THE Team Week 11 April 17-23



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I would be willing to help you pay to have the mom spayed. Can you get the kittens spayed or neutered before you adopt them out? I have three shelter cats. The problem with people taking kittens is that they grow into cats, and many people use any excuse to get rid of them once they aren't cute little babies or start costing money to care for medically. Is there a low-cost spay/neuter program in your area?

    I have the money to do it, otherwise I wouldnt even consider owning her.. let alone keeping any of her kittens. As for spaying/neutering.. they have to be 6 months old before you can have it done according to my vet. Yes, there is a low-cost spay/neuter program through the oregon humane society and it costs $30 for the certificate which is pretty darned cheap compared to spending the $100+ to have it done without the cert. Once I know how many we have, I'll be applying for the certificates for her and for each kitten to go with them to their new owners, and again... Im not giving them to just anyone. Only people I know that are responsible and are able to financial take care of a pet AND guarantee me that they will fix and update shots. Pets are not cheap. I spent about $400 on my cat charlie when he got a UTI last summer. Not cheap, but necessary.. just as it would be if it were one of my kids getting sick. Alot of people dont stop to consider the costs associated with owning pets, so I know exactly what you mean. They think "oh, they need the standard shots and food" and thats all but dont stop to consider that even pets get sick and need medical attention, so yeah.. again.. only people who I know that are responsible and financial able to take on one of these babies will have the opportunity to take one. I aint giving them to just anyone.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I would be willing to help you pay to have the mom spayed. Can you get the kittens spayed or neutered before you adopt them out? I have three shelter cats. The problem with people taking kittens is that they grow into cats, and many people use any excuse to get rid of them once they aren't cute little babies or start costing money to care for medically. Is there a low-cost spay/neuter program in your area?

    I have the money to do it, otherwise I wouldnt even consider owning her.. let alone keeping any of her kittens. As for spaying/neutering.. they have to be 6 months old before you can have it done according to my vet. Yes, there is a low-cost spay/neuter program through the oregon humane society and it costs $30 for the certificate which is pretty darned cheap compared to spending the $100+ to have it done without the cert. Once I know how many we have, I'll be applying for the certificates for her and for each kitten to go with them to their new owners, and again... Im not giving them to just anyone. Only people I know that are responsible and are able to financial take care of a pet AND guarantee me that they will fix and update shots. Pets are not cheap. I spent about $400 on my cat charlie when he got a UTI last summer. Not cheap, but necessary.. just as it would be if it were one of my kids getting sick. Alot of people dont stop to consider the costs associated with owning pets, so I know exactly what you mean. They think "oh, they need the standard shots and food" and thats all but dont stop to consider that even pets get sick and need medical attention, so yeah.. again.. only people who I know that are responsible and financial able to take on one of these babies will have the opportunity to take one. I aint giving them to just anyone.

    Yay! What a good mommy you are! ( I shoulda known... ) We "altered" our kittens at the shelter at two months or two pounds...but maybe vets don't like to take that risk - we wanted them as young as possible to be more adoptable - and to get them off the "dole". Mom would get altered at the same time as babies. They usually wean at about two months, too.

    I gotta go put my soapbox away. :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOL... wow.. 2 months?? I'll have to have a chat with my vet and see if thats possible. I know they made us wait 6 months with Charlie and when I got Nilla I wasnt sure how old she was. She is probably a year now.... maybe? So she is definitely getting fixed. I havent had a liter of baby kitties around in many many many years. Not since before I had my kids. Have had puppies, but thats a totally different story. Kitties are much easier and less messy (potty-wise) than puppies are.

    So... I guess Im off to petsmart today to get her a new bed. Ive noticed that today she was trying to "look" for a place and managed to weasel her way up into my dresser in the bedroom. LOL I can just see it now...:love: . her having babies in my workout clothes drawer... :noway: Gonna see if I can find her a good bed and hide it in the closet or someplace quiet. Maybe I'll get lucky, maybe I wont.. but its worth a shot.. :wink:
  • morgolis
    morgolis Posts: 17
    Ok, here is my weigh in but I have no idea if it's really accurate as the Gym took the scale out of the men's locker room and had to use the same crappy digital one that we have.

    SW: 341
    GW: When I am happy
    CW: 335

    Updating ticker soon.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey CM... i just noticed that you have a new ticker for new shoes? How many miles in a pair of shoes before they are deemed "Unworthy"? I bought mine in February and are still lookin ok, just wondering how long I should wait to replace them? Any idea? Im thinkin this might be whats causing my left ankle trouble, but I really LOVE these shoes so Im kinda, sorta, stummped on that one.

    Morgolis and I met up with adopt4 at the gym today. Did some wogging to my new music for about 15 minutes until my mp3 player died (I forgot to charge it) so I went on my own for the last 15 minutes, prolly walked more than jogged, but I got 30 minutes in then hit the elliptical for 20 minutes. My HRM said I burned 1000 calories (holy cow!) so I was good after that.

    Couldnt even think about weights today. My left shoulder is still very sore from lifting on wednesday and traveling home yesterday. Will definitely be doing the lower body and some elliptical tomorrow.
  • healthymom2009
    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost
    nitag - sw 220/cw193/gw145 - 2.0 lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 446 = 1 lbs GAINED
    Margolis - SW: 341 CW: 335 -6 lbs overall
    DWray44 - SW/GW/CW: 275/180/267-1 lb lost
    Healthymom – sw/gw/cw 208/150/189 -2 lbs lost

    I am down to the 180's! :flowerforyou: My goal this week is to have lost my first 20 lbs! Next one is to get down to 185 lbs to be out of the obese category.

    I've started a home daycare and my exercise routine during the day has been messed up. Still working on getting the time in after supper or the weekend.

    Yey Zano.

    More later, must Cinderella dance with my daughter!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    hey team, Just checking in.. I didn't loose anything again this week but really haven't been able to work out like I use to... I got my infusion yesterday for my osteoporosis and the side affect was fever and flu like symptoms so yeah last night I was very very ill then this morning I woke up with chest pains I had a very hard time breathing called the Dr. and had to go in and get an EKG but all turned out well he said my heart looked good but he wanted me to take it easy for a few days so no gym for the weekend... and NO SEX :sad: my poor hubby is going to go crazy :laugh: I told him If I was going to die I want to die doing something I love...:laugh: he said stop being so silly... well needless to say the Dr. gave me a Demerol **** and a shot of Teradol needless to say I have been floating and puking all day... don't know which is worse the puking or the chest pain... I hate them both...

    anyway I am hoping to be back into the swing of things by next week cuz I only have 4 weeks to get those inches off for my sexy shorts LOL...

    glad to see Li4g and Morgolis is back safe and sound back from vacation..

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    cm - thanks for the encouragement and for helping me learn! And thanks for the links, I am listening to them now to see which I like best to start.

    I had planned on doing the 30 mins of wogging BUT my achilles tendon (?) in the back of my ankle started to hurt so I stopped and just walked, then did the elliptical. It's definitely sore now, guess I didn't stretch it good enuf although I stretched pretty good this morning. OH well, no running for a few days. It's a bit swollen too. Not sure what to do about it except rest (well, the elliptical doesn't hurt it, so I just won't run/walk). Also not sure how it happened since I didn't have anything happen, it just started to get sore. Maybe it'll be better by tomorrow...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Hey CM... i just noticed that you have a new ticker for new shoes? How many miles in a pair of shoes before they are deemed "Unworthy"? I bought mine in February and are still lookin ok, just wondering how long I should wait to replace them? Any idea? Im thinkin this might be whats causing my left ankle trouble, but I really LOVE these shoes so Im kinda, sorta, stummped on that one.

    I've snooped in several "running" threads since I started the wogging here with you guys....the consensus is 300 miles. When I was a waitress, as soon as my feet or legs started to bother me, I knew it was time for new shoes. I have three pair of "running" shoes, two sizes in New Balance, and one pair of Reeboks. There is a huge diff in the way they each perform. Hate the Reeboks. All are about the same age, I bought them all last year about the same time, and only used them at the gym until the last month or so.

    The "runners" around MFP say 1. ASICS 2. New Balance 3. Nike (which I can't wear, too narrow).

    There is conflicting "love" for Saucony and Reeboks. I will probably buy another pair of New Balance in the larger size - they make wides which I have for a walking faves right now are the New Balance Zip.

    The runners say go to a store that caters to runners......I don't know. They also say to alternate between two pairs so they get a chance to reform to their intended shape and your legs/feet are not constantly hitting at the same angles. Beats me.....

    (Make adopt4 stretch after her wogging......:tongue: )

    oh, edit:
    Kitties are much easier and less messy (potty-wise) than puppies are.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :tongue: :tongue:
    Yeah. stick with that. I also did Foster Care for two years at that shelter......I've have many litters of kittens and some with their moms.....less messy........:laugh: :laugh: - - -of course, I have a small place and three adult cats. I'm soooooo done with foster kittens and their ravenous "recyling" process.:sick: If only they knew about the litter box being the only acceptable spot. :laugh: :noway:

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hallelujah!!!! It's Friday! And I am NOT going back to that attorney's office. I told him that his moods were too erratic for my taste and that I would not be coming back ~ he turned into the nicest guy :noway: like a switch!!! I was leaving at 3:00 and he asked if I was sure I couldn't come back next week, and I said, "It's not that I can't, it's that I won't." And I smiled very sweetly and left. OMG!!! What a freaking ego! Anyway, you - my friends - were so great and I wanted to say JC_ThankYou.gif for bad-mouthing that jerk for me - it made me feel soooooo much better! LI4G, I temp myself out ~ I'm my own agency:ohwell:

    indianagranny sw/gw/cw 210/160/ 194.5 -1.5 lost
    zano sw/cw/gw 208/195/165
    adopt4 - sw/cw/gw 273/243.8/165 - 3.5 lost
    nitag - sw 220/cw193/gw145 - 2.0 lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 446 = 1 lbs GAINED
    Margolis - SW: 341 CW: 335 -6 lbs overall
    DWray44 - SW/GW/CW: 275/180/267-1 lb lost
    Healthymom – sw/gw/cw 208/150/189 -2 lbs lost
    lulubar- sw/gw/cw 205/145/189-1 lb lost

    heeeyyyy healthymom - I'm in the 180's too!!

    kristi - I'm proud of your attitude! I think ~ for myself anyway ~ I treated my body so poorly for so long that it will take it a while to trust me ~ being patient and staying the course is the best gift we can give ourselves! Yayyy you!

    CM - as usual, you're just the bestest. :love: You seem to have a background like mine - If I have an interest in something, I just go give it a try. Jack of all trades ~ and even master of a couple:bigsmile:

    Here's to a GREAT weekend :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I got my current shoes at Ross. They were on sale for $39 back at the beginning of February, so Ive had them for 2 months. I average about 2-3 miles a day depending on what I do and I only wear them for the gym so I guess Im sitting at about 80-90 miles so far on the shoes I have. So I guess that means I should replace them every 5 or 6 months.... did i do my math right?? LOL

    I have reebok walking shoes but cant wear them for running. Not enough cushion. The shoes I wear every day are Nike's. Best pair of shoes I have ever had. Also have a pair of new balance, but they are wayyyyy too big for my already huge feet.. LOL so I only wear them when I work in the yard. Im thinking of hitting the Ross again to see if I can find another pair of the ones I have that I love, since I prolly wont be able to get them when I need them. Have a back up pair for when these ones eventually die..:happy:

    LULU!! Good for you!! Im sure he's prolly thinking long and hard about why you WONT come back... not why you "cant". Maybe the next person in that seat will have less of a jerk to deal with. You handled it better than I could have. He sounds like a freakshow!

    OH.. and I just had to say that this morning at the gym when I saw adopt4... she definitely LOOKS smaller than a week ago and it all seems to have come off her middle! I was so surprised and my hubby was like "Holy crap woman!" He hasnt seen her in a month.. LOL so he was pretty amazed! We are hoping to drag HER hubby into the gym more often now that Morgolis is going more often also. :wink:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    For what it's worth here's my .02 to add to CM's .02 on the shoe front - once again adding up to a whopping FOUR cents worth!!

    My sister used to work at some high-tech fitness place in Dallas (can't remember the name of it) and she taught me that the proper way to fit an athletic shoe is to make sure it fits to your natural arch and that you allow a space the width of your thumb between toe-tip and the front of the shoe. Wiggle room for your toes to do their job. She said most people buy their shoes a size too small. The first time I followed her advice I was just sure the shoe was too big - BUT I have to say that I generally had less soreness AND my shoe seemed to just hold up better in general. I've been buying the bigger size ever since....

    I'm a New Balance gal - love them, love them!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    My Faves. New Balance Zip


    My next ones


    Everyone says ASICS first....maybe I need to try them.

    YAY Wuwu! Good for you for walkin. I told off my last boss, too, but I think she was getting used to it......:wink: Out of 18 people, 14 quit in a year and then some of the replacements also quit.

    ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
    On the weight loss front - look at all the successes! I am so happy for each and every one of you! :happy: wuwu and healthymom - in the 180s
    Zano - still on track
    Sheila - holding on through tough times and pain :flowerforyou:
    Anita - look at you go girl
    Dwray - indianagranny, morgolis - nice work!
    Adopt4 - you made my day hug.gif

    Li4g - abstaining, but the cat's preggers
    Get_Fit?? how's the PX90? Where R U? :grumble:

    Kristi, you could have given up and given in after your vacation took you off course, but I'm so excited to see that you are back on track. The water is important, and I think you will definitely be back in the "Losers" next week. One pound shouldn't count - that is insignificant. You can and will be successful. We will come after you, so don't try that vascillating about stuff! I love love you:smooched: and I know how much you want this. Slow and steady. You are the toughest of the tough, and a very quick study.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey everyone, I want to bring the knowledge value of shoes up to six cents! New Balance are the only shoes for me. I have GIGANTIC feet (size 13) and New Balance makes them. I mean, they make a size 13. They did not make my feet.) Also, I tend to pronate (roll out) so New Balance has a shoe with a stabalizer bar that keeps my foot straighter. Love em!

    Lulu, I am so glad you said I won't, not I can't. I fear I would take the easy way out on that and pretend to be dead or something. Your way is much more professional! However, I doubt he does any soul searching - doesn't seem like the type. His loss.

    Congrats, Adopt4! That must have felt really good! I think I feel a dance coming on for you! fatbellydancer.gif

    All you guys are great! penguins-1.gif

    And, to the coach/trainer/bad cop/drill sargent we all love - - thanx.gif

    "Kristi, you could have given up and given in after your vacation took you off course, but I'm so excited to see that you are back on track. The water is important, and I think you will definitely be back in the "Losers" next week. One pound shouldn't count - that is insignificant. You can and will be successful. We will come after you, so don't try that vascillating about stuff! I love love you and I know how much you want this. Slow and steady. You are the toughest of the tough, and a very quick study"

    I am not tough, I am just scared to death of my trainer! And I don't mean my sister! :wink:

    Well team, good weekend to you. See you soon! grphug.gif
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member

    OT: several years ago, my friend saw a penguin coffee cup I had. As a blackjack dealer, we wore black pants and white blouses, all the casino floor staff did at Harrah's in Tahoe. We called them "Penguin Suits". My friend decided I collected penguins.

    You know what happens? Everyone sees an easy gift. I have penguin EVERYTHING. Two years ago my best friend's teenage son - who is my own kid - told me (as I was opening Christmas presents) that,
    "I think we may have gotten you too many penguins this year."
    Um - Yeah. Like 20 of them. Every single gift was a penguin of some sort. I packed every single penguin away in boxes. None are visible. I ODed on penguins. Kristi has somehow picked up on my penguin predicament. I shall send them all to her. :wink:

    Now it's Dolphins. I told Chace that he could never buy me too many dolphins.

    * * * * * *
    Li4g - this is Duchess at the Mirage. She is the Mom of Sgt.Pepper and the new baby, Bella.
    She is the sweetest thing and decided to come over and flirt with me - for no reason. I :heart: Duchess.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    [Kristi has somehow picked up on my penguin predicament. I shall send them all to her. :wink:
    Now it's Dolphins. I told Chace that he could never buy me too many dolphins.

  • fafanutt
    fafanutt Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer and I am sooo obviously new to this website :wink:

    Quick introduction to myself is I am 37, happily married with a teenage son. As far as my being a member of this website, my weight has been an issue for me since I was a teenager. Bad childhood, bad first marriage at a very young age, every excuse in the book to use food as my "one and only true friend companion that never abandoned me". Sadly it stayed with me too well with my highest weight being 340 lbs. I left my first marriage and had gained enough self confidence in myself to make ME my "one and only true companion that would never abandon me" and had lost 100 lbs. Then I met my new husband at the weight of 240 lbs (which at 5'2 is still obese) and found myself so happy and wanting to "spread my wings" for the first time in my life that I found my old friend "food" and put 60 lbs back on to weigh 300 lbs. My husband never stopped in any way loving me but I did. I once again then found myself trying to lose weight by getting a job that kept me physically active and busy 8 hours a day (stocking a shelf in the grocery store of all things) and it helped me lose that 60 lbs again, plus another 8. Then through "this that and the other" I am not working the same job, not as physically active, eating more because I am not contantly occupied physically and once again the scle is going up and down. One day I weigh 250, few days later 245 and it just keeps doing that.

    So in finding this website, I enjoy the fact that I can keep track of my food and exercise as often as possible and meet others whom I can possibly chat with - who can relate to situations together without judgement.

    One thing I don't do is blame others for my issues anymore and that helps. I know even on my worst "screwup" days, it is my mistake and I own up to it. Doesn't make it easier though.

    I am thinking for now though, with the struggle I am having to keep motivated, I have to go back to "old school" and do it the way I started it - one minute at a time. Not one day... one minute and do it slowly so I make sure I think before I eat or that I think before I choose not to exercise.

    It's rough... but "do-able"... :wink:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    welcome fafanutt! You have come to the right place! THE team is great! THE stands for Try Hard Everyday. Sounds like what you are doing.

    Again, welcome!
  • fafanutt
    fafanutt Posts: 3
    Thanks - and thanks for the invite.

    I try to remember that while I won't succeed every day, I succeed as long as I don't give up
  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    Ok, first weigh-in back.
    No lbs lost but none gained. Next week will be a better post :laugh:, (I hope) I mean yes it will.

    sw 257 cw 238 gw 150