Severely depressed



  • ks_mommaof5
    ks_mommaof5 Posts: 73 Member
    Though many have already said it, it's worth saying again - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Having endured depression for years myself, I know all too well the "shame spiral" ... you feel unbalanced and sad without measure ... leading you to feel guilty for feeling bad ... adding shame to an already dangerous cocktail.

    What I can tell you from experience is this: this too shall pass. Please, please, please reach out for help - is there any way at all to avoid waiting for weeks to see a doctor? Medications, if you choose to go that route, take time to build up in your system and sooner is definitely the key to feeling better. :)

    Give yourself credit for having the courage to acknowledge how you feel right now. It's not easy to do.

    I wish I could waive a magic wand and remove all the sadness ... in the absence of that know that I'll be thinking of you today.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I too, have suffered from severe, chronic depression since I was a child. Good for you for opening up about it and asking for support. I didn't do that until I was in my early 40s. You definitely are not alone. Exercise doesn't always make me feel any better, but it doesn't make me feel any worse so even when I'm in the depths of a depression, I exercise anyway. It does get better. You know from past experience that it does. And when it does you'll feel better if you've stuck with your fitness plan.

    Friend me if you want. Maybe we'll get our own group of fat folks battling depression. :wink:
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have dealt with depression and the best cure for me was workout. It relieved my stress and released endorphins.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I UNDERSTAND TOO! especially you are mad at yourself/guilty because you're depressed for no reason, and you can't just "snap out of it." this is where you accept that you are depressed but also that you DO NOT have to also be self-destructive! If you can force yourself to at least get outside and walk, that can help. maybe it won't lift your mood right away, but it also won't make you feel worse. You will NEVER regret exercise but you will often regret not working out. Science has shown a lot of times that regular exercise is as effective in some depression as meds. So maybe you walk and cry (been there too) but at least you're out of the house.

    I have used the over-the-counter herbal supplement St Johns Wort for depression when I did not have presecription medications. I'm not a doctor but I can say it works for me. The over-the-counter supplement Sam-E can also help, but it is kind of expensive.

    Sooner or later the cloud will lift, the color will come back into the world, and you will feel like yourself again. That's hard to remember when you are so down, but you can get thru this--you've survived it before, right? good luck!
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    You are NOT alone. The last thing that you probably want to do is exercise, but getting outside for a quick walk will really help. Take care of yourself- long baths, healthy foods, naps if you need them. I hope you start feeling better soon and that your appointment goes well. :flowerforyou:
  • Jacquibennett
    Jacquibennett Posts: 95 Member
    You are not alone at all!
    I've suffered with depression on and off for about 6 years and I know how hard it can be to just get out of bed in the morning. I also know how easy it is to take it out on those nearest and dearest to you. Have had many an argument with my boyfriend because I've been feeling low and fed up.

    If you ever need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm always happy to listen!

    Hope you feel better soon. Sending out good vibes!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Like so many above me have said, you are NOT alone. We've got a long family history of depression, but until my cousin and I sought help, no one would admit to it. Anti-depressants have helped me tremendously, and lots of therapy over the years, to work through everything. It gets better -- but you're right, there will still be some moments when it drags you under for a time.

    If it's really really bad right now, can you go see someone before those 3 weeks??? Any good therapist or doc will make room for you if you are in really bad place. Just call.

    Hang in are definitely not alone.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I bet with your experience of this illness you know what works for you. The problem is finding the motivation to do it. Don't wait for the motivation to arrive, you know it won't. Do it anyway - what have you got to lose? Some/all of the following usually helps:

    Stop/tune out the self critic - distract yourself
    See people who care about you, even if you don't feel like it
    Make time for yourself and the things you enjoy doing/used to enjoy doing, even if you don't feel like you will enjoy them again.

    You know from experience that the feeling that things will be this way forever is not true. Start acting in accordance with that knowledge and you'll soon begin to feel more like the person who once had the courage to change her life and will do so again.
  • amberina812
    amberina812 Posts: 14 Member
    You're definitely not alone. I too had an argument with my husband the other night...but we don't really do V-Day anyways. I've suffered from depression for as long as I can remember. Do you think it may be seasonal? I live in Maine and I notice that as soon as the cold hits I'm depressed for no apparent reason and then everything seems to crash down around me and I get to a point where it feels like it'll never get better. I am finding that if I get on the treadmill and listen to loud music for 30 minutes I feel better. Feel free to add me if you want to chat :) I hope your day gets better!!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sorry you're in the dumps, and that you had a falling out with your husband. Don't let that stop you from fixing him a nice dinner and doing something special for him. Your depression is tough on him, too. My husband went through depression for about 4 years, and that had me mildly depressed, as well. For him, getting a better pain medication and getting off the mood altering drugs improved his feelings of well-being and helped him get back into the workforce. The depressed person is not the only one who suffers in a relationship. It's no one's fault; it's just a fact of life. I pray God will bless you both and lift you up.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I got on Celexa and it changed my life~! - Sia Bevis
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    I too, was severely depressed after my divorce 30 years ago. I went for counseling and was introduced to an amazing book called; The New Mood Therapy (a Cure for Depression without the aid of drugs). I was not a reader at the time so it took me a while to get into it. When I did I could not put it down. I thought it was written about me! Half way through I WAS CURED!!! and have not been depressed since! Sure, I have my "blue":huh: days but I refuse to ever be "severely depressed" again and the book showed me how. Some may call it "brain washing" but who cares what it is called if it works. It also made me a reader! The older version was by Dr Beck & Dr Burns. The updated version only lists one Dr but I am not sure which one. Go to any book store and ask for "The New Mood Therapy". Anything is worth a try. If you would like someone to talk to until you can get in to see someone let me know and I will give you my phone #.
    You can also talk to your family physician in the mean time as well.
    Good Luck & God Bless!
  • Beccaliebchen
    Beccaliebchen Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there,
    I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder about 8 years ago and, needless to say, it's been a "roller coaster ride" for me and my family so I know where you are coming from when you say depression just creeps up on you all of a sudden - for no reason whatsoever. I can honestly tell you that the only thing that works for me during these times of complete and utter hopelessness is telling myself, "You are not always like this. You are now, but you won't be tomorrow" It's not bad to be depressed but it can be harmful to stay that way. Acknowledging how you are feeling at the moment is part of the journey to get you back to your happier self. Don't try to deny that this is not who you are, because it is, infact, a part of who you are.
    Something you could do is meditate and spend some time with the depressed or sad part of you to understand it better. I do this to better understand what triggers the symptoms, whether it be external forces or a lack of nutrition in my body. Therapy and medication do have their place but I'll be honest with you, the day that I took my bi-polar disorder by the reigns and made it a priority to control it through my own actions was one of the best days of my life.
    Talk to your husband and work out a plan with him. When I get into a slump I know to let my husband know before I explode and he is more than willing to take the kids for a while so I can concentrate on myself and what I need to do to get back into the swing of things.
    I could sit here and write a book about the little tactics I've found that help me over the years but I'll just leave you with the idea that it is something you will have to live with for the rest of your life. So, instead of seeing it as something wrong with you just see it as something that is a part of you, like the color of your eyes. Embrace it and learn from it instead of trying to suppress it. It's hard to explain but once you have become comfortable with the fact that you are clically depressed it makes it so much easier to, well, not be depressed. :-) I wish all the best for you and your family. You are strong, just by being a part of this community shows all of us that. Good luck in your life journeys.
  • minigirl2
    minigirl2 Posts: 61 Member
    You are SO not alone, girl. I know it feels like that when you are at your lowest point but there are many people right around you who are suffering. You just don't realize it. Depression is very common, especially at this time of year. I have struggled much of my adult life with depression. I struggled for decades - tried therapy, self-talk, exercise, OTC supplements - before I finally threw up the white flag and realized I was fighting something bigger than me. I fought taking prescription meds for YEARS but when I finally bit the bullet and tried an anti-depressant, the drastic improvement I felt made me wish I had taken them since puberty! :laugh: Seriously, I couldn't help but think how my life choices may have been better without the cloud of depression hanging over me all of those years! It felt like a heavy cloak had been lifted from my shoulders. I could see the sun, I felt hope, I could SLEEP! I realize this is not the recommended road for everyone suffering from depression but for me, it was a life-changer. I'm now on a low dose for maintenance and someday, when my life settles, I hope to not have to take them. But for now, the meds are life-savers!!

    Not sure if you are considering medication or not, but if you are, don't feel bad! They make these drugs for a reason and they help a lot of people!

    Best to you! PM me if you want to talk further!

  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    You are definitely not alone. Lots of us have been in your shoes. It doesn't always help to look around at your many blessings (family, home, job, etc) because the depression comes from within. I have been in that place before, and it's very scary. But you will come out of it. You may need professional help to do so, that's why the professionals are there. Hang on until your appointment. Exercise when you can, cry when you need to, ask those around you for support. You can get through this. You have come so far on your journey, and you didn't do that without inner strength.

    I hope this helps!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    It's hard getting out of a funk when you can't control it. My one thought might be to tell your husband that you are in a bad
    Depression and that you would appretiate a nice hug and a truce of the fight. Tell him you love him. Control what you can and try to feel good about that. A nice hug might help your mood. It couldn't hurt. Also he may not know how depressed you are and it might help him understand your mood.
    I hope you get the help you want soon. All you MFP's are there for you!
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    I am sorry you are feeling so bad. A lot of people in my family suffer from depression and it can be very awful. It's hard to dO the things you need to to help yourself out of it when you feel so crappy. Talk to your friends or family about what's bothering you. Maybe see a therapist instead of waiting for the psychiatrist. And if you can, exercise. It will help you feel better.

    I agree. Also your doctor can give you something until you see your psychiatrist. It may help. I know when I feel depressed it always helps to exercise. It releases endorphins. Also maybe spend a little special you time. Get a manicure or your hair done. Try not to ponder on not celebrating the day together. If you can make it a you day <3 And no sad music it always made me feel worse. try something upbeat. Praying can help as well. Give it to God. Hope your day brightens up and is magnificent!
  • donitaj01
    I know that "SAD"- seasonal affective disorder can be a ***** for me. Spring shows up and I feel alive again.

    Hang on and in the mean time i try to do activites that increase the serotonin in my brain. Nurturing, grooming the kids hair, sex, snuggling, cuddles with pets anything like that. Also, herbal remedies St Johns wort tesain(tea) kava, or 5- htp help me
    temporarily. I also meditate and do yoga.

    Like somebody said, losing 71lbs is a huge accomplishment as well as being a Mom, wife and achiever! Girl, your a POWERHOUSE and don't your forget that!
  • Patiga
    Don't feel guilty about being depressed!!! I've dealt with depression for a long time, and I have a lot of good things in my life, too - I just couldn't see them or put' them in the right perspective. It took me several years to find the right antidepressant, and now, most days, I don't have issues with that general out-of-nowhere depression.

    Looks like you've lost a lot of weight! I can't tell how long you've been working at it, but that's quite an achievement! I just started and I still have a long way to go. So far as dieting and depression, especially the out-of-nowhere kind... Is there anything recent that you have changed in your diet? Like, for instance, have you dropped your daily calories by more than you were eating before, or stopped eating meat, or changed your caffeine intake or sugar intake? It is possible if you have had recent changes, that you are reacting to that - you could be anemic, or having low blood sugar, or going through caffeine withdrawal, or something like that. It might not be the cause of the depression, but it could be adding to the feeling of depression. Try taking a multivitamin and see if that helps any.

    If you're not celebrating Valentine's, find a way to make yourself feel special today. Get that book you've been wanting, or a haircut, or go to (or rent) a movie. Get out some paints or crayons or even a pen or pencil and draw, put on some great music and dance to it (and hey, burn calories along the way), buy a new plant, pick some flowers and put them in a vase - something that will make you feel special.

    If your depression is really severe, and you can't ease it yourself, call and insist on seeing a professional. Even if you can only get in to see your regular doctors, tell them how you're feeling. They might be willing to prescribe something to ease the depression until you can get in to see a mental health doctor. Depression isn't something to ignore or wait on, especially if it is overwhelming, or you feel hopeless. If you start to feel that way, don't stay by yourself - get out where there are other people around, and call your doctor.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    Your not alone hun, I have been dealing with Bipolar Depression for years now, its been a crazy train ride for me too.. Meds are always there to help yes, however if your anything like me? i try to keep the meds to a minimum, and will try other meens to get my mind back on track..
    I find talking it out always helps, but I talk to people who are in the same boat as me, because the people who dont suffer depression sometimes dont seem to understand what your going through, I have heard on many occations "oh girl its all in your head" well yea; they are right! thats the point, so now how do i get it out?? but they never seem to have an honest awnser for that one lol.
    Also argueing with your significant other or anyone for that matter dont help the situation, but you sometimes can not help that! Just keep this in mind my friend, Im sure deep down he understands, but just dont know how to cope with it himself? BUT when you get ino an argue or fight with your loved one, you kiss and make up, it only makes the relastionship stronger.
    If you ever need a person to talk to (i know im a stranger but hey lol) feel free to contact me i live and breath MFP now lol. Keep your chin up my friend this too will pass. And HAVE A WONDERFUL VALENTINES DAY :) as im sure you will.