People giving you the evil eye at the gym...



  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    PREACH! get it girl. let the haters hate and watch the muscle pile up!
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    I'll quite often take side looks at other people in the gym, there are a number of reasons for this:-

    - They are fit to look at
    - They are fit physically
    - They are exercising well and I am jealous
    - They are still exercising well and I am very jealous
    - They must be on a lower setting to me, but I know they are not and I am jealous
    - She probably is fit (attractive) but who cares I am knackered and what setting is she on that she is still going
    - She's doing well I give up I'm shattered.
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    I have never really judged anyone at the gym, but I do remember seeing this 20 something come in, run on the treadmill for literally 5 minutes, go to the mats and stretch and then she left.

    All I thought was, what was the point in that?

    And I have looked at others. There are mirrors everywhere, so while I am on a machine I have good view of where the weights are, and I look to see if there are any hotties. :bigsmile:
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I use the 'lazy *kitten*' elliptical

    Exactly this. Don't judge. I just had a baby 3 weeks ago. I was just cleared for low impact work outs. At least my a*s in the gym.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    There's nothing wrong with the elliptical! A personal trainer told me to do interval training on it. Trust me, I sweat a lot on that thing. Im losing more weight doing that than what I did before, which was even more machines!

    I bet you think classes are a waste of time too! I LOVE them.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    You make the gym sound like some b*tchy teenage drama flick.

    Maybe you make really weird grunting noises when you run and disturb other people?
    Maybe your flicking your sweat around and its hitting other gym members?
    Maybe your superior attitude as the "Girl who can do what you can't "makes your face all sour so people are just responding to perceived hostility?
    Maybe your just a very very special snowflake and they are all just jealous.

    This :)
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    This is why I cancelled my gym membership and bought a treadmill for the house.. Judgmental people like you. Thanks OP.. For breaking my streak of 'positive-only' forum posts. Maybe you didn't intend it this way but you ended up coming off arrogant and ill-mannered. Maybe you were expecting us all to tell you how pretty you are and it MUST be the reason everyone's staring?! Hope you got what you needed from us.. Now, carry on. :flowerforyou:
  • elcyclista
    OP: you should give them two evil eyes.
  • lonaneomaflame
    The elliptical is not lazy, I burn way more calories then when I'm treadmill. I have never actually used a gymn treadmill, I have one at home to use at 3AM in my undies, and I would really rather take my dog on a run around my hilley neighborhood then be on the treadmill when it's sunny out. And honestly the only time I ever see people actually doing anything more then giving passing glances at other people in my gym is when people come as a group.
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    OP: you should give them two evil eyes.

    ^ Agree. Or close your eyes.

    Yo troll, walk on by...seriously, Cassie?
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    You know - not just this topic....but there have been many about WOMEN going so slow on the treadmill.

    You know, I have to tell you - if you are working so hard, when do you have time to notice all the other people in the gym?

    Also, did you ever for once think that they may have a reason for going SLOW!!

    You know, I would love to work out in the gym. But, I am scared sh@@less. Why?? Because of people like you guys, who
    sit back and criticize people who are maybe not going as FAST as you or SWEATING as much as YOU!!

    Maybe ask yourself why? Maybe they have a hidden disability.

    Yes, you can be angry and shout and be angry but what are you upset at???
    Well said! I dont judge anyone. The only person I have to worry about is myself!
    +1 on this! At the gym it's all about me and my headphones. Anyone judging me needs to get a life. Stink eye me all you want. If - IF - I notice, you might get one back. And I've had to 'buck it up' and hit the free weights with guys around. Was scared - for like 3 seconds. And lived to tell about it.

    Signed, the girl on the lazy *kitten* elliptical who doesn't give a crap.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    Beauty- I cant tell you the secret word, I would lose my Man Card. I just got off probation for rocking too hard in Zumba class
    that's awesome! you're off probation for admitting it (in my book) :wink:
  • swthrtsmrf
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    So true! Ignore them! Good for you.
  • NaomsIrl
    Yes! I can totally relate, I used to get the evil stares all the time, and the pretty gross stares from the older guys (I'm 15)... this is one of the reasons I stopped going to the gym.
  • a_acosta80
    OMG this happens to me at the gym too.
    I cant stand it.
    So I just make funny faces at them. like cross my eyes and stick out my tong and push up my nose to make it look like a pig.
    I get creative. Its great to mess with people that look at me like im a freak at the gym. so some times I act like one. LOL
  • serene00
    serene00 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started, never did gym workout before, I am retired (i.e. not very young) and have to start with baby-steps. I get looks from the buffed twenty- and thirty-somethings, both male and female. This is not comfortable for me, but I will persist. Please don't judge others. Hair/makeup are irrelevant to intent and effort put forth.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.
    Headaches, I understand. But doesn't it get freakishly hot and in the way? Returning from work/school makes sense, but I think that if you have time to stop by the house to pick up clothes (since the girls that come in are already dressed and ready to exercise), you have time to take any excess make up off. Then again, I don't wear make up so I don't know how long it takes to remove it.
    I also don't understand why you would worry about looking your best or worst at the gym...

    Oh yeah It does. I have a rec center with an indoor track though. So usually when I run my hair is just trailing behind me. And when I lift its not in the way at all. I am quite used to it. I also only wear eye makeup normally and have no need to take it off? Since I dont ever really need to touch my eyes and takes forever to get off without me looking like a raccoon. So much easier to just not bother

    I am one who doesn't want to look like *kitten* when I go to the gym. I know a lot of people that work there, talk with a few of the lifters I see, and have a class. So maybe ill keep my makeup on because I know I look better that way too.
    I'm like this. Well besides the hair part because mine refuses to grow pass my ears. I wear eye makeup all day everyday and only try to remove it when i go to bed. I just look better that way IMO. And isn't that what matters? How YOU look to YOURSELF? I'll leave my makeup right where it is...on my face.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    One of my pet peeves are girls who wear their hair down or wear make up to the gym... Seriously, wtf? Who are we really trying to impress?

    I get terrible headaches when I put my hair up, so I war it down to the gym a lot. And I wear makeup since I come after work/school. And I know many are the same. What's the big deal? Not everyone wants to look all dolled up, but not everyone wants to look at their worst either.

    I just finished saying to my husband that the one thing I keep in my gym bag is make up remover wipes. I leave work and go to the gym 3 days a week and never do I go to class wearing makeup.

    You have to understand that dealing with people who are only there to "bag a man" can drive you crazy and when you are waiting to use a machine and the "girl" using the machine is popping bubble gum and playing it gets nerve racking. I don't believe she meant people who are minding their own business and doing their own work out. I believe she meant the people that are there just for show and we all know they are there.
  • heleflump
    Personally if want to rock up to the gym in full make up, stilettos and my locks flowing to my knees - I will. What does it matter what anyone thinks - mostly people don't through dirty looks around at other people - it's probably aimed at the evil vindictive machine that they are trying to conquer!!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    It is SO annoying. Being looked at as if I am nuts for sweating and being blushed after running as well as actually putting some effort into my workouts. Hell, I even get crazy looks from the people next to and around me while I'm running; I might be busy but don't think I don't notice that stuff. I'm not asleep and lazy like 90% of the women there. I really wonder why some of them even bother. I'm at a gym, I didn't know that what I'm doing there is so abnormal. I mean, I go to the gym to sweat, not to lounge and relax on the treadmill on 1.5 or use the lazy *kitten* elliptical for two hours and not move my *kitten*. I'm not there to have a good time and remain comfortable. People need to mind their business, worry about themselves and stop making people feel so awkward.

    That girl that does what you can't.

    You make the gym sound like some b*tchy teenage drama flick.

    Maybe you make really weird grunting noises when you run and disturb other people?
    Maybe your flicking your sweat around and its hitting other gym members?
    Maybe your superior attitude as the "Girl who can do what you can't "makes your face all sour so people are just responding to perceived hostility?
    Maybe your just a very very special snowflake and they are all just jealous.
    I'm a special snowflake :flowerforyou: