Paleo Diet

I'm thinking about start the Paleo Diet, i've heard is good, but i wanna do some research before to start it... Does anyone here doing the paleo diet, and if you have some info that could help me i will be pleased!! Thanks!


  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    This is only my third day on the diet but I already like it. There are food I miss already particukarly porridge and milk but I find I get full and I'm never anwhere near over my daily calorie goal even when eating high calorie things like nuts.

    I think it's a persnal thing but maybe do what I am and try it for a month and see how it goes :)
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I would suggest checking out for a wealth of information!
  • robidy
    robidy Posts: 5 Member
    I am on day 3 of implementing Paleo.
    Any 'tricks of the trade' - snacks, meal or if someone who is doing it wouldn't mind friending me so I can see your diary.
    Kind of just fumbling along over here
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I eat primally (As in I eat cheese/cream) and I love it, don't get tired during the day anymore and no heart palpitations from being insulin resistant. It does take a litle longer to prepare as you make mostly everything from scratch (no processed) but it's worth it to me :)

    As said above, any questions you have are generally answered at
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You all can add me as friends if you like.

    I will post some recipes and such either after my class tonight or tomorrow during the day.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    It's a heavily science based diet utilizing the properties of evolution and the human body.
    I love it. Marks Daily Apple is great, as well as Paleo Spirit blog.

    Add me if you'd like. Paleo is so tough for the first couple weeks, after that-- well, you won't ever want to go back once you see how great you feel. Especially emotionally.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I would not recommend the Paleo diet. It might be OK if someone is allergic to grains, but if you are not, you will be missing out on a lot of good nutrition by removing all the whole grains, beans, and some other healthy food groups from your diet.

    Archeologists have discovered that humans have been eating grain for thousands of years, so I don't get why the Paleo people are saying it's so terrible now.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm on day 4 of a 30 day Paleo challenge...I have been eating fairly clean for the past year or so so it hasn't been that difficult as I had already cut out most processed food, sugars, carbs such as pasta and bread, as well as most dairy due to an irritation I discovered after doing a whole food cleanse back in November - when i tried to add it back in - my body revolted in not so kind ways.

    There are a host of great websites for recipes and what not - off the top of my head google

    The clothes make the girl - Melissa Jeolwan (sp?) - I made her meat cupcakes this weekend using ground turkey and that has been my breakfast with 2 hard boiled eggs this week...

    Health-bent is another site I found that has a bunch of recipes by catagory

    As for the person who said don't eat Paleo - it is a persons choice - everything you read is going to have a slant to it - and every persons body is different...Paleo may work for some people and may not work for others...I know for myself - apparently counting calories does not work for me...I have been doing it for the past year and if the addage is true that you simply burn more calories then you take in you will loose weight...then I should have lost about 50 lbs this year instead of the 15 I did (oh and I am proud of the 15 I lost don't get me wrong - just saying by conventional thinking of it doesn't matter WHAT you eat...calories are calories...obviously for myself and many others the key maybe what I feed by body to fuel it rather then the overall calories (not to say calories don't count...they do) but for me I am thinking there is a big difference in eating 1500 calories of whole grains vs eating 1500 calories of meat, veggies and good fats....
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    I am Gluten Free due to Celiac Disease and gluten (Protein found in barley, wheat and rye) is soooo modified to make our breads lighter and fluffier. It's not the same gluten our ancestors had.
    I would not recommend the Paleo diet. It might be OK if someone is allergic to grains, but if you are not, you will be missing out on a lot of good nutrition by removing all the whole grains, beans, and some other healthy food groups from your diet.

    Archeologists have discovered that humans have been eating grain for thousands of years, so I don't get why the Paleo people are saying it's so terrible now.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I would not recommend the Paleo diet. It might be OK if someone is allergic to grains, but if you are not, you will be missing out on a lot of good nutrition by removing all the whole grains, beans, and some other healthy food groups from your diet.

    Archeologists have discovered that humans have been eating grain for thousands of years, so I don't get why the Paleo people are saying it's so terrible now.

    Most modern day "whole grains" are so modified that it doesn't resemble paleo era grains (granted depending on where you buy your fruit/veggies and meats there could be some modification there) - furthermore the article states there is no evidence for or against the use of grains in cooking... the idea of of what they might have used them for the grain part would have been such a small part of the overall diet it would probably have been fairly negligable when compared to the amount of meat/fish/veggies/nuts/seeds they would have eaten
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    We really don't know how much grain early humans ate. But almost as soon as they started farming, and not just being hunter/gathers, humans grew grain.

    Anyway, I really don't understand why we should eat what stone age people ate when there is such a rich history of food that humans have been consuming for thousands of years that are not part of the Paleo plan. To me, Paleo is just another fad diet that makes big money for the people that write books about it.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    but for me I am thinking there is a big difference in eating 1500 calories of whole grains vs eating 1500 calories of meat, veggies and good fats....

    That's a ton of middle ground you're excluding.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I would suggest checking out for a wealth of information!

    Bingo! I follow both Mark's diet ideas and exercise plan and have been for about a month or so. I've never felt so good! I'm loosing body fat and ahve the best energy level I've had in years! I am almost done reading The Primal Blueprint. Great info!!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I know some people that tried switching over to the Paleo diet, and it made them feel so tired and sick they decided it wasn't for them. So maybe it has to do with your body type, blood type - who knows?

    Anyway, I would suggest that if anyone decides to "go Paleo," they make the change gradually so they can find out if their body can tolerate being on that kind of a diet or not.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member

    Most modern day "whole grains" are so modified that it doesn't resemble paleo era grains (granted depending on where you buy your fruit/veggies and meats there could be some modification there) - furthermore the article states there is no evidence for or against the use of grains in cooking... the idea of of what they might have used them for the grain part would have been such a small part of the overall diet it would probably have been fairly negligable when compared to the amount of meat/fish/veggies/nuts/seeds they would have eaten

    Isn't almost ALL of our food modified from what cavemen ate? I mean, look at all the selective breeding of farm animals that's been done in just the past few hundred years. And even if you don't eat beans or gain, most of the vegetables and fruits we eat are hybrid (selectively cross bread) or genetically engineered. So while we can do our best to eat healthy, I don't think it's realistic to say we are eating like our caveman ancestors if we eat Primal.
  • sgpaschak
    The best diet is one that works for you and you can build a lifestyle around. If you can maintain the requirements of Paleo and it works for you, then it is great. If you can't sustain it as a lifestyle, then it is not for you.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I know some people that tried switching over to the Paleo diet, and it made them feel so tired and sick they decided it wasn't for them. So maybe it has to do with your body type, blood type - who knows?

    Anyway, I would suggest that if anyone decides to "go Paleo," they make the change gradually so they can find out if their body can tolerate being on that kind of a diet or not.

    For someone who hasn't done it and is relaying all hearsay you certainly have a lot of commentary and recomedations. You obviously don't think it is a good idea. Duly noted.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    The best diet is one that works for you and you can build a lifestyle around. If you can maintain the requirements of Paleo and it works for you, then it is great. If you can't sustain it as a lifestyle, then it is not for you.

    Thank you! I agree completely! I think sometimes people forget that the original poster is asking for help, not an opinion about something the people replying have never even tried/don't know all the facts about! I tried going Primal and felt great while doing it but it was too difficult for me personally to maintain. I think if it works for you to achieve your goals and you feel great, then go for it!! Good luck and wishing you great success!!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Most modern day "whole grains" are so modified that it doesn't resemble paleo era grains (granted depending on where you buy your fruit/veggies and meats there could be some modification there) - furthermore the article states there is no evidence for or against the use of grains in cooking... the idea of of what they might have used them for the grain part would have been such a small part of the overall diet it would probably have been fairly negligable when compared to the amount of meat/fish/veggies/nuts/seeds they would have eaten

    Isn't almost ALL of our food modified from what cavemen ate? I mean, look at all the selective breeding of farm animals that's been done in just the past few hundred years. And even if you don't eat beans or gain, most of the vegetables and fruits we eat are hybrid (selectively cross bread) or genetically engineered. So while we can do our best to eat healthy, I don't think it's realistic to say we are eating like our caveman ancestors if we eat Primal.

    Wow, why take the whole "eat like a caveman" so literally. It means to eat foods that grow, live and breathe and can be eaten with little or no processing.

    Eat what could be hunted and gathered and eaten almost instantly.