What are your weird eating habits?

One of mine is that I always save what tastes the best or my favorite part of the dish for last.

Example: If I'm eating a burger and theres a part of it that has every topping in that one bite, I'll eat around it and save that bite for last hahaha That sounds so strange now that I wrote it down.
Or maybe less strange, if I'm having a burger and sweet potatoe fries I'll eat the fries last because I like them more.

What are your weird habits?


  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I actually believe that a sandwich tastes better when cut diagonally instead of across. Therefore, all my sandwiches must be cut accordingly :laugh:
  • joiselene
    joiselene Posts: 15 Member
    Somehow I have the same weird habits as both of you!!! I also eat slowly to savour something that I like.
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    I eat all the stuff I don't like first, especially veggies that get cold fast! I try to fill up on the healthy stuff before I get to the "good stuff". Also, can't have my food touching... and I eat all of one thing and then the next... Don't like mixing foods, but yet I love caseroles! If its made together I'm all good... but if its separates on a plate then they need to stay separate!! LOL
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I like to mix everything all together.

    I have to cut everything into tiny pieces first, though :p

    If I can't mix everything together, I have to eat everything one at a time.
    I also have to save at least a little drink for the last bite
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    I don't like when my food "touches"
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I actually believe that a sandwich tastes better when cut diagonally instead of across. Therefore, all my sandwiches must be cut accordingly :laugh:

    Holy Crap!! I thought I was the only one!! Now I have proof when people make fun of me.
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I've had people tell me it's weird that I put pepper on my french fries.
  • restrict one day and binge the next. it's usless for weightloss because the binging hinders any process i would have gotten out of restricting. it's not really weird, more sad.
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    I try a bite of everything on my plate. Then, I eat my least favorite thing first and my favorite thing last. I eat the middle of sandwiches last.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I actually believe that a sandwich tastes better when cut diagonally instead of across. Therefore, all my sandwiches must be cut accordingly :laugh:

    Holy Crap!! I thought I was the only one!! Now I have proof when people make fun of me.

    Honey, I think you are confusing "Proof" with "Two crazy people that think the same way"

  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I actually believe that a sandwich tastes better when cut diagonally instead of across. Therefore, all my sandwiches must be cut accordingly :laugh:

    so do you feel you can't wrong with a round bun or is it always wrong?
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    i can eat up a whole 12 inch subway sub in less than 15 minutes, no wonder i don t go there often
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    restrict one day and binge the next. it's usless for weightloss because the binging hinders any process i would have gotten out of restricting. it's not really weird, more sad.


    Also unhealthy. You probably should get some counseling. This is an eating disorder, and shouldn't be played with.
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    Also I can't leave one of anything behind. I don't won't to hurt it's feelings. Like if there is only one or 2 grapes left I have to eat them even if I don't want to.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I eat all the "worst" foods first too! I'm a save the best for last kid (I also save the "best" piece of a burger till the end!).

    I actually wish I wasn't like this....then I could eat the best when I'm not approaching full and can leave some of the "not best" foods on my plate.....
  • MrsTits
    MrsTits Posts: 44 Member
    I have to mash everything up together and then normally put it on bread or crackers. I also don't like biting stuff like toast for example because I get crumbs all over me so I break it up into bite size pieces. :s
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    I've had people tell me it's weird that I put pepper on my french fries.

    nope i do the same, i put pepper on my salad too
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    One of mine is that I always save what tastes the best or my favorite part of the dish for last.

    Example: If I'm eating a burger and theres a part of it that has every topping in that one bite, I'll eat around it and save that bite for last hahaha That sounds so strange now that I wrote it down.
    Or maybe less strange, if I'm having a burger and sweet potatoe fries I'll eat the fries last because I like them more.

    What are your weird habits?

    I do this too!
  • lurelw
    lurelw Posts: 11 Member
    I like my food in small pieces-- especially chicken and broccoli. I just like it being one-bite size, not hunks that I have to cut up on my plate. Big chunks of food just seem gross to me.
  • janjan369
    janjan369 Posts: 98 Member
    I have to eat one thing before I touch another and I have to eat my side dishes/salad first before trying the main.