How Did You Gain Your Weight??



  • eatandexercise1
    eatandexercise1 Posts: 67 Member
    Emotional eater, add that to having a baby, and voila! But I'm trying and failing and trying again to lose the weight and be healthy.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    by opening my mouth and inserting food!
  • Sherrygunnabefit88
    :embarassed: I gained weight as soon as I hit puberty and ever since then I have been struggling to get rid of it- once I had my belly buldge it only got worse without excersice and poor eating.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I just want to say HOORAY!!! for all the women who were in abusive relationships and chose to leave, be they emotional, physical, or otherwise. :drinker: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Do not let ANYONE disrespect you, especially the person whom you choose to let closest into your life!
  • marckilgore
    Sadly, I have no excuse. I was an athlete in college and used to being able to eat as much as I wanted. When I stopped being an athlete, I didn't stop eating as much as I wanted. I had no self control but I am changing that now. My biggest problem is that I just love food too much. I've now accepted the fact that I can still love food if I am willing to pay the price and work out to burn off those calories. Not fun, but everything has a price.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I gained & maintained 165 pounds to be on the boys' rugby team after the girls' team disbanded in high school. I had some medical problems and was unable to eat most things for months. When i was able to eat again i stuffed all sorts of crap in my face. I had a very premature baby who had serious medical issues, gained 20 pounds from the stress/craziness of it all. Lost the 20 pounds. Had another baby, gained 70+ pounds with that pregnancy. Was dismayed to find that only 9 pounds of that was baby. And then I was 231 pounds. I Lost 45 pounds, maintained 185 for over a year and now I am back to finish what I started.
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    I found out I was pregnant and broke up with the father in the same week, all very unexpectedly. It was a devastating time for me. I ate twice as much as I needed to while I was pregnant, began college in my last trimester, and sat a lot, as a student and an employee, after having worked jobs that were much more physically demanding for years and years before that. I never corrected my eating habits- I wasn't fully aware of my eating habits or that they had changed through all that stress. As a mom, employee, and student I ate too fast, whenever I could because I was so busy all the time, usually standing in my kitchen or hitting a drive through.
    My first post-college job was a desk job, and incredibly miserable. I did it for a year and a half and then quit to stay at home with the kids and reassess my life goals. I HATED sitting at that desk 10 hours a day. HATED it. When I quit I was almost 200 lb, and losing the weight and getting healthy was forefront on my mind. It took me six months to even get real about it- to get real about what it's going to take to change, but I know I can do it.
  • emmameredith
    Hi all, I just joined the site. I lost loads of weight during a bad relationship and then gradually put more and more back on. Lost some and then it came back! Now I am literally twice the weight I was at my thinnest. I HATE it.

    I have been walking every day and doing UFC on the kinect for the last 3 weeks and also cutting my food intake down. I have tried to increase all the fruit and veg and so on but I don't eat much meat or any fish so I am struggling to get any protein.

    Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I was always active and ate pretty well.. and then I had my daughter. Pregnancy didn't put the weight on me like most moms.. I only gained 24 pounds and in a few months it was all back off. But, here's the deal: My daughter is very fragile, she's a very complicated special needs child. She had night terrors for the first five years she was alive. So I only slept in 30 minute increments those five years. I was always tired, so I guzzled coke to keep up. And I could not leave her with anyone, she was too fragile. I had to watch her to keep her alive. So no time for going to the gym or exercising or anything at all besides her well being. So I packed on the weight. In a few years, she got stable, and I joined a gym and got the weight back off. Then I had her brother. Same story. He didn't put the weight on me.. this time it was only 29 pounds and I got it back off for the most part. But he's Autistic and only slept (NOT EXAGGERATING) 10 minutes every 24 hours for three years. So again, I was exhausted, guzzling coke and eating sweets to stay awake.

    Now they are 15 and 12, stable and happy, so I took up running a year and a half ago. Now I have time to devote to myself, and I use it profusely. I work out anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes a day (sometimes twice a day) five to six days a week. I'm smaller now than I've ever been as an adult. It feels really good being able to take care of me now.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    - 400lb mother who cooked everything coated in flour and fried in grease.
    - 3 kids went from 130 to 186 with my first, 2nd went up to 205 and 3rd went up to 230
    - lost some weight and got down to 205 last spring then my knee problems got worse.
    - had to quit my job
    - had knee surgery and it has been 4 months and I still have to walk with a cane and have alot of pain.
  • Tranquil_Miche
    The Depo Prevera injection caused my hormones to be out of whack. As a result I ate. I ate a lot and very bad. I seriously gained like 80 pounds in the course of a year. My choices following were not good either. I had liked to drink a lot and chose fast food over cooking any day. Mostly bad choices and lack of exercise had gotten me to where I am at now. Lack of education kept me there for so long, but now I am here trying to do something about it.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    The dreaded Freshman 15! I played field hockey and was very active, but that just wasn't enough to counteract the cafe food, alcohol, weed munchies, and stress from exams. I've never been "overweight," but that was when I hit my highest (135 lbs), and boy, did it show!!
  • Tuffjourney
    I ate poorly and didn't exercise.

    ^This and add some depression too the menu. :frown:
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    played pro soccer, was in a car crash, smashed legs and ankles, soccer days over, as were pretty much all my sporting days, played a lot of tennis too, That was 13 years ago. ate the same as before without being able to exercise, kept eating, didnt exercise enough when i got better, it spiraled out of control, now i have reached a point in my life where i need to sort it out, because its getting out of control
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Six pregnancies (two sets of twins) started me down the road. I spent time on bedrest, got lazy, told myself I was too busy to work out, got used to eating whatever I wanted. It was a vicious circle. Ten years ago I was the same weight I am now but toned and taut. Now, not so much. I don't really care about the weight... I just want my muscle tone back. I have lots of work to do.
  • xonikitashafferxo
    xonikitashafferxo Posts: 150 Member
    I got laid off from my job (i worked in a VERY BUSY tanning salon) Never sat down.
    I became a stay at home mom and got lazy and did not eat right.
  • jaguar101570
    My son and I were in a real bad car accident in 2007 and I became permanently disabled at age 37 from a good high paying career. I felt sorry for myself and didn't do the things I could do , like eat right and some upper body strength training and I put on 70 lbs of fat. In early 2011 after getting diabetes and having a moderate stroke I decided to make a change for my sake and my responsibility of a single dad's sake. I lost all of the weight and am in better shape in my forties than in my thirties.
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    Whenever I get a question like this all I can think is:
    "Because I consumed more calories than my body requires."

    No real reason, I just like food.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    2 words. New Orleans. I lived there for 2 years and put on 40 pounds. You try being skinny and living there!
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I gained of course during pregnancy but also became used to not exercising. Then I got a leg injury which stuck me in a chair for about two months of which my roommate "took care" of me by bringing me McDonalds for almost every meal. It wasn't his fault, though, by any means. I felt sorry for myself and didn't care until I realized one day that even once I was able to walk again, I was worn out just walking to the bathroom.