calling all people with a SPACE between your thighs



  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I'm 5'7, around 120lbs and last time I checked, had a body fat % of around 18, and I don't have a space. It's just the way I'm built and the spacing of my hips etc; not everyone will have one even at a very low weight.

    I'm shorter than her ^ and with a higher BF% (I'm 5'4" around 120 lbs with 21.9 BF%) and I have a space. it's just the way I'm made. Some people just naturally have them. I've got skinny legs which is great, but believe me I've got problem areas elsewhere (mostly my belly).

    ETA: I said this in another thread so I feel like I'm repeating myself but, I do not really have wide set hips at all (or walk bowlegged) I have skinny legs ---some people just have skinny legs.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    OK, some statistics for you people. The AVERAGE woman's hip-bones are 11" apart. Then you get someone like me whose hip bones measure 9" apart and I have ALWAYS had large thighs. I'm not talking fat thighs, I'm talking someone who is naturally good at things like sprinting and cycling and downhill skiing, catch my drift? Even when I was 115#s in high school and running track my thighs touched.

    Measure your hip bones width, ladies. Unless your hip bones measure well over 11" and you are a true ectomorph GIVE. IT. UP. You could be 20#s underweight and still have thighs that touch if you have narrow hips. My MIL could be 20#s overweight and still have thigh gap...because she has massively wide thighs, and is a tall, ectomorphic build.

    I'm not sure why this thread comes up at least weekly. it's not rocket science, people, it's simple mathematics and anatomy 101. Jeebuz.