How bad is diet coke for me?



  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    It probably won't kill you. For all the bad things said about diet coke, I have yet to meet a single person in real life who has had any adverse effect from it whatsoever. So until there is some real consensus that it is bad, I'll say keep drinking, but if you are drinking them all day long and can't stop, maybe you have a problem with diet coke.

    Raises hand!! Aspartame gives me hives...I can't even have yoplait light - I get the stoneyfield organic :( (Pricier)

    Also, I'm sorry but this stuff is crap. Even if it is safe it was never approved by the FDA in the quantities that many american's now drink it. Even if it is safe the more than sketchy approval process by the FDA is enough to make your head spin and wonder. (IE We may just not know) Further studies in 2010 have linked 2 sodas a day to an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

    Really is this worth the risk?

    Not to mention I do believe drinking that crap makes you crave other less healthy...crap.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    It probably won't kill you. For all the bad things said about diet coke, I have yet to meet a single person in real life who has had any adverse effect from it whatsoever. So until there is some real consensus that it is bad, I'll say keep drinking, but if you are drinking them all day long and can't stop, maybe you have a problem with diet coke.

    Raises hand!! Aspartame gives me hives...I can't even have yoplait light - I get the stoneyfield organic :( (Pricier)

    Also, I'm sorry but this stuff is crap. Even if it is safe it was never approved by the FDA in the quantities that many american's now drink it. Even if it is safe the more than sketchy approval process by the FDA is enough to make your head spin and wonder. (IE We may just not know) Further studies in 2010 have linked 2 sodas a day to an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

    Really is this worth the risk?

    Not to mention I do believe drinking that crap makes you crave other less healthy...crap.

    The FDA actually rejected aspartame as a food additive multiple times in the 70s! Then a man (I forget his name) got pushy enough & wormed his way into the system & got it approved.
  • zincalloy
    Here in England two of the three major Supermarkets have stopped using Aspartame in their diet products. One of them even states on the label of their products 'we do not use NASTIES like Aspartame'. The makers of Aspartame told them it's ok not to use our product but you must remove that statement about it being a nasty from your labels or you will find yourself in court. The Supermarket said, we're happy to be taken to court. The Aspartame makers shut the f**k up and said no more. Why didn't they want their day in court to disprove once and for all these myths?

    Now that Stevia has finally been allowed onto the market you will probably find Aspartame will shrink and die. The Coca Cola company already have a large number of patents pending on their products containing Stevia.

    As for the scientists studies saying Aspartame is jolly good, they could be correct, then again they have to be funded by someone.

    Once upon a time they told us cigarettes were harmless too.

    It's a personal choice but if you want my advice, I'd stick to water. Or Cognac. :-)
  • Emmajool
    Moderation is the key word.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It probably won't kill you. For all the bad things said about diet coke, I have yet to meet a single person in real life who has had any adverse effect from it whatsoever. So until there is some real consensus that it is bad, I'll say keep drinking, but if you are drinking them all day long and can't stop, maybe you have a problem with diet coke.

    Raises hand!! Aspartame gives me hives...I can't even have yoplait light - I get the stoneyfield organic :( (Pricier)

    Also, I'm sorry but this stuff is crap. Even if it is safe it was never approved by the FDA in the quantities that many american's now drink it. Even if it is safe the more than sketchy approval process by the FDA is enough to make your head spin and wonder. (IE We may just not know) Further studies in 2010 have linked 2 sodas a day to an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

    Really is this worth the risk?

    Not to mention I do believe drinking that crap makes you crave other less healthy...crap.

    I have met many people allergic to peanuts, yet people don't tell us to abolish peanuts or that we shouldn't eat peanuts (if we aren't obviously allergic). And it literally takes me thousands of people to find one person who has any bad reaction to aspartame. That kinda solidifies my point.
  • XxJulsSxX
    XxJulsSxX Posts: 13 Member
    Its low in calories sure, but drinking one glass a day can increase your chance of heart attack and stroke! I was addicted to coke zero until I heard this!,0,2218976.story
  • duharvalgt
    It probably won't kill you. For all the bad things said about diet coke, I have yet to meet a single person in real life who has had any adverse effect from it whatsoever. So until there is some real consensus that it is bad, I'll say keep drinking, but if you are drinking them all day long and can't stop, maybe you have a problem with diet coke.

    Raises hand!! Aspartame gives me hives...I can't even have yoplait light - I get the stoneyfield organic :( (Pricier)

    Also, I'm sorry but this stuff is crap. Even if it is safe it was never approved by the FDA in the quantities that many american's now drink it. Even if it is safe the more than sketchy approval process by the FDA is enough to make your head spin and wonder. (IE We may just not know) Further studies in 2010 have linked 2 sodas a day to an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

    Really is this worth the risk?

    Not to mention I do believe drinking that crap makes you crave other less healthy...crap.

    The FDA actually rejected aspartame as a food additive multiple times in the 70s! Then a man (I forget his name) got pushy enough & wormed his way into the system & got it approved.

    I think it was the chairman of "G.d Searle and company" (Donald Rumsfeld?) who first got it approved, from a 5 voting commission it was first outlawed by 3-2 but a sixth assessor was brought in to make it a deadlock at 3-3 and after a re vote it was 4-2 in favour, I'm not saying it was rigged but seems a little suspicious lol.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I like my diet coke, I usually try to limit myself though.
    Have any of you tried the diet coke cupcakes? YUM.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    One of my really good friends used to drink nothing but Diet Coke. She has neck and shoulder spasms from it. All the time, like she clenches her neck and shoulders up, it happens a few times a day. I guess fom the aspartame she said? So she drink regular coke now LOL

    Have you tried Zevia? It's made from Stevia, a natural sweetener and I think the cola takes JUST like Coke!
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    lol According to the "experts" in this site, it is harmless and you should drink 24 cans a day, one each hour.
    According to the dumbasses who write articles online, HealthMagazine, and all those who talk about researches online, you shouldn't drink them at all because they will, somehow, affect you in many ways. Then again, the "experts" in MFP say those articles are not legit and you shouldn't pay attention to them :bigsmile:
  • lejlabas
    VERY BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diet sodas don't contain too much calories and sugar, but they do have some sorts of other things that replace sugar and they are very bad for your health and your, try to drink more water and reduce any kind of sodas.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    I switched from regular to diet soda when I started losing weight. I was serioulsly addicted to pop. It helped me as I transitioned to a healthier lifestyle, but I have since given it up too. I think the biggest problem is the artificial sweeteners can in fact INCREASE your sugar cravings, are not good for you, and soda in general is a dehydrator. That being said, I think baby steps is the goal. 2 glasses a day won't hurt you, especially if it does not REPLACE your water. IF you drank only diet pop, then, yes, that could be bad for you. But if it helps you through the day and takes care of your cravings, then go for it..just make sure to still drink your water and eat well. The best thing would be to try to get yourself completely off the stuff. It may not be "awful" for you, but it isn't good for you either. I have a regular coke every once in a while if I want one, but for me, the diet did cause me to have anxiety, dizziness, and soreness in my arms and chest. Wierd, I know. Aspartame made my mom forgetful. Coke zero did similar things to me, so i think I just can't handle awtificial sweeteners. Like I said, I feel we all have to come to a healthier lifestyle in steps. But yes, it would be better to not drink soda at all.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    its not great for you, but probably not as bad as a lot of the other stuff I know I used to eat way too much of. I don't drink as much diet soda as I used to, but I do like it and enjoy some now and then. Everything in moderation....if all you're drinking is diet soda, maybe you'd want to re think that. But if you're enjoying reasonable amounts, I wouldn't worry about it too much. If I had to just stop eating everything I like, and tell myself I could never have them again, I wouldn't be able to stick to any kind of healthy plan. I'd just feel deprived....and resentful. SO...a diet coke now and then, a bit of chocolate now and then....everything in moderation and with perspective.
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 367 Member
    I drink water throughout the day, but for the most part I need to have my carbonated beverage when having a meal. It's not a caffeine thing, just a carbonation thing. I normally will drink Market Pantry's Sparkling Water (Target brand). They're flavored (I prefer lemon-lime)and contain little to no sodium at all, which is a significant difference to diet sodas. But, when dining out I do have to go with a diet coke (unless having a beer, lol). :tongue:
  • Camsdette
    Camsdette Posts: 32 Member
    There have been a few studies on diet sodas being linked to declining kidney function. Something to look into. I steer clear of them just because I think the closer to natural, the better. Water is my drink of choice.
  • rbutler14
    Ain't nothing like the real thing... LOL. I frequently shop at Whole Foods and people that eat whole do not eat that fake crap. Sodas = empty calories, but hey I drink one a day and am still losing. You have to get close with water.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am confused about diet coke is it as bad as drinking regular soda? People tell me mixed things I have 1 can for dinner and 1 can for lunch ..but I also drink plenty of water..should I eliminate it out of my diet?

    I'm not even reading through this thread because I can imagine the range of responses you got. There are a lot of people who think any soda is the devil and will tell you it doesn't count as a hydrating beverage.

    The bottom line is studies have shown that drinking (or eating) artificial sweeteners triggers something in the brain that makes people want to eat more because the brain wants real sugar. If you're able to drink your diet sodas without going over calories and you enjoy them, then drink them. They will hydrate you just fine.

    Are they the best and healthiest choice of beverage? Certainly not. But plenty of people are thin, fit and healthy who drink them daily.
  • athensguy
    I enjoy drinking Diet Coke, but have cut down to an average of 1 per day.

    I am thinking of striking it entirely from my diet due to research indicating a fairly substantial increase in the risk of developing certain cancers after a certain threshold is reached in the ratio between aspartame and body mass.

    One Diet Coke contains about 200mg of aspartame, which, for most people, is below the observed threshold for an increase in cancer risk, which was 20mg/Kg. For instance, I am ~72.5Kg so one Diet Coke would put me at about 2.75 mg/Kg.

    *Edit for readability
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    It probably won't kill you. For all the bad things said about diet coke, I have yet to meet a single person in real life who has had any adverse effect from it whatsoever. So until there is some real consensus that it is bad, I'll say keep drinking, but if you are drinking them all day long and can't stop, maybe you have a problem with diet coke.

    Raises hand!! Aspartame gives me hives...I can't even have yoplait light - I get the stoneyfield organic :( (Pricier)

    Also, I'm sorry but this stuff is crap. Even if it is safe it was never approved by the FDA in the quantities that many american's now drink it. Even if it is safe the more than sketchy approval process by the FDA is enough to make your head spin and wonder. (IE We may just not know) Further studies in 2010 have linked 2 sodas a day to an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

    Really is this worth the risk?

    Not to mention I do believe drinking that crap makes you crave other less healthy...crap.

    The FDA actually rejected aspartame as a food additive multiple times in the 70s! Then a man (I forget his name) got pushy enough & wormed his way into the system & got it approved.

    I think it was the chairman of "G.d Searle and company" (Donald Rumsfeld?) who first got it approved, from a 5 voting commission it was first outlawed by 3-2 but a sixth assessor was brought in to make it a deadlock at 3-3 and after a re vote it was 4-2 in favour, I'm not saying it was rigged but seems a little suspicious lol.

    EVERYTHING about the FDA is suspicious. It is run by former and/or current representatives of the very companies the FDA was built to protect us against. The majority of the high-ups aren't looking out for the health & wellbeing of the public, they are looking out for the companies they are allied with, or in some cases even work for! It's disgusting if you start digging into who actually passes laws for food-they aren't out to help us, they are out to make money. Most of them anyway.