Does anyone else dislike the "ripped" look?



  • RockinHorseRanch
    I can only say I worked in a popular gym for 6 years and I saw all kinds of bodies; ripped/fat/toned/ and all in between, but what really stands out in my mind were the considerate, mannerly, "nice" people, there is nothing sexier than a man who considers your feelings and acts like a real gentleman, oh, we were talking about body shapes... It just needs to be healthy and move around easily.
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    Wow, how about the people who decide to get fit and healthy and because of their genes they happen to look ripped. Vanity? My Brother is ripped, he is the least vain person I know! He fights MMA and that's just how his body is! He's smart too. Generalisations...generalisations, know before you judge ;-)

    I have 3 little boys, I don;t have time to be vain but I eat right and exercise, if I get muscles it's not out of vanity!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I don't dislike the look, it's just not for me. I want my body toned but more like, say, a dancer. I don't think I would look right 'ripped' , I'm tiny, I think I would look a bit silly!
    I like to see men with a bit of definition but too much scares me a little! :-)
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Yea.. girls shouldn't be too ripped.. but different strokes I guess. As for boys, I like 'em all. Unless they're arrogant... that's a deal breaker. :flowerforyou:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    That's a pretty broad, generalized and downright rude statement. I originally started working out tgo compete in those "bodybuilder" competitions (bikini), but I kept on doing it for me. I found I rather enjoyed the healthier lifestyle. I also found I like my body (for MYSELF) better now, too.

    This (picture below) was for my first show, and I think I could stand to be more "ripped" for my next show, personally...


    and my profile picture is a curent picture (off season).
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    I think its amazing and admirable to put so much hard work work, discipline, dedication, and strength into getting such a fabulous physique. Oh, and I want to be that "ripped" chick.
    this^^ except for the ripped chick part, i rather be a ripped dude lol
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    is this a serious post? seriously?


    Why do you ask that? You sound as if you cannot believe your eyes.

    See, not everybody thought as you did after all.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    Yes, but only because I'm jealous!
  • ErinsAvon
    ErinsAvon Posts: 72 Member
    Toned curved arms, and legs. A little 6 pack... maybe. Muscles great, veins, and sinew not great!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    i have no preference how others look. For me, i love strenght training. It is my natural prozac. Getting muscles is a by product.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I'd love to look like that and that's my goal...... :)
  • xo_morgan
    For me, i would never want to be ripped. Maybe a little two pack & definied abs but ive only seen a couple girls that a 6 pack looks good on (IMO)

    As for men, i like my men to have far as his arms sticking out to the side though because they are so huge? no thank you, not my preference. But a man w a nice 8 pack & decent size arms...drool.:love:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I also dislike that look. I don't like it on men, and like it even less on women. I like men who are muscular, but not "cut", I like women who are firm, but that have some flesh on them. That wiry, muscley look is not feminine IMO. I like for both men and women to look like they exercise and are fit and healthy, but also like they enjoy life and don't spend hours in the gym in front of a mirror.

    That's just my opinion. I'm certainly not suggesting anyone who disagrees has to pay it any mind.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Toned curved arms, and legs. A little 6 pack... maybe. Muscles great, veins, and sinew not great!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I agree- I want my man toned. No fluff, I am not a fan of chubby bellys. It's not cuddley. When I see a guy with a beer belly my first impression is-he must not be taking care of himself.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I agree.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I really don't care about "the ripped" look. I just don't want a gut hanging off of me. That's my goal.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    I LOVE IT!
    And its my goal to looked ripped!!

    But, I know its not for everyone, and respect eveyones opinion....

    But, just for the record....... I can't wait to be ripped someday soon!! ;)
  • billgiersberg
    I want to be a lot closer to it than to what I was but I am not looking to enter any body building competitions, just be fit. If you look at, for example, the Total Gym website and look at the before and after photos, you do not see "ripped" as mush as you see fit. Especially in the women. They look very fit and very feminine. The men look fit and not filled with steroids. My own goal is RJ Molinere who you might recognize from the TV show "Swamp People." He is not a body builder but he is a professional arm wrestler. He is well defined and very fit. Just figure out what your own goal is and program that into your way of thinking. RJ is my goal. What is yours?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I want to be as strong as all the ripped chicks. I just don't want my body fat to be quite that low. I wouldn't like that vacuum-packed look on me... At almost 40, a slightly higher BF% is probably kinder to my face. :tongue:
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I think they look awesome and like they take care of their bodies, and it shows. But, I have no desire to look like that.