What crowd were u w/ in school :-? Jock, punk, misfit, nerd?



  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    in elementary/middle school i got picked on, was in the misfit category i guess. i was just overweight and really shy. then in high school i went to an all-girls catholic school, which wasnt as divisive. we weren't losers, but we werent cool. my best friend and i were really into "punk" music hahaha. screamo... yeah
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    My school didn't have that many social genres because I went to school with 100 kids, and we knew each other since kindergarten. I elementary/grammar school I was a tom boy and only associated with the boys. In Jr. High and High School I was that weird girl that sat by her self everyday, so I guess social outcast?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    You're missing one. The drunks/stoner crowd, I guess that could be misfit.
    I drank a lot in high school.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Drama class, artsy, nerdy, hippie/punk/preppy clothes wearing Christian who hung out with potheads and teachers' kids. I'm still not sure how to classify myself. Haha Also, I loved Law class. ??
    Okay, I am really sad you weren't at my school. We would have been friends... or enemies, since we seemed to be pretty similar.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    invisible nerdy band chorus drama uncool ....Those were my labels
  • LittleMissDoll

    now i am only one of the two
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    From nobody to band geek. I was on the color guard. Captain of the flag team. Oh yeah. I even had a satin embroidered jacket proclaiming my geekiness.

    High school was rough for me. I've never related to those who felt it was the best time of their life. My best times of my life all happened well after high school.
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    Metalhead/punk....I was friends with all the stoners and "bad" kids, but I was a really good kid myself. I had a few friends who were band geeks, nerds or just crossover people who liked everyone. I'm still somewhat abrasive...lol.

    i liked hanging around the stoners yet i never did drugs, maybe its because they usually had alot less drama going on
    I liked them because they were honest. They had the courage to be who they were and didn't care what anyone thought. After being fully rejected in middle school, I envied their lackadaisical attitudes :D
  • habsfan802
    habsfan802 Posts: 61 Member

    now i am only one of the two
    Let me be the third one then .... loved me some Pantera and Metallica still rock out to them at the gym
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    My school was too small for groups we all kind of hung around together, last couple of years though I started drifting though as there was just a couple of us that liked rock/punk/grunge/alternative music so out of school I'd just hang with the odd couple of people, basically whoever I was going to see bands with.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    wasn't a jock, played like I could've been one, but didn't like the crowd....was more of a musician who hung out with the smart *kitten*, but I guess they were nerds....don't know, I was somewhere in-between....all I know is I had no school spirit and couldn't stand preppies
  • ChattyKitten
    ChattyKitten Posts: 53 Member
    teachers pet...yep I got all A's, and most people tried to cheat off me haha
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Drama class, artsy, nerdy, hippie/punk/preppy clothes wearing Christian who hung out with potheads and teachers' kids. I'm still not sure how to classify myself. Haha Also, I loved Law class. ??
    Okay, I am really sad you weren't at my school. We would have been friends... or enemies, since we seemed to be pretty similar.

    Haha we could be frenemies! Sleepovers where we do each other's nails and swoon over boys and then talk smack about each other. Lol I never got why girls do that. Lame.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    I hung out with people from all groups... but I was a band nerd.. drama geek...soccer player.. I guess to be grouped...
    back in the grunge days (which was middle school and part of HS for me) I was all flannel shirts and doc martens loud music and angsty pissed off looks..... i think somewhere between junior and senior year I realized I just didn't care how expensive other peoples clothes were and what was cool and who you should and shouldn't be friends with in any group and i would come to school in cut off shorts and my dad's izod shirts... even wore some of my g-pas hawaiian shirts from time to time.. I think at that point I became a weirdo and i've never turned back. :bigsmile:
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    Art geek. As for my friends, I guess you could say they were all band/ROTC/art/drama/computer nerds. We were the misfits that the jocks and cheerleaders made fun of. Funny thing is, most of us are in really good jobs and in stable relationships. The others? Not so much....
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I was the "new wavers".. LOL that's what all the other clicks called us.
    we hung out in a place that was called "woodstock" .. not sure who named it.. but it was like that when i went in as a freshmen.

    I was more grunge than anything though. I had plenty of flannel shirts and doc martens. =P
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    band nerd

    Alright! I'm not the only one!!!


    me too...but in our high school that band was over 1100 people so no one called us band nerds!! lol
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    I was the nerdy, jock, preppy type....lol. I honestly got along with about everyone and had some good friends in all those crowds...still do :)
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I was in the "I'm too cool for high school because I play with the older boys" group
    If i could go back, Id join every nerd group there was.

    Me too. Had a lot of friends in high school, but we are all the "bad kids", "freaks" (a.k.a. stoners). I still got decent grades, but wow, there were so many opportunities that I didn't take advantage of because of the "too cool for school" attitude. Ugh.