Is your 'other half' supportive enough??



  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    My husband is super supportive! He is far more dedicated then I am...hence him losing 65lbs and we started roughly the same time (actual I was on here longer)

    I know if I was so dedicated like him I would be farther along. He cut his calories tremendously and He works out every single day. P90X every night and he runs 3-4 miles every morning before work too.
  • sfh0wrd
    I think everyone's journey is just that-- their OWN.

    I am in a weird way blessed that my husband has had his own struggles with weight, having dropped over 100lbs in high school. He isn't into counting calories, and isn't as interested in exercise as I am. But slowly but surely, over the past 2 years since we've been married, his interest in fitness has been increasing. He happily eats whatever I cook, and if he feels like he needs to eat a little more (and he does actually NEED to eat more than me), he'll just have a second serving or eat a piece of fruit, etc. He has told me he loves/hates the fact that I won't keep junk in the house because it really helps him stay on track.

    I felt guiltly at first when I'd go to the gym during those precious hours each day that were times that we could actually be together, but he finally convinced me that he'd rather have an hour less with me if it meant I was going to be happier and healthier when we were together.

    I dont' know if any of that helps, but I hope that you and your fiancee find a good balance!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    My boyfriend is incredibly supportive. He also knows I need to be PUSHED sometimes when I am lacking. If he knows I need to workout, he will ride me on it. Some relationships probably couldnt handle this, but I know he is pushing me to better MYSELF for ME. He has lost 15 pounds this year and started gaining some great muscle definition. I have a lot more to lose than he did in general, but him pushing me helps. Plus, I cant have him with better looking abs than I do!!

    Have you tried inviting her on walks or runs? Be the one who cooks a home made tasty healthy dinner?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Heres a question based on my journey, The reason I ask is because My fiance is also cutting down on food as we are getting married next year and she wants to shed a couple of stone. But I an far more strict than she is and I log everything that passes my lips on MFP and whereas she does not. I have only lost 8lbs so far but am really trying to become healthy by running, playing tennis etc... But she never wants to talk about my diet and seems annoyed when im out running.
    Its now got to the point where i dont tell her that i have lost weight, i just say that Im the same as last week.

    Anyone else had this??

    No, my husband is 1000000% in my corner. He has even changed most of his eating habits to the same as mine. He encourages me to work out and be more active.

    He even compliments me on my weight loss, which I finally saw in a few pictures he took of me the other night. I was like WOW, I can see my weight loss and he said, "yeah I was telling you......."

    You need to sit down and have a heart to heart with her and NOW.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    My husband supports me in anything i do (on the surface), HOWEVER I can tell he gets annoyed. I too am an obsessor. i am all or nothing and he is definitely nothing. he is probably 100 lbs overweight and doesnt even care. He still wants to eat all the bad stuff on the weekends when he is home. i usually can say no but not always. It is very frustrating. i dont expect him to be as into fitness as i am but i would love him to at lease care. I dont know how to bring it up without hurting his feelings so i just keep it all in and try to set the example.
    You guys are right though, i think it would bug me too if someone was constantly talking about their calories and such. I think i'm going to limit what i say to the times he, or anyone else asks about it, usually its "how was your run?" or something like that.
    I really have no real support except my son, who loves fitness but he's 18 and has no concept of what a struggle it is for a 41 y.o. mom of 3 to find time and energy. So i will continue to check in on MFP and know there are so many of us trying to stay on this path. Good luck to you all!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    My husband is supportive in theory. :tongue:
    He brings home a lot of junk, love to eat out and is resistant to any dietary changes that affect him. It does make it harder for me. He had triple bypass at age 47 he is now 58 heavier and smokes. I worry about him a lot.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Mine does pretty well. He's REALLY enjoys the improvements to my appearance. He isn't quick to volunteer to watch the kids so I can go to the gym but he doesn't complain too much when I ask him too. He does have this weird competitive thing where he likes to mention how much he used to lift when I tell him of new PRs but I think I might have fixed him from doing this. His fitness goals are a bit different than mine at the moment. He's training for an endurance mountain bike race so he's become a "cardio bunny". He doesn't really get why I don't want to compete with people and do races or something. He keeps suggesting things I should do like swimming or triathlons... He's weird.
  • traceyjayne64
    My hubby is hugely supportive but he makes sure that i know this is my choice and not his. I am trying to lose weight for myself, to make me a happier person, i have become more and more miserable with myself the bigger i have got but he has never ever said anything negative about my weight from my UK size 10 to my UK size 18. We have an extremely 'healthy' relationship (if you know what i mean :wink: ) and it doesnt change whatever my size.....its me that FEELS sexier, the smaller i am.
  • TheDreadedJynx
    My husband is pretty awesome. When we met, I had a little bit of a belly but not much (5 3 and 135 lbs). We moved to saint Louis, lived off fast food while we were living in a hotel, and man did the pounds start sticking! He never Harped on me about it or anything, but he's happy I'm doing something about it now, for myself. Every day he comes home and asks if I've worked out yet, probably so he knows if he can hang out in the living room or not but still! He was quite impressed that I've already lost weight, and I think he may start trying a it in the future too. He misses his six pack. Still, I doubt he'll ever be a 'healthy eater', mostly cause he is a carpenter and probably wouldn't get enough calories that way.

    Still, he offered me twizzlers and cheese cake last night. Luckily I'm committed!

    Also, I have a bit of an addictive personality, so he is quite used to my obsessing. :)
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member
    My husband has been absolutely incredible. He is naturally lean, but is very committed to fitness and working out, which I think helps. He is constantly supportive, asking me questions about my nutrition and exercise, or complimenting my willpower or new yummy yet healthy recipe. He is also quick to tell me when he notices changes.

    Couldn't do it without him!
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    my boyfriend is like your gf. he tries but I don't think he really cares. he eats what I cook, and he rarely logs because "he doesn't know how to find the food". but he doesn't get mad that I cook healthy food either. I guess he's just agreeable to anything.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    My wife and I go to the gym together and log MFP together and have made great gains together. She's lost 37 lb and I have lost 45. We recently renewed our vows after 25 years of marriage. Things couldn't be better. :))

    Sweetest post I have read all week. Well done to you both on all accounts x