THE Team Week 11 April 17-23

“Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.”
~Abraham J. Heschel, Jewish theologian and philosopher, 1907-1972


THIS IS the fork in the road. Ignore this opportunity at your own peril.

If you are a first-time reader of this thread, WELCOME feel free to jump in at any time. We are mostly here for support for each other and we have many different things going on: situps, pushups, runners, walkers, dancers, marathoners, swimmers, elliptical-freaks, you name it!

Share your journey with us. There are a lot of successful weight loss stories here. Friday we start a
new thread, many of us weigh-in on Friday – so if you want to add your numbers, please do!



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.”
    ~Abraham J. Heschel, Jewish theologian and philosopher, 1907-1972


    THIS IS the fork in the road. Ignore this opportunity at your own peril.

    If you are a first-time reader of this thread, WELCOME feel free to jump in at any time. We are mostly here for support for each other and we have many different things going on: situps, pushups, runners, walkers, dancers, marathoners, swimmers, elliptical-freaks, you name it!

    Share your journey with us. There are a lot of successful weight loss stories here. Friday we start a
    new thread, many of us weigh-in on Friday – so if you want to add your numbers, please do!

  • indianagranny
    Good Morning Gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost

    and I will take it. I didn't think the scale would move again this week or that it would go the other way. TOM strikes today or tomorrow - I am soooooooooooo irregular. I will be exercising hard today so I can eat a little more cause I will be hungry. Already have over 900 calories burned - so half that would be 450.

    Kristi - I was actually going to bed last night when I posted. You will be confused this week cause I am on vacation for 10 days - so I will be kinda of on everyone else's schedule. I never thought about wall - aways. I will have to try those HAHA. That was cute.

    Anita - u will have to post pictures of your grand children. Mine are on my profile page. My daughter set my site up so to encourage me more - she put pictures of them. Tyler James 9 years old, Callysta Joyce 7 years old, Isabella Marie - pictured on my ticker, 4 years old, and Alexandra Nicole 3 years old. My daughter - in - law goes Tuesday to see if she is pregnant. They have to have the surgical procedure. I am so hoping. They are just ten miles from me.

    LI4G and Morgolis - WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Adopt4 - WTG girl. Happy for u.

    Well thanks to listening to me - I am just so thrilled the scale moved. Can't wait to get home and read about everyone else's success.

    cm - like that start - sometimmes it is hard and I pout a little but I am learning to say no to myself.

    Have a good day everyone - catch you tonight.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Indianagranny I did put more pics of them on my profile, go check them out. I will do the same..

    I haven't weighed myself yet.. I just got done working out and wanted to get the link to the new thread... I had a great workout....

    Well I am off to get ready for work. I will check in with my weight when I get to work...
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi TEAM, been away but now I'm back. I've been installing wood floors and painting the interior of my house. The floor is fantastic (all of it is coverered) to protect the finish while I paint. I've got to put one more coat on my walls to cover some streaks, yuck!
    Fitness wise, I've maintained my weight loss (yeah) and am ready to continue my spiral trend (think positive).
    Wogging, I completed my 1.5 mi run in 14:26 so the next step is a local 5k. I'm committed to the loss, its nice to be back with friends....Zano
    Anyone, How can I post my pictures of my floors in a reply?
    sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I was working out and being good all last week while on vacation but Ive opted not to count my weigh in this week. I peeked this morning but I'm not counting anything until next week because this morning my TOM showed up and well... Im just not into self torture. My weight fluxes alot during that time (water), so next Friday I should see a good drop. I can say tho that even with the pms-1.gif I am showing no GAIN from last week... so THAT I am absolutely thrilled with.

    CM- Nice weekly start! The fork in the road is me this week. No more eating out! It was just tooooo hard last week for me, even tho I managed to only have 1 really bad food day.

    Zano- Welcome back!! Congrats on reaching your goal for the wogging!! 14:26 is AWESOME!!!!! Heres a happy dancer for ya!!

    Granny- Congrats on this weeks loss! Dont worry...
  • morgolis
    morgolis Posts: 17
    Ok folks, since I just got back and don't trust the scale we have in our bathroom, I'm postponing my weigh in until we get to the gym later today and use their "Doctor Office" triple beam scale. Then I'll cry, then I'll cry some more as I know I've probably gained some weight back from my trip to Florida. :sad:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost

    Because I weighed on Tues and Wed, it always seems I go up some on Friday. So I'm at 3.5 instead of 4... both are great!

    Today is a wogging day, if I can get li4g to wog with me...

    Where are those other downloadable podcasts for interval running?

    Off to the gym in a bit, after getting the kids fed and one off to school. It's raining. Ugh. It's supposed to be nice for these few days and instead it's raining! I'm so bummed.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK, now that Ive caught up on the other thread....

    CM- congrats on breaking your wogging record!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LULU- I would tell that guy where he can shove it and then file a complaint against him with the temp agency that you were hired through and the state. You would think as a lawyer, he would know better than to harass his employees or temps and create and hostile work environment, but honestly.. some of them think that they can get away with it all just because they have that degree behind them. DEAD WRONG!! Bottom line is.. as an employee, you should never, ever feel threatened. Give him the finger for me on your way out! :angry: People like that just piss me off and need to be put in thier place. My ex is one of those, and god knows Ive had fun putting him in his.

    Swignal- Good job kickin butt!

    OH.... forgot to mention....If anyone wants a kitten, we should be having some sometime soon. Came home to my Nilla (the orange one) cat looking nice and plump and getting boobies. Guess that trying to keep her inside and away from that visiting male stray cat didnt work. She still got knocked up. :laugh: Oh well... spring babies will be fun!! :wink:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost
    nitag - sw 220/cw193/gw145 - 2.0 lost
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning! I am debating the weigh in this am. I have been slowly getting back on track this week. It really helps that CM has moved here to SLC and doing her bad cop routine!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I am debating the weigh in this am. I have been slowly getting back on track this week

    Kristi - Get on that scale. You don't get a "buy" - sorry. And I don't know where you got the wussy-lookin' cop holding (whatever that plant is......) I'm glad you are getting back on track - but you need some accountablility. How is the weights program going?

    This is for you, too, Ms. PMS. Get that cat spayed:angry: I worked at a shelter for three years. In Washington State they euthanize 50,000 - that's 50 THOUSAND animals a year because they are unwanted. PLEASE don't add to that :brokenheart: heartbreaking number.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member

    I am SOooooooooooooo PROUD of you! I am so happy you have found a combination of efforts that is working for you. You did GREAT on breaking that plateau.

    You searched for answers, you were willing to try something that you couldn't wrap your head around, and you had awesome success.
    Woohoo-Dance.gifYou are going to be a huge success story - Way To Go!!!!!!!

    Here are the podcasts for the interval wogging:

    PLAYLIST for Couch to 5K to download to MP3 player (Hip-hop Jamierobertson )
    ~ ~ ~ ~
    Running Interval download / Techno

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yes boss. scale.jpg

    See, I told you she is doing her bad cop thing! :laugh:

    I had to cut that last post short because the cable guy was here, hopefully fixing things so my internet does not go down all the time. :grumble: :grumble: That is a wimpy looking cop, isn't he/she?? :laugh:

    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 446 = 1 lbs GAINED :grumble: :grumble:

    So, I would be really bummed about this, but I re-read the article about obesity on 700 lbs. I know this is just my body getting back in the rythem of losing. Now that I am paying attention to my body again, I can tell I was really dehydrated! I am drinking water like crazy these past three or four days! So, I expect next week to be a great weigh in week. And, I still am not changing the ticker!

    The weights are not picking themselves up without my assistance! However, you will be pleased to hear that I am picking them up - and getting more assertive about it! Its kind of amazing how quickly I am starting to feel better, see some definition and have more stamina. Yesterday, one of my co-workers mentioned to me that I am walking better. When I asked what she means, she said I am walking like it is easier, and it doesn't hurt as much. And I am! 154.gif

    So, that's where I am. Thanks again cm! But quit kicking. My bum is getting sore! :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, thanks a bunch! :bigsmile:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost
    nitag - sw 220/cw193/gw145 - 2.0 lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 446 = 1 lbs GAINED

    I have a min so I am going to type..

    I was a wogger lady today... And yes my chest was hurting.. I need a better bra.. Will look into that this weekend.. I only did 15 mins but wow.. Did I burn some serious calories for that 15 mins... I did 2 miles on the treadmill in less then 30 mins.. thats a great thing for me and my super short legs..

    Congrats eveyone on your losses...
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Oops nita, sorry to have missed you. Especially on the two pounds lost! Congrats! :drinker:
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    Hey gang! Hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I'm really looking forward to going to Indiana for a few days :bigsmile:

    Here's my info: SW/GW/CW: 275/180/267-1 lb lost

    I've been terribly busy this week and haven't had the energy to exercise much, which is definitely going to change next week! I'm so happy to see a pound each week depart from somewhere on my body! :laugh:

    Take care everyone...oh, and Lauri, I totally feel ya on the mean *kitten* boss...I had one like that for 4 years. Not fun, and super stressful, and nobody needs that. Tony and I will come down and harass him if you'd like us to, I've always wanted to visit Louisiana! :flowerforyou:

    See ya!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    This is for you, too, Ms. PMS. Get that cat spayed:angry: I worked at a shelter for three years. In Washington State they euthanize 50,000 - that's 50 THOUSAND animals a year because they are unwanted. PLEASE don't add to that :brokenheart: heartbreaking number.

    Actually, I wasnt sure when I got her if she had already been fixed or not. Then she went into heat and I had planned on getting her in to get it done when we got back. She's mostly an indoor kitty and I kept her inside while that male was hanging out on our deck. She did escape outside once, and obviously thats all it took. My male is fixed and all my other animals have always been fixed. Its not like I dont know about the animal population being an issue. I already have a couple friends who are saying "we want one of her kittens!!" and as far as Im concerned, if we end up with a couple we have to keep out of this liter.....thats fine. She will definitely be staying inside and WILL be getting fixed asap. She is such an awesome, mild mannered, playful and affectionate cat. Each one will go to loving and responsible homes ONLY where they will be fixed and kept updated on shots!!! These will NOT be craigslist freebie kitties who are given to just anyone just to get rid of them. Yes, I am THAT particular about my animals!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    This is for you, too, Ms. PMS. Get that cat spayed:angry: I worked at a shelter for three years. In Washington State they euthanize 50,000 - that's 50 THOUSAND animals a year because they are unwanted. PLEASE don't add to that :brokenheart: heartbreaking number.

    Actually, I wasnt sure when I got her if she had already been fixed or not. Then she went into heat and I had planned on getting her in to get it done when we got back. She's mostly an indoor kitty and I kept her inside while that male was hanging out on our deck. She did escape outside once, and obviously thats all it took. My male is fixed and all my other animals have always been fixed. Its not like I dont know about the animal population being an issue. I already have a couple friends who are saying "we want one of her kittens!!" and as far as Im concerned, if we end up with a couple we have to keep out of this liter.....thats fine. She will definitely be staying inside and WILL be getting fixed asap. She is such an awesome, mild mannered, playful and affectionate cat. Each one will go to loving and responsible homes ONLY where they will be fixed and kept updated on shots!!! These will NOT be craigslist freebie kitties who are given to just anyone just to get rid of them. Yes, I am THAT particular about my animals!

    I would be willing to help you pay to have the mom spayed. Can you get the kittens spayed or neutered before you adopt them out? I have three shelter cats. The problem with people taking kittens is that they grow into cats, and many people use any excuse to get rid of them once they aren't cute little babies or start costing money to care for medically. Is there a low-cost spay/neuter program in your area?
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    ouch! smiley_on_tredmil.gif