Eating Clean



  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    I don't agree that calories are calories, I see a lot of people on this site complaining they are not losing weight and when I check their diary...I see they are within the goals on the diary but it's all processed food. That is what I have seen at least, everyone can believe what they want I guess.
    That's what I mean! (I was quoting the person's previous comment) Assuming you're overweight and you make the change to live a clean eating lifestyle, wouldn't that almost guarantee weight loss? I would think cutting all that garbage out of your diet would result in weight loss as one of the many benefits but the one comment left said she gained weight because "calories are calories" when she switched to clean eating.

    No...because clean eating isn't eating all green vegetables. It is very easy to go over your calorie needs if you have a diet heavily focused on sweet potatoes, legumes, lean meat, avocados, EVOO, nuts, quinoa....all staples of a clean eating diet.

    I eat clean 90% of the time because when I do I feel FANTASTIC; but I still have to be mindful of my calories and macronutrient balance. But believe me, if I want a beer I'm gonna have one, and as another poster said adjust my calories to allow for it!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I just started three weeks ago (I got the book by Tosca Reno). The first two weeks were hell for me because I was going through sugar and carb withdrawal (and rightly so since my intake of those components dropped significantly). But after the intial 2 weeks it got better. You can eat more foods that you weren't allowed to have in the first two weeks. I try to stick to it, but sometimes it really is hard but worthy it. I noticed my hair getting shinier, my face is more clear and of course, I lost weight (about 7lbs the first two weeks). I think its a good idea to eat clean in general, she is right on the nose with this "diet" but some of the things she says you should be having are slightly ridiculous so you can modify it to how it best suits you. Good luck!
  • SweetMommaof21981
    Thinking of getting the book and jumping on the eat clean bandwagon... :-)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Question...what r you car protein fat ratios like
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Well damn! It must work because Jillian's book is SOLD OUT on Amazon!!!!!

    You can get this right now for only 4.95 if you live in the USA.