Creepy MFP posts



  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Creepy? I had heard that occaisionally, but more and more lately, ie no creepy posts, no creepy guys/girls. This or that person is creepy. What the hell is creepy nowadays? I mean I understand there are lines you shouldn't cross in social interaction but peoples definition of creepy (IMHO) is getting so overblown in todays society that it's a wonder anyone is friends with/talks to/dates/marries or even has the temerity to even approach anyone of the opposite, or same sex, for that matter, without being labled "Creepy" for some unknown trangression. Personally I think our notions of "normal" and "creepy" have become so self centered and egocentric that it truly is becoming disheartening to say the least. Let me know if I am being unrealistic or even overly sensitive to the matter. Love to hear other peoples points of view and I don't 't mind my perceptions being swayed one way or the other by solid reasoning.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Is Paul Sorvino posting another who is your MFP crush again??? If your name hasn't been mentioned in the last 4 threads it's not going happen buddy:noway:

  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    Creepy? I had heard that occaisionally, but more and more lately, ie no creepy posts, no creepy guys/girls. This or that person is creepy. What the hell is creepy nowadays? I mean I understand there are lines you shouldn't cross in social interaction but peoples definition of creepy (IMHO) is getting so overblown in todays society that it's a wonder anyone is friends with/talks to/dates/marries or even has the temerity to even approach anyone of the opposite, or same sex, for that matter, without being labled "Creepy" for some unknown trangression. Personally I think our notions of "normal" and "creepy" have become so self centered and egocentric that it truly is becoming disheartening to say the least. Let me know if I am being unrealistic or even overly sensitive to the matter. Love to hear other peoples points of view and I don't 't mind my perceptions being swayed one way or the other by solid reasoning.

    There you go with those long run-on sentences again . . .
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
  • All of the creepers I have heard about here have been taken care of by staff. :D
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    There was someone I friended on here but he constantly uploaded stuff in his statuses that had sexual connotations and was a bit creepy in the sense that he would make all these jokes and all these women were just sitting there eating it all up. I found it weird and yeah creepy so I unfriended him.

    Haha, I think she's talking about me.

    I have a disclaimer, and I'm not being a creeper in PMs or blatant ways.

    Hahahaha! I thought of you too! Not for the creepy posts but for all the women who eat up your every word.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    Is it really that big of a surprise that creepers would gravitate to a site where people regularly post pics of themselves in underwear?

    Or where they can post pics of themselves in their underwear. Or just with a smiley face over their *kitten*.

    I have NEVER seen a smiley face over an *kitten*. ;-)
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    There was someone I friended on here but he constantly uploaded stuff in his statuses that had sexual connotations and was a bit creepy in the sense that he would make all these jokes and all these women were just sitting there eating it all up. I found it weird and yeah creepy so I unfriended him.

    Haha, I think she's talking about me.

    I have a disclaimer, and I'm not being a creeper in PMs or blatant ways.

    I've never thought you were a creeper.
  • SARRY562
    SARRY562 Posts: 123 Member
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Creepy? I had heard that occaisionally, but more and more lately, ie no creepy posts, no creepy guys/girls. This or that person is creepy. What the hell is creepy nowadays? I mean I understand there are lines you shouldn't cross in social interaction but peoples definition of creepy (IMHO) is getting so overblown in todays society that it's a wonder anyone is friends with/talks to/dates/marries or even has the temerity to even approach anyone of the opposite, or same sex, for that matter, without being labled "Creepy" for some unknown trangression. Personally I think our notions of "normal" and "creepy" have become so self centered and egocentric that it truly is becoming disheartening to say the least. Let me know if I am being unrealistic or even overly sensitive to the matter. Love to hear other peoples points of view and I don't 't mind my perceptions being swayed one way or the other by solid reasoning.

  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    I posted something on someone's profile today and this thread made me feel creepy. I was about to go delete it, but she responded to it. lol
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Is Paul Sorvino posting another who is your MFP crush again??? If your name hasn't been mentioned in the last 4 threads it's not going happen buddy:noway:

    i love how i called him that once, and it just took off.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Is it really that big of a surprise that creepers would gravitate to a site where people regularly post pics of themselves in underwear?

    Excellent point!

    That is what I think, too!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
  • I don't get any creepy posts...haven't in the past, either, and I've been on here for almost four years.

    You're lucky I guess! Hey that's a great car in your pic. I'd love to see it some time - HUGE muscle car fan. Does it have a lot of trunk space? When can we meet up?
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:laugh:
  • Scary & creepy!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member

    HOLY *kitten*! LOL
  • Honestly, I've never seen a creepy post. I also haven't had any creepy comments on my status updates nor have I seen any of my friends post creepy status updates.

    Oh crap!

    Does this mean I must be one of the creepy ones?!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Creepy? I had heard that occaisionally, but more and more lately, ie no creepy posts, no creepy guys/girls. This or that person is creepy. What the hell is creepy nowadays? I mean I understand there are lines you shouldn't cross in social interaction but peoples definition of creepy (IMHO) is getting so overblown in todays society that it's a wonder anyone is friends with/talks to/dates/marries or even has the temerity to even approach anyone of the opposite, or same sex, for that matter, without being labled "Creepy" for some unknown trangression. Personally I think our notions of "normal" and "creepy" have become so self centered and egocentric that it truly is becoming disheartening to say the least. Let me know if I am being unrealistic or even overly sensitive to the matter. Love to hear other peoples points of view and I don't 't mind my perceptions being swayed one way or the other by solid reasoning.

    There you go with those long run-on sentences again . . .

    :embarassed: Yeah I know, I just write the way I think sometimes and don't pay too much attention to the grammar and/or proper punctuation aspects. I'll try and do better:bigsmile: