My boyfriend is missing



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Why would you let him go if he's an alcoholic. I know you're stressed but honestly. If my bf was suicidal and an alcoholic I wouldn't let him go out to a bar or i'd atleast go with him

    Trust me, I didn't want him to go. I tried to stop him. We also have a small child at home, I can't just get up and go with him.

    Why isn't he on antidepressants?

    Some antidepressants can make you even more suicidal...
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Unfortunately all you can do at this point is wait. :/ Call your sister in law, have her watch your kid, and go out looking for him. She'll stay by the phone and call you on your cell if the police call. That's the most you can do. I really hope you find him.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Really wishing the best for the OP!!! My thoughts are with you. I lost my mom to alcohol related drug overdose and I know what a nightmare situations like this can be :(

    Sending good vibes & wishes your way...
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    Oh gosh - I hope your boyfriend is ok.....
  • jfcameron23
    jfcameron23 Posts: 44 Member
    You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Lets please focus on the topic at hand and not the troll
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this and I hope he's OK.
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I'm praying things turn out ok. :-(
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm so sorry for your situation, it must be very scary for you.

    It sounds like the police weren't much help, so maybe call an organisation that can better understand your situation, perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous or the US equivalent of The Samaritans, Missing Person's Bureau or Citizens Advice Bureau.

    I hope you track him down soon and everything is OK, do please come back with an update.
  • Gosh, that's so awful. I hope for his safe return. I would call the police back again, since the first one didn't get anywhere. I would also call the bar when it opens, if he hasn't returned by then. Missing persons, regardless of age, sex, or mental status is serious. If its unlike him to come home, then you have a right to be worried. Hope and prayers that he is safe. Keep us posted!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Wow... OP: I am truly sorry and really hope that you find him and he's safe. It is too bad people have to focus on winning battles for themselves when you are looking for a sympathetic ear and/or support at a time like this. I have to ck in later to know that you have found him, good luck :frown:
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    It is easy to play the shoulda, woulda, couldas. We arnt in her situation. I pray everything is ok. You have a friend in me.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    It is easy to play the shoulda, woulda, couldas. We arnt in her situation. I pray everything is ok. You have a friend in me.

    Me too!
  • runrogrun
    runrogrun Posts: 36 Member
    Wishing you all the luck with finding him. Keep us updated.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    It is easy to play the shoulda, woulda, couldas. We arnt in her situation. I pray everything is ok. You have a friend in me.

    Me too!

  • Deleting what I said. I don't want to give any more ammunition to the troller.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Damnnn I wanna know what happens, I really hope he's just passed out somewhere even if it is cold. Really hope things start to look up soon for you :)
  • Teeteetare
    Teeteetare Posts: 50 Member
    Praying you found your boyfriend and that he gets the help he needs. Im so sorry you are going through this.
  • I really hope evrything is ok, keep us updated!!! xxxxx
  • I really, really hope that you will find him ok and that you are safe whilst out looking for him. I suffer with depression myself and can be very suicidal, your doing everything you can right now and thats the important thing. Just try and make sure you breath deeply to try and calm yourself as much as anyone really can in this situation. I'm really sorry that your going through this and I pray that you will all be safely reunited.

    Please add me as a friend because you need someone that you can talk to and go to for support aswell. i'm praying everything will be ok and I will keep checking back to see if there's any update.

    Stay strong!
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