Answering the door



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If I'm still in jammies, hell no I won't answer the door. Usually they leave after two doorbell rings.
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I don't answer the door if I'm home alone.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    When I lived at home, my mom always made me answer the door, so one time, an innocent, unsuspecting Jehovah's witness got the p!ss scared out of him. When I lived there, my brother had a red Siberian Husky and a lot of people thought he looked like a coyote for some reason, so when this guy asked me if he was a coyote, I said "Well, yeah, we had to get something to keep the Bobcat company..." He left right after that and we never had any other Jehovah's witnesses. :laugh:

    You know what has worked for me, when I saw them coming (the same ones came every week for 6 months!) and was fed up with them not taking no for an answer. Standing outside chatting with a neighbor and as soon as I knew they were within ear shot but to far to talk to me I started going on and on about oral sex and one night flings ROFL! The look on their face was priceless and they never bother me or my neighbor ever again lol

    That is awesome! My ASL teacher said that one time she started speaking ASL to them, and the next day they came back with a person who spoke it too. They're tricky little boogers. But they don't like dangerous animals.
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    I'm a "housewife" so am frequently alone with a yappy little dog. If I'm home alone, I don't answer unless the person is wearing a uniform. I know that sounds silly, because a uniform doesn't mean safe, but we also own guns. So if the uniform person turns out to be dangerous I am very well prepared to defend myself. No uniform and I don't know them? Not a chance. I don't care if they peak through the window and see me, I'm not answering the door. I may have weapons and be able to defend myself but I'm not stupid either and am unwilling to put myself in a potentially dangerous position.

    Though I would tell your neighbor off. We have a nosy neighbor like that. She's left me alone since her son(somewhere in his 40's) threw a super loud party one night that got louder until 3-4am. We tried the polite neighbor thing and told him it was late and to quiet down. His response was to turn it up. My response was to call the cops. She didn't appreciate the cops shutting down her sons party. "It wasn't that loud." Dude, I'm almost a street away and can hear it!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I live in apartments on school campus so we have tons of neighbors. One time a guy must of thought he was at the right place as he started yanking on the doorknob trying to open it. I was in the kitchen and a bit creeped out so I put up the door jammer thingy in case it was someone trying to break in and I opened the door. The guy was a foreign exchange student with a random piece of furniture. Next thing you know he has this look of complete shock and was down right embarrassed by what he did. I told him he scared me a little bit, good luck and closed the door.

    It was scary but funny afterwards. People are so dorky. :laugh: Religious missionaries are also VERY annoying. I usually just tell them I have a faith and close the door on them. One actually got desperate and hand wrote a letter and pushed it in my door!!!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Nope, I am a female living alone so I only open the door when I am expecting someone or a delivery. I like to shut my front door to the world and not be disturbed, so I have no patience with marketeers or members of religious groups (there are 4 different churches down my road). My nearest neighbour calls me if there is an issue relating to the building as he knows that I wont answer the door.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    i never answer the door. seriously -never. when i'm expecting visitors they usually call first. of course if I know/see that it's the mailman thats different but other than that i NEVER answer the door. mostly cuz my neighbors are 24/7 drunk *kitten* and i cant think of a reason why i'd want to talk to them.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I never answer the door. We screen our door bell or knocks as we would our phone calls...haha
    I especially don't answer if i am home alone.... lol If I am not expecting someone I don't answer.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Only if they have Girl Guide cookies.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I've been known to turn the volume down on the tv and shush my kids in order to avoid answering the door before. Haha
  • Ireshgurl
    Only if they have Girl Guide cookies.

    I would def answer for this. Usually the only people ringin my bell is UPS/FedEx/Mailperson dropping off a package for the husband. I'm not too worried about opening my door bc most people get a wee bit scared when they see my baby girl. Pit Bulls seem to have that affect....
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Hell no! I never answer the door! People tend to knock when I'm in my pj, no make up on, messy hair, stinky and sweaty after a work out. :ohwell:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I HATE IT when people stop by unannounced.

    This is what cell phones are for.
    If you're "in the neighborhood", I would rather you text me from your car in my driveway than actually knock!

    I don't normally answer the house phone either, unless it's someone I need to talk to, and even then it's a quick transfer of info and hang up. I don't deal with "I just want to talk"....

    The worst is when people call because they're bored...
    "So, what are you doing? Nothing. Oh.....(silence)...I'm bored..."

  • InnerPinup79
    I live near a few prisons, correctional facility, and a psychiatric institute for criminals with serious psych issues sooooo no I don't. Twice police knocked on my door asking if I had seen certain people that recently escaped.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    No, I hardly ever answer the door unless I'm expecting someone, or a parcel.

    Anyone who I'm not expecting is usually:
    A) Somebody wanting to speak to the "homeowner" about something their no doubt selling - I'm renting, non applicable.
    B) Jehovas witness' - I understand that knocking round people's houses is part of what they do, but I'm not interested, so I prefer not to waste my time or theirs.

    Another reason why I don't tend to answer the door if it's unexpected is because about 95% of the time, people call round in the late morning, If I don't have anything of my own to do then (uni etc) then I'm usually not dressed yet by that time (yes I'm lazy and stay in bed late on my days off) and I don't want to rush about trying to get dressed, just to answer the door to something unimportant.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hell no! I never answer the door! People tend to knock when I'm in my pj, no make up on, messy hair, stinky and sweaty after a work out. :ohwell:

    One night, the RA for the apartment complex I live in came by with some packages for me, but I was pants-less, so I made my friend open the door. They have a rule not to give the packages to anybody that they're not addressed to, so he looked at her and said "I have to give these packages to Amanda." and she replied with "Well, she doesn't have pants on, so I can take them." XD
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Heck no. People should call before they just come over.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    Our local Police set up our neighbourhood as a "No Cold Calling Zone" so we *shouldn't* get sales people knocking. Therefore if someone knocks, it's probably going to be a requirement that I open the door such as gas meter reading etc.

    However, I suffer from chronic migraines, and if I'm in bed either sleeping one off or just simply can't move for the pain, they can carry on knocking! The Postman knows that if I don't answer then I'm not well and so leaves me a note and either hides the parcel or gives it to my neighbour. The couriers are usually pretty good at hiding them too (they get bonuses for getting rid of them which helps I suppose!)
  • birdieintx
    Nope I live on a quiet street where my neighbors are mostly gone during the day. If I haven't heard the UPS/Fed Ex truck pulling up there is no reason for someone to be knocking at my door. And I'm glad I don't. Just north of my neighborhood there has been a couple incidents during the day where guys are targeting women home alone, knocking on the door, using a taser on them when they answer, and robbing them.
  • Andrewcpimpin
    Andrewcpimpin Posts: 124 Member
    yeah i normally always do otherwise my dog goes nuts forever. but little do they know there is a .40 cal in my back pocket. ****ty neighborhood ya know.