not your average boob post



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    All of the chest exercises will make them larger.

    I got a lift WITH my reduction. same surgical technique. I had very light scarring. There is only one spot (about a half inch long) that is a visible scar, but it really depends on YOUR skin. It varies wildly from person to person.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I would like to dedicate this song to my rapidly disappearing boobs.
  • mlindahl
    mlindahl Posts: 43 Member
    Recycling should be made available for excess boobs (I could be on the receiving end) and excess fat (I could deposit mine).
  • pinkprincess205
    Iv lost 37lbs n my boobs have only gone down 2in, but think that is from the chub on my back n not my boobs lol.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    New genes. Not the denim kind... :(
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    in response to this:

    I'm not a doctor, nor a certified anything lol, but this statement makes sense. The more you build muscle in a particular region, the easier the fat burns in that area. The reason, I believe, is the calories that normally go toward fat growth in that area are now focused on muscle growth, which helps slow fat cells from growing.

    No offense, but the above is entirely incorrect.

    none taken!

    help me understand this better please
  • mofireman
    Let 'em be..... ;) Please?!?
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    If all else fails get a breast reduction. I wouldn't change a thing LOL
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    That is what I did, I got a breast reduction, and it was the best choice I have ever made! My back no longer hurts. I dont get migranes anymore, no more shoulder grooves, I am waaaaaaay less self concious. I only wish I had gone down a little more.
  • mellisaweldon
    yeah im having the same problems i starting growing in 4th grade and never stopped one summer in high school i bought three different bra sizes due to growing and after some college had three kids and tried to breast feed all of them not just for their benefit but because id heard it helped. consequently none of my kids lasted very long on it for different reasons each time ( first one wouldnt latch on, second one was lactose intollerant, and third one is tongue tied so couldnt swallow) and by the way i was very active until college but after kids was the heaviest ever at 163 lbs and 4'11' and a 38 ddd even in high school at my most active on all my body i was a 36dd with the added diagnoses of fiber-cystic breasts (an early and easily curable form of breast cancer) at the age 19 and was born with an over curved back only getting worse with excess wieght and more excercise with out funds for any surgery or chiropracters. with my disease if a change of diet hadnt helped i would have had to have a biopsy and would have had no way of paying for it. im now trying to raise money for a reduction/lift but that would still be probably years from now and still with no med insurance to help..... so to those other women frustrated with how long it takes to lose even a little bit there, at least you got that much :frown: :ohwell: :grumble:
  • jessie1480
    jessie1480 Posts: 132 Member
    I've lost 45 out of my 65 pounds. Not until about 5 pounds ago did I notice change in my tatas. They only shrank a cup size, but they are taking a better shape. There is hope. Oh and I do a hell of alot of push ups!