Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 3



  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone! Somehow I got so busy and realized... AHHH I haven't been by the Sixers website!!! So here I am with lots to catch up on and no time to do it! I have done all of my workouts for the week though I had to do 2 strength trainings today to make my 3 for the week. So I guess I will only count it as 2 strength training days!

    Today: 43 mins of yoga
    and 30 mins Taebo

    Lauryn: I will watch My boys tomorrow after school on the internet! I am soo excited to see it, Thanks for the compliment! :laugh:

    My weight is all over the place and I feel like maybe I didn't work out as hard as I could this week BUT I did something every day even if it was just walking for 45 mins... and completed: 6 cardio workouts, 1 yoga session (a mix of yoga and strength lol... My heart rate was 150 or so), 2 strength training session (not including the 1 I got from the yoga mix video), and 20 mins of pilates one morning...
    i'm hoping for a loss on Tuesday but I am going to keep working hard at eating right and I know I will see weight loss eventually.

    I've been so conflicted about how many calories I should eat to lose weight. I work out a lot and haven't seen big numbers yet... so I think "should I eat more, should I eat less?" etc... I've been b/t 1400-1700 most days. And I was thinking of trying 1200 but it leaves me weak and irritable and I think I may workout toooo much for that. So I think I will just try to eat lots of fruits and veggies and hope it works out.

    The good news is that I see muscles now, my stomach, though it has a layer of cushion :laugh: , has muscle lines that are coming into view again and my confidence is high, and my energy is high because it is finally getting warm outside so all and all I can't complain!!

    **Oh and no offense taken to the natural dr comment :bigsmile: I agree that sometimes people push what they have learned in school and often M.D.'s treat differently than D.O.'s... i'm super interested in fitness and nutrition * what I plan on specializing in eventually* so I hope to provide my patients with a well-round view on health.. but in my personal opinion I'm scared of fasts.... :ohwell: they just make me nervous becauseI think the body is made to maintatin balance/ homeostasis and I think if you feed it good things, in time, it will cleanse itself naturally. But there are lots of theories on it so some ppl do it and get great results and some- like me- just end up hungry, foggy minded- not a word lol-, and CRANKY! ask my sis... me hungy= a terrible thing!

    Oh and I decided the other day.. because it seems that what I am doing is not working I am adding 3 things to my plan:

    1. FIBER!
    2. WATER
    3. 7-8 hours of sleep

    The last time I lost weight I slept every single night 7-9 hrs. I was more relaxed, and though nothing else changed.... my weight finally started coming off. They say Cortisol rises when you don't sleep and are stressed... so at the very least i will be more regular :laugh: , well rested, and hydrated!! So no harm in trying!

    Back to studying I will do my best to check back in soon!

    after much debate... like 2 yrs worth lol.... I JOINED THE YMCA TODAY!!! YAY!!!
    And I will be attending a 5:45 Circuit Training class tomorrow a.m. I'll check in to update you!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Amylou- Good luck with the paper

    B- Partying is fun. I did lots of it my freshman year than I cut it out. I was going out Sun-Sat. LOL.

    Lauryn- Wow, I didn't know you had moved already. I know how it is moving around. I wish you the best. Your brother sounds cute and I'm sure you can't wait to clean it either. I hope you adjust well and I hope you have time to journal and analyze your feelings during this time. You will be amazed at how fast you grow. I know you can do it. You are a strong, beautiful woman!!! Love ya!!!

    Cathy- congrats on the jog and the yard sale. Good deal.

    Shanell- Its hard sometimes to look back on our day and its easy to get frustrated with ourselves. At least you moved past it and I'm sure you are going to get back on track. I know you can do it!!! Lets move away from the 200's forever, together. Best of luck!!!

    Rhiannon- I didn't read a post from you... How are you doing??? Lovely, I'm sure!

    Tiff- I'm glad you joined the gym. You are doing a great job. Stay focused. LOL :)

    Well.... I'm going to turn in as early as possible. LOL!!! Too funny. I wish I could be like my sister and get all that sleep!

    Take care!!!

    TAMM :drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hi gals :happy:

    Tamm, thanks for asking after me :wink: I'm here, just busy! I had a nice day out (started the day with a great gym workout!) then later at the petting farm with the kiddos I watched one of the goats giving birth :bigsmile: Beautiful miracle no matter the species!

    Lauryn, sending you hugs and well wishes!

    I had a fairly good day today food-wise. I'm feeling good about things lately and looking forward to the weekend's 10k though I feel completely unprepared. Ah well. I'll run as much as I can!! A week from now I will have done the race and I'll know where I'm at as far as what kind of training I have to do to be better prepared for the next one. I'd love to do a half marathon in the next 18 months and the Royal Victoria Marathon in 2 years.. Goals long and short, right? :smile:

    Cathy, how was your weekend?

    Shanell, I DREAMED of you last night :laugh: In my dream, you had said you were going on a driving vacation. I was walking and saw a car that was purple and green and thought 'funny, that's the same colour scheme as Shanell's' then looked and saw you in there with your family. I invited you guys over for supper then you had to be on your way. The funny thing is that the next day (in my dream) ALL of us sixers were hanging around in person and I was talking about how I'd seen you and we'd hung out. I woke up laughing.
    Kristin, remember that thanksgiving dream I had about you in the early fall?? ... I spend a lot of time on here :tongue:

    Well, off to make some protein bars for the week. I planned on making them yesterday but needed yogurt cheese for my recipe so had to wait 24 hrs for that! I did make crackers yesterday though and they are SO tasty. Really easy to make too! It was spelt flour then I made flour out of pumpkin seeds and almonds then used water and olive oil to bind them. Added lots of spices plus sesame seeds and flax seeds. We used cute teensy cookie cutters to shape them. I'm excited to experiment with new flavours like cinnamon raisin or onion olive. I'm also making bread tomorrow. I'm getting sick of spending so much money on the rare foods that meet my nutritional criterion and taking SO MUCH TIME scanning ingredient lists and nutrition panels to find things I'm willing to ingest and to feed my family. Good thing I love cooking as much as I do because I seem to keep adding new things I'll only make from scratch! :laugh:

    Tiff, glad no offense was taken :wink:

    Alright, I'm off. I'm also trying to get proper sleep!! I want to see another lb go by this Tuesday (from last week) if I can.

    Pedal out. :tongue:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Good Morning All!

    I woke up to do the class!!!! It was great! But I need to get more sleep tonight so I can be refreshed! :-) It was a strength training class so it's 7 a.m. monday morning and I can check off one of my strength trainings :-) :bigsmile: YAY!!! Did 7 Mins of yoga when I got home... lol.

    My Taebo Advanced Video was Gruesome yesterday! lol... ok I exaggerate a little but MAN it was tough! My butt was burning when we did the floor work, but I pushed it out and did an hour instead of 30 mins!!

    Ok Gotta go eat breakfast and get ready for school! :heart: It's raining here but the sun is shining inside my hearT! :-) Today is going to be a healthy day! LOL
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning ladies! Snowing here this morning :noway: . I really hate those of you able to go to yard sales and eat fresh strawberries. Supposed to turn to freezing rain later. The oldest boy is hoping for a snow day tomorrow (probably not going to happen), because he has a major speech to do on the fact that global warming doesn't exist. If they have a snowday tomorrow, he's using it as an attention getter for his intro... lol

    Well, better start working.... I hate Mondays! Especially snowy rainy freezing Mondays!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! Happy Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Happy Monday, Kristin!!!

    Tiff, you were posting and working out before I got my lazy tail outta bed. :laugh:

    Rhiannon, how funny you dream of sixers!!! :wink:

    Friday night and Saturday night were really bad for me (emotionally). Last night was manageable. I've been doing well (enough) with my eating. Didn't log everything this weekend (I never do on the weekends) but based on my exercise, my intake shouldn't have been above maintenance. My clothes are fitting tighter though. :frown: Not good. BUT my ring is also not wanting to fit well today, so I think I'm swollen (water retention). I can't worry about it. I can only keep doing my best and working through this.

    Off to work, I suppose. *sigh*

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    Wearing some tighter work pants today, because they are all TIGHT now. :mad:
    Sat down at my desk and suddenly RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRip.
    Crap, my pants became looser across my massive gut but not at my waist.
    I quickly looked down.
    Thank GOD it was only my zipper unlocking and dropping all the way down (hence that noise).
    I quickly zipped it back up. This was just a few minutes ago, but so far so good.

    Still. :grumble:

    EDIT: And yes, you are all allowed to laugh and make fun of me for this. :laugh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just lurking around. doing well, thinking about leaving town for a few days the first of may. haven't decided yet. need to get away from it all for some revamping.....

    later :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tiff, what a great start to your day!!! Your energy jumped off the page and I sure feel motivated by it!

    Lauryn, that's not a fun way to start the day. Tight clothes are the WORST. You'll get through all of this my dear :flowerforyou:

    Morning Kristin! :bigsmile:

    Cathy, that sounds nice! We're in the midst of planning out getaways for the summer too.

    Robin, bummer about the weather. I hope you see spring soon :wink:

    I hope everyone else has a great day. I made those protein bars last night and they're really really tasty. I shared one with my son this morning to put something in my body before I do some more Zumba. LOVING that right now! I'm also down another .5 lb since Friday so I'm hoping to see a loss for tomorrow. Feeling good! :bigsmile:

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491

    I can only do a quick post but I will be back on laterz for a roll call.

    So yesterday I worked SUPER hard at the gym!!! I did my first fully day of my couch to 5k and it went wonderfully so much so that i experienced a Cathy addiciton moment and went an extra 10 minutes at it!
    Then I did super hard core weight and strength training... I did 50 girlie pushups!!!! (okay if you realllllly knew me you would know this was a HUGE win... I cant do push ups.. I have ZERO upper body strength... hah and trust me I am super sore today.) Plus being active with my man for the 3rd day in the row makes things extra hardcore.. haha! (please pardon that if i offended you in anyway! I am very verbal... about that kind of thing) Cleanse is going sooo wonderful, I feel amazing.. here is the thing, i dont want to get sick from not heading carbs, so i have added two small snacks to the cleanse every day that I am working out, Im doing pita chips and hummus for lunch (baked not fried) and then pita bread with tomatoes and hummus for dinner. So really I am not doing a cleanse at all, I think these last four days have proven to me though that I CAN do anything I set my mind too.. So I am calling an end to my Full cleanse, I will continue to drink the stuff, but I am not going to deny my body so much of its nutrients.. (pedal i bet your saying I told you soo haha! ^_^ )

    Okay well i gots to go, will do personals in an hour or two.
    <3:drinker: <3
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ohhhhh I'm such a foodie...

    I have a pot of spiced lentil soup on the stove, I just took a loaf of garlic & cheese spelt bread out of the oven and in 10 minutes my loaf of cinnamon raisin will be done its final rise and I can pop it in the oven. YUM!!! You can't IMAGINE how good my house smells right now!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Mmmmmmmm Rhiannon! I want to be at YOUR house!!!! :tongue: *drool*
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Uhhh - the bread was SO good that I had to make it my profile picture. 85 cals a slice. Yep, GOOOOOD!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hello Sixers!!!

    Kristin- cute new picture

    Tiff- I am very jealous and happy for you! Go girlie! You are a motivation to me!!! YAY, sis! :wink:

    Lauryn- glad you are posting more! :) The tighter pants are never fun. Its crazy how on day those pantsmake your mind snap back in gear. you can do it!!! :) I'm glad they didn't rip!

    Rhiannon- You are an amazing woman, cooking, spending time at the zoo w/ kids! That bread looks good! YUMM. Funny dream, however, I would love for us to meet up on day!

    Cathy- glad things are going well.

    B!!- you are working hard. I bet it feels good to focus. Congrats!!!

    Robin- sorry about the weather. It will get better soon. Snow in April.... leave it to mother nature. LOL

    I think I got all the people with recent posts.

    Oh now for me. I'm mad at myself for going to bed way to late every night and then not doing my morning workouts. Today I didn't do my morning workout, I didn't do one at lunch and I didnt do one this evening. WHY OH WHY????? MAN.... I know I needed to do it earlier. This is a lesson I know the answer to but I do it anyway. :) So I have a problem? I could workout, or I could go to bed early in hopes of a morning workout. I will try to go to bed early for my benefit. :) I guess this is a good day to call a day off, I just don't want to think about fitness all day on my day off. LOL.... Wow!

    Thats my spill. Take care ladies.....
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So I just got back from the gym and I did fuel up with Hummus and Pita before hand and I had a wonderful workout. I did 50 minutes on the treadmill!:smokin: , 30 minutes when I first got there staggering at 5 minute brisk walk, 5 minute light jog, 10 minute strong jog, 5 minute light job, 5 minute brisk walk. Then did more Strength and weight training. took roughly another 30 minutes or so... and then finished up with a stagger 20 minutes, with 10 minutes brisk walk, 5 minutes light job, 5 minutes brisk walk...

    I worked out a little harder then I was planning so I really hope my body won't hate me tomorrow...

    So Personals!!!!!!!

    Lauryn- I am sorry your going through a rough time, *hugggs* and I am sorry you have tighter clothes! You can work through it though, you are a strong beautiful woman, who has a wonderful 3 year old and nice parents and brother! (I am guesstimating here) Oh and I am on a cleanse haha although I have decided to alter the cleanse to allow me to eat some things, and allow me to continue training for my 5 k! ^_^ And ya I like to have fun, but I just don't like getting in trouble or breaking any laws, so usually I stick to games, and just hanging out. haha

    Nellie- Don't worry we have all had bad eating days like you said tomorrow is a new day! hey as an alternative to pancakes you should try Crepes, they are lighter a little better for you and you can cover them in fruit and even a little whipped cream!!! and haha yes.. partying without food in my tummy, I was thankful I ate something but was very angry at the useless calories, and to make thigns sadder I didnt even get tipsy let alone wasted... (I sadly have a high tolerance...)

    Gonabfit- damn you are intimidating! Your like.. Super Woman,.. haha you did some crazy work outs! And I can understand the crankyness I was kind of cranky to my boyfriend the first two days but I have been great sense... so hmm i dk but I did adjust it so I will have enough energy to work out every day.

    Tamm- haha I dont do any partying usually, I have a HUGE conscious... I feel bad if I kill a bug let alone breaking any laws... but i used to party a lot my sophomore year of high school... haha but then cut it out when bad things started happening to me. And thanks I am starting to get addicted to feeling so great after my work outs! Go to bed early woman! I am getting up early tomorrow too do a work out so we can check in on each other to make sure we do it!!!

    Pedal- the food looks great and good luck on the 10k this weekend!!! I sure hope the weather is nice for you!

    pet- EWWW SNOW!

    Cathy- YAY SUMMER!!!

    Kristin- I <3 ur new profile pic!

    K so <3 yal..
    <3:drinker: <3
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    see new thread :wink: