

  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Thankyou for all your advice everyone.

    Please tell me if this is correct:

    Instead of setting MFP to lose 2lbs i'll set it to either 0.5 or 1 pound a week weight loss.
    I will also eat most of my exercise calories back. Reduce sugar intake ( i have a sweet tooth!) and carry on eating fresh foods.
    I will run 5 days a week (mixing it up a bit with other equipment)

    Am i right?

    0.5 I reckon! 2lb a week is only realistic if you are very overweight - which you're not! x
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Incidentally- you won't gain on 1500 a day, you will lose. I weigh 8 st 7lb and I would carry on losing weight if I ate that amount. I stay the same on 1700/1800.

    Set it at around 1400/1450 if you feel 1500 is too high. But NOT 1200 - and give it at least 2 weeks before you throw in the towel, not 5 days :wink:
  • cluvenit
    cluvenit Posts: 23 Member
    Get that protein up girlfriend! :-)...If you weigh 100 pounds you need 100 gm of protein a day at least. I am a carb lover so this is easier said than done but ,when I start concentrating on upping my protein and lowering my carbs-- the pounds seem to fall right off- oh and on the running.. my trainer taught me this.. How many marathoners do you see out there that are overweight? Quite a few if you ask me.. now take a look at sprinters.. All SUPER tiny and in shape.. Maybe your body is so used to running that same old steady pace... Try some sprint intervals instead.. jog 30 sec at a comfortable pace and then crank up the speed to an insane amount for 45 sec.. then a quick walk for a min...After a couple of rounds your heart rate will be pumping! or try some circuit training.. Weight cardio combos... do some lifting sets with 1 minute of jump squats or jump lunges in between... that will really get that heart rate up!.. Plus you can get just as good/ if not a better workout in HALF the time.. I know it may have worked last year, but speaking from experience.. every month you get older, its going to get a little bit harder to maintain or lose.. Dont get discouraged lady.. You look FAB! Good luck :-)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I just briefly went through the responses. There's some good ones in there. You are at a healthy weight you should be working on body fat % now, not weight. You want to be increasing your lean muscle to increase your metabolism so you can eat.

    I didn't see anything mentioned about strength training or weight lifting. I don't think Jillian Michaels is enough strength, is it?
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    I would first of all like to say that you look wonderful and second of all per BMI you are in the healthy range for your height. My opinion is you may want to check your body fat% and just try to maintain eat to be healthy not lose any more weight, but if you want to lose weight eat more and eat your exercise calories back good luck and also increase your water intake, cut the sweets for just moderation, and watch your sodium, good luck!