

  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    must try some of these!

  • iluvmuddyjeeps
    On a similar note, I like to take ricotta cheese and mix it with a bit of milk (to make it thinner), and add cocoa powder and splenda, maybe some chopped walnuts and top it with whipped cream...tastes like chocolate cheesecake. It is so good! I've also tried flavoring it with jello and fruit (orange jello with mandarin oranges tastes like a creamsicle!)
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So, I want to clue you in on a little way to make cottage cheese taste AH-MAZING for a dessert or snack (hint: inspired by rice pudding!!!)

    I like my cottage cheese sweet (I usually have it with fruit), so this is one for the sweet tooth's out there :)

    I start with 1/2 a cup of 1% cottage cheese (100 cal)
    and then add:

    - Not quite a packet of sweetener (0 cal)
    - A generous pinch of cinnamon (0 cal)
    - And a teaspoon of vanilla extract (0 cal!!!)

    Adjust the sweetness and flavours to your taste...but eventually you should get this insanely yummy rice pudding-esque dessert that is so satisfying and DERICIOUS.

    You could probably even spin it through the blender a bit to get more of a finer rice pudding like texture, or blend it totally to get a whipped topping to put on all sorts of things!

    It's sooo yummy - give it a try!! <3

    Try mixing a grated apple into this! To die for! It's my favorite breakfast :love:
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I'm a savoury gal! Had mine this morning piled on a piece of seeded bread, toasted, and smeared with some Marmite.MMmmmmmm

    I like reading posts from people in other countries because there are foods I have to then research and figure out what they are. Now I know about marmite! I'm frightened by the thought of it and I can't imagine what it might taste like but I would try some!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Now I know about marmite! I'm frightened by the thought of it and I can't imagine what it might taste like but I would try some!

    LOLOL You're right to be frightened by the thought of it! :wink: It's a very unique taste, and you'll probably find that folks either love it or loathe it (no points for guessing which category I come under :bigsmile:). But definitely try it!
  • mousecat84
    This sounds so yummy and easy! I definitely want to try this!