what diet plan are you following?



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I have my macros set roughly to the following:

    2300 kcal
    ~180g protein min
    ~65g fat min
    remaining cals in carbohydrate

    I do my best to hit the above numbers as often as I can, and I eat foods I enjoy to do so.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    i'm trying to follow the Primal Blueprint (no grains, no sugar, so legumes..) I love it. Today is two weeks, and I feel great. I'm sleeping SO much better and my sleeping pattern has changed to NORMAL (instead of going to bed at 3 am, getting up at 6, going back to bed at 8 until 10-11, i'm now sleeping from 10-1030 - 6, without going back to bed), and I actually feel rested, and my husband has noticed I'm not grumpy in the morning anymore. I have so much energy I don't know what to do with it.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    No diet here. I just try to eat healthy food, I stay under my cals and I move more. So far, since Jan. 11th, I've lost 41lbs doing this! :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Calorie counting, 6-ish days per week of exercise, trying to make healthy choices, and trying to keep my carbs under 50% :wink:
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I follow the "Jayme Diet". So far it's the best diet I have ever tried, and something I plan on doing forever!!!!

    I get to eat! You don't have to starve yourself, and i get to eat my favorite foods! It's pretty awesome :)

    But seriously, any fad diet won't work in the long run. Whatever you do, its gotta be something you can do for the rest of your life. Counting calories is all it really is, combined with just making healthier food choices in general. For most people, any weight you lose on a fad diet will just be gained back once you start eating normally again, hence the term yo yo dieting.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    the eat what I want and stay within my cal's diet plan.... so far so good :bigsmile:

    ^^ this
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I cut out everything I used to drink before and stick to water every day with my iced coffee and low calorie drinks in moderation.

    I cut out all microwaved/processed foods and stick to just fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Trying to eat less carbs but that's hard. Exercise as much as I can, which isn't often lol and NO FAST FOOD!

    Also - counting & staying within my calorie goals :p
  • stephcap
    stephcap Posts: 4 Member
    I track my calories here, but I also closely watch my macronutrients: my diet typically consists of 40% Protein, 30% Fat and 30% Carbs (mainly from veggies and fruits.) I try to limit my carbs to 100 grams or less and eat them earlier in the day. That's what works for me. I try to eat mainly whole foods- not much processed.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm not on a diet on a weight loss journey :smile:
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    the eat what I want and stay within my cal's diet plan.... so far so good :bigsmile:

    I've been following this plan for a year. I've had more success this way than with any or the "real" diets I have ever done in the past.
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    For the most part eat what you want and stay within your calories but in the last month I've tried to eat low carb because it seems to be the best way for me to lose weight consistently and I'm always satisfied so hope to continue with it.
  • felicia_s
    I'm doing a lower carb diet. I do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred 5 days a week and do the treadmill 3x per week for about 30 minutes per session.

    I have set my calories to TDEE - 20% which for me equals 1752 calories per day. I just increased to that level yesterday, so I'm not sure how successful it will be...but after hours and hours of reading on the subject, I am totally convinced that I am going to see a difference.

    I want to get to a body fat of 24%...so the calculators state I need to be approximately 130 pounds. That means I have about 18 pounds to lose.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    the eat what I want and stay within my cal's diet plan.... so far so good :bigsmile:

    That's the one, lol, but I also try to select foods with a high nutrition per calorie ratio. For example an spinach may have a higher nutrional rating than a potato in terms of vitamins, minerals, etc. Still, they say you can lose weight on fried chicken and waffles if you stay within your limits.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...what diet plans everyones following and how sucessful you are finding them...

    I am not a fan of diets. They are too restrictive and temporary, and generally result in weight rebounding once you're done. Instead of dieting, I'm just using MFP and have made permanent, healthy lifestyle changes - like avoiding soda and other sugar drinks (because it's a waste of calories) and making sure I get at least 25 grams of fiber each day. I think it's been pretty successful, since I've been on maintenance at my ideal weight for well over a year now and it's been super easy to maintain. :flowerforyou:
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I am trying out a modified version of Self magazine's Drop 10 plan, but I feel like I should include a caveat: I am not following the strict meal plan, just using some of the tips and guidelines for how to include the 30 "superfoods" into my diet more often. Also, what drew me to the plan wasn't the idea of "superfoods" (which seems gimmicky to me) but the fact that out of the list of 30 healthy foods, something like 25 were ones I had tried and liked before, and perhaps 15 were ones I already ate on a weekly basis. Essentially, the plan serves as a reminder of what's healthy and an external way for me to keep track of and build on some healthy habits I already had. That's what makes it sustainable (I also like the fact that the authors stress that no foods are "forbidden" and encourage dieters to budget a few hundred calories per day for the fatty/salty/sugary/alcoholic/whatever stuff they tend to crave).
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Im 2 weeks in to using myfitnesspal and was wondering what diet plans everyones following and how sucessful you are finding them. i am currently just counting calories and doing exercise 4x a week. thanks
    I do my own plan that is based on experimenting and listening to my body. I eat within the diet style of Doug Graham's 80/10/10 diet, but i'm not fully raw. I do enjoy the occasional Caldwell Esselstyn/John Mcdougall/Joel Fuhrman style high-nutrition, whole food, plant based, cooked vegan dishes.

    I eat a lot of fruit.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    i'm not following a diet plan persay.
    I'm focusing on my ratios - fat/protien/carbs and that helps me eat healthy. If I go over my calorie goals and my ratios are fine - i don't stress.

    Course, i'm cutting but not necessarily trying to drop pounds, just fat - so if you're wanting to drop inches I'd recommend the same thing but watch both your calories & ratios.

    you'd be amazed how much more you can eat when it's not crap food. lol

    ps. my ratios are generally about 25/50/25 - sometimes my fat is down to about 15-20 and my carbs are higher...
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm not on a "diet". I'm trying to change my lifestyle and eating habits to reach a healthier weight and keep it there. To me, a 'diet' suggests that there's an end and then I can go back to what I was doing before, but that's what got me into this mess to begin with. So, I eat a healthier, more balanced diet and watch my portion sizes, and I do cardio, strength training, and swimming. In my mind, it's about sustainability.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    I am following a weight management plan that is high protein and a little higher calories than some. Here I go:

    It goes in three phases.

    Phase 1- 1200 calories for 7 days. This jump starts the body for weight loss. Because 1200 calories can crash your metabolism we only stay on it for 7 days. I eat every food group stil (carbs, protein, fats) but it is under strick monitoring by writing everything down (HELLO MFP). I never cut anything out but obviously on phase 1 I have to be more careful about what I put in. It consists of a 200 calorie breakfast, two 100 calorie snacks, lunch and dinner is 400 calories.

    Phase 2- 1500 calories for 11 weeks. This is a healthy calorie content that allows for weight loss with less chance of pleateau. I still eat all my food groups but can now add in things I miss like a skinny cow dessert or olive oil. The meals are set up 300 calorie breakfast, two 200 calorie snacks, and 400 calories for lunch and dinner. Again, all high protein but carbs are not the enemy.

    Phase 3- Maintainance- 2000 calories for 2 weeks. Here is how phase 3 works. We all know how to diet, but maintaining is the hardest part. What I do here is I eat a normal, healthy diet of 2000 calories a day. I monitor my weight daily and when I gain 3 pounds, I go back to phase 1 (1200) for only two days. After that two days, I get back on phase 3 and continue. The idea here is that the time it took to gain 3 pounds will be longer and longer. After I get to my goal weight, I can eat a healthy meal plan with no dieting and If I see those pounds come on, they'll come off in those 2 days of 1200. The idea is that you strengthen the metabolism to where ideally you only have to diet 2 days out of a month. I have done phase 3 three times in my time dieting and I was surprised to see how much it worked. On my third round of phase three It took me 12 days to gain that three pounds. Phase 3 is also important to give your body a much needed break to allow sufficient weight loss.

    Once two weeks of phase three is over, I do the cycle over again. Here are some tips and tricks everyone can use. Non starchy veggies (Alfalfa sprouts, arugula, asparagus, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, bibb lettuce, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, cucumbers,eggplant, endive, kale, kohlrabi, mushrooms, onions, parsley, peppers (all kinds like green/red), radishes, romaine lettuce, scallions, spinach, summer squash, tomato, watercress, zucchini) are not worth much calorie content. Your body actually BURNS more calories processing these foods than what they're worth so on my plan, they're free. I can munch on them all day and don't have to log a bit.

    Pam cooking spray is also the same. The calorie content isn't really there so it doesn't count. When I sautee onion and bell pepper as a side dish that is all free.

    BLACK coffee and plain tea also do not count. These can be processed purely through the body as water, unlike juices and heavier drinks. I do have to count if I have any creamer or milk, obviously.

    As for exercise; 7 days a week. Sounds crazy I know but hear me out. I strength train 3x a week and just make sure to stay busy on those other days. riding my bike, zumba, just something. Nothing to extremely vigourous however the object is just to KEEP MOVING :) Some days I just take a nice long walk.

    I have lost 84 pounds on this program, it has saved my life. And the beautiful part is because of phase three and how I know it works, I won't be stuck to dieting for life. :)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    the eat what I want and stay within my cal's diet plan.... so far so good :bigsmile:

    ^This. I try to make good choices, but I don't deny myself anything. It works.