on my understanding of the data and my cholesterol numbers that i posted earlier, I think I might be doing something right! All the best on your journey.

    No probs. I happen to not agree with much on here, but that's ok, whatever works for each person.
  • CatlettA
    CatlettA Posts: 4
    Earth balance..... It's nondairy but no trans fats like margarine..... It's excellent!!!! We get the tubs.


    I use the whipped version as a topping cuz the air gives more volume for less calories, and the regular version for cooking and baking. I'm a total earth balance devotee. Even had my nutrionist make the switch after he discovered it on my food journal.

    Buuuuuump. This is exactly what I was looking for!!