Favorite horror movies



  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    WOLF CREEK did it for me. The hairs on the back of my neck are up thinking about it. !!!!
  • bettyford4202
    bettyford4202 Posts: 43 Member
    It isn't really considered a horror flick, but I really like Strangeland. Most of the new horror flicks suck, Two B "horror" flicks to watch are Thankskilling and Zombie Strippers... Those crack me up, You should give them a chance. :o)
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Halloween (1st) still terrifies me, but I must watch on 31st October. The Exorcist was also scary. Sadly since then the horror movies have been quite lame. I thought the Human Centipiede was quite poignant and underlying message of Nazi experiments did invoke lengthy discussions.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    Has anyone watched the Masters of Horror series?

    I have one of the collections...they are good

    some of my top horrors are
    Rob Zombie flicks
    13 ghosts
    The Excorsism of Emily Rose
    Hostel (only # 1)

    I am sure there are more, just drawing a blank now
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I personally don't classify it as true "horror", though most people would, but I live and breathe the Saw series. I could go into much deeper detail, but suffice it to say that without the character of Jigsaw, and everything he stands for, I would not be here, trying to take better care of myself.

    I love the way they invented for him to be a villain. He is kind of the anti-villain. You may live or die, but you'll learn a lesson. The Saw series was the most innovative horror series to come out in a very long time.

    Yeah, he's actually the good guy, in a round-about, kinda messed up way.

    ~In Jigsaw I Trust~

    Love Saw..not the last one though!
  • amartenson
    The Hitcher...that's a good one, something you don't see every day. Kudos.
    Not everyone likes them but what are some of your favorite horror movies??

    A few of mine are: Stephen King's It (Im not afraid of clowns), pet semetary, scream, house on haunted hill (remake), the hitcher (original), I know what you did last summer lol, The Shining, Nightmare on Elm street, Halloween 1, 2, 4, 5 and the remake, the rage carrie 2, child's play 2, bride of chucky, Every jason movie except the 8th lol and jason goes to hell, house of wax (original).

    And Evil Dead 2!
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Ooo love a good horror flick

    All Nightmare on Elm Streets
    All the Halloweens
    Rosemary's Baby
    Texas CHainsaw Massacre

    and way more
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    WOLF CREEK did it for me. The hairs on the back of my neck are up thinking about it. !!!!

    I forgot about Wolf Creek! Yeah, that was pretty creepy
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    Halloween 1 and 2 (John Carpenter's AND Rob Zombie's); All original Friday the 13th's up until Jason X (yuck!); Friday the 13th (2009); Orphan (2009); Play Misty For Me (maybe more of a thriller, but a DEFINITE MUST SEE); The Hitcher, Penny Dreadful, NIghtmare on Elm Street (the original)
  • AlexHill88
    AlexHill88 Posts: 2 Member
    The documentary film 'Earthlings' is far more horrific than any "horror" movie... If you want to be disgusted, horrified and reviled, then watch it.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    I forgot the original Sleepaway Camp on my list...love the twist at the end
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I forgot the original Sleepaway Camp on my list...love the twist at the end

    Omg...one of my faces...and any other movies from that time....sad to say it is kind of a hilarious scary movie.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Has anyone watched the Masters of Horror series?

    Yes my favs in that series are Pelts, Imprint and Sick Girl

    Most of my favs have been mentioned but top picks are Martyrs, May, 28 Days Later, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Audion, Tale of Two Sisters, Rec., Evil Dead(all)...... my list could also go on and on LOVE Horror any of it, mainstream, foreign, low budget, no budget, old, new I take whatever I can get :)

    forgot to add I have seen Thankskilling and Zombie Strippers as well and also recommend :)
  • xJoline
    I love Horror movies! I hate how Hollywood has remade most of my favorite classics.
    I'll probably forget mentioning some of my favorite horror films but, here they are:

    -Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
    -Halloween (1978)
    -Halloween 2,3,4 & 5 (Yes, even Season of the Witch. I love this one on its own, without linking it to the Halloween franchise.)
    -Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
    -Nightmare on Elm Street 3 & 4 ( Dream Warriors is my second favorite Nightmare movie)
    -The Shining
    -The Birds
    -Scream 1 & 2
    -Night of the Living Dead (1968)
    -The Omen (1976)
    -Child's Play
    -Saw 1 & 2
    -Prom Night (1980)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I forgot the original Sleepaway Camp on my list...love the twist at the end

    Oh I just love that film, the whole thing is amazing but the twist makes it fantastic.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    I agree with John Carpenter's The Thing, (1982) - the special effects by Rob Bottin were brilliant and still hold up and Kurt Russell was excellent in the lead role too. Carpenter created an atmosphere of dread, isolation and paranoia that few movies I've seen have.

    I also like The Vanishing, (1988), which is more of a mystery/suspense movie but what happens to the protagonist at the end is truly horrible. Incredibly the sucky remake done in 1993 was with the same director of the original: George Sluizer. Anyway, see the original not the remake.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    A Stir Of Echos
    28 Days/Weeks Later
  • bcressy
    Jeepers Creepers! i have not seen those movies for years but still whenever i am by myself in the dark and hear a creepy sound that fricken song gets stuck in my head and totally freaks me out! scar for life with that movie!
  • xoSundaydrive
    Bride of Frankenstein.
    The Shining.
    Halloween. [Original]
    Wizard of Gore. [Original]
    Happy Birthday to Me.
    Sleepaway Camp.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I dunno if I'd call it scary but 28 Days Later is one of my all-time favourite movies!

    I couldn't sleep last night and ended up finding a late night doc. on called Nightmare Factory, was all about some great special effects make-up guys. Probably a good watch if you're into the horror genre!