


  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member

    Honestly, people should never believe anything they read on the internet. Unfortunately, most people do. What ever happened to "before starting any weight loss program, speak to your doctor to find out what's healthy for you?"

    This forum is absolutely NOT for people to come on here and get medical advice. In fact, I think the whole forum aspect is doing more harm than good. I mean, ok, it's great to get to know people who are losing weight too, but somewhere along the line, there comes a point where someone's going to say something completely false and all the people who don't possess critical thinking skills aren't going to investigate someone's bs claims and then get hurt along the way.

    I have talked to a doctor before and the diet they suggested did not seem very practical or easy to stick to, not to mention the doctor I went to had a weight problem herself.

    I think you can learn a lot about what is heathy in diet and exercise throuogh personal experience. Someone who has maintained a weight loss and exercises regularly has a lot more to say to me than someone who spent very little time learning about nutrition in school and knows very little about exercise ( a doctor).

    Plus not everyone has insurance to get a doctor or personal trainer or whatever.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I just wish people would realize that there are a TON of different ways to lose weight and be healthy. Just because something works for you does not mean it is the only way and will work for every other person.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    The meal frequency myth that was/is so popular in the bodybuilding world. It's based on the belief that your metabolism will slow down from fasting a a meager period of 5 or more hours which is false. Moreover, there was a belief that if you eat more than 30 grams of protein in one sitting it won't be absorbed which is also false.

    I found the opposite effect of eating many small meals a day. I got hungrier, and it was a pain in the *kitten* to schedule 5-6 meals a day which led to stress and cortisol production. haha

    Yeah, it doesn't speed up your metabolism if you eat more frequently. The only justifiable reason to eat more than 3- 4 meals a day is if you're trying to eat a massive amount of calories to gain weight or "bulk." Eating 3,500 calories and more is very difficult to eat in 3 meals.

    Though I do think it is great to do this when you are pregnant to prevent nausea and vomiting from excess food in the stomach or not enough food.
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    Best rant I've seen in a long long time on here! Awesome
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
  • anna1056
    anna1056 Posts: 4
    I'm really new to this site and have a really long way to go. I think this is an excellent post for the most part, after spending years talking to different doctors, nutritionist and trainers about dealing with my own complicated hormone issues, I know first hand the importance of getting the right information. We are all here for the same reason and that's to be healthy! But, if I may, while you are correct with a lot of what you have said, you are not correct in saying that eating 3 hours about doesn't change metabolism. The reason for meals being closer together (for some, not all) is actually to prevent insulin spikes, which, if you are trying to lose weight as someone who suffers from diabetes, pre-diabetes or PCOS (to name a few) is actually incredibly important. It's not so much that it speeds anything up, it just keeps the furnace running a more constant, efficient rate. Keeping the sugars in your system at a fairly constant rate (by eating Low GI and often) is the most effective way of loosing weight through diet with these conditions. I think it is more a case of not assuming that one rule applies to the whole community and perhaps people being asked to state the foundations or evidence for a particular assertion?
  • rabbiaa
    rabbiaa Posts: 30 Member
    i always believe in those things may be it is one of the reason of being overweight.:cry:
    but now i want to lose weight but there is still no progress i am very worried i am trying my best to eat healthy but no results its like my weight loss is struck at a certain point. can anyone help me by any advise:smile: thanks in advance..