


  • sabebabe
    sabebabe Posts: 1 Member
    I slice a banana in half lengthwise, then again across the width. Half a tbls of Nutella down two sections, top with the remaining two sections. Like a deconstructed banana split. So good!
  • Slim_Donna
    Slim_Donna Posts: 44 Member
    Straight from a jar with a spoon. Nom nom nom nom :P
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I can't bring it into the house. It would last maybe 3 days. That and the new Philadelphia dark chocolate cream cheese. Cannot have them in the house.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    om nom nom :)
    Seriously. Tuesday, I am gonna murder a whole tub on pancakes!
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member

    Can not have it in the house!!!!

    ^^^^ THIS!

    (But before I figured this out, I ate it on graham crackers with itty bitty marshmallows arranged neatly on top. While arranging the marshmallows, of course, my spoon would continue its dangerous journey back and forth between the jar and my mouth. Argh.)
  • kayladreams
    kayladreams Posts: 17 Member
    Nutella tastes AMAZING on waffles! Haven't had that in a while though, because to be honest I think they're partly the reason I'm on this weight loss journey... soooo good! I could eat 4 of those as a snack. lol!

    I'd rather have nutella on a spoon rather than with anything else though. <3