Early Riser...what time do you wake up to work out?



  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    What a great topic...although I am a night owl and usually work later in the day, this has motivated me to try working out early. I think this will give me more time with my daughter to do what she wants during the day when I am off with her. I don't think I will be getting up tomorrow early, though, since it's already after midnight. It's nice to hear from the reformed night owls that it is possible to change the habit though.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    You all are AMAZING and are such an inspiration!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, I WAS able to wake up early. I wans't able to wake up at 4:00am like I had hoped to do so but I woke up at 4:30am and was able to get 35 minutes on the elliptical since I have to be at work at 7:00am. Hopefully I will do better tomorrow and I'll be able to wake up at 4:00am so I can get my 1 hour workout in. :)

    Thank you all!!! :)

    oh! it wasn't that difficult to wake up at 4:30am...it's now 7:18am and I'm feeling GREAT! :bigsmile:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    2am on the weekends....but it doesn't really count I think since I don't wake up per say but I am actually just up. I work graveyard 11pm-7am. I am lucky that my workplace is rarely busy on weekends so I'll go out @ 2am for a fitness break.
  • onegoal2
    I get out of bed by 3AM; I have just started and plan on doing my work out in the am. So far very hard to be motivated.
  • mszebra
    On the days that I workout before work (about 3-4 days a week at this point) I wake up at 5:10, and am at the gym when it opens (5:30.) I love the feeling of having my workout done so early, but I def. start crashing around lunchtime!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    You all are AMAZING and are such an inspiration!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, I WAS able to wake up early. I wans't able to wake up at 4:00am like I had hoped to do so but I woke up at 4:30am and was able to get 35 minutes on the elliptical since I have to be at work at 7:00am. Hopefully I will do better tomorrow and I'll be able to wake up at 4:00am so I can get my 1 hour workout in. :)

    Thank you all!!! :)

    oh! it wasn't that difficult to wake up at 4:30am...it's now 7:18am and I'm feeling GREAT! :bigsmile:

    Love this! I'm telling you, if I didn't get up early and work out first thing, I would rarely do it at ALL. And I just love starting my day that way.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    I get up at 6:00 and get an hour in before I have to get ready for work, but I'm thinking I might start getting up earlier to increase my workout.

    (responded to this mostly so I can find it later to motivate me when I can't get my butt out of bed)
  • tmbright
    Alright guys - I have decided to try this! Early morning work-outs. It will take a while, I'm sure, to adjust, but I'm going to give it a valiant effort. I am not naturally a morning person, but time to turn over a new leaf. Thanks for the inspiration everyone!
  • mom2jjl
    BUMP to read later :) I too am an early morning riser to workout...4:00 am is my time :)