THE Team Week 11 April 17-23



  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    Hey guys
    I just signed up with this biggest loser group here in town. Actually there are several around town and it is $29 to join for 12 weeks. There is a pot that you can win at the end for the BIGGEST LOSER and I intend on winning it. :bigsmile: :devil: The last winner for this location lost 36 lbs in 3 months and I believe I can do better especially with diet and good exercise, my husband, and My T.E.A.M behind me. I am all fired up and it starts next week. It will also give me a new hobby for the next 3 months.

    Jamie dont sweat about the .4 gained as 1 day is all it takes to get rid of it you'll see.:flowerforyou:

    Krist, I can't let the bagels get me, I wont let the bagels get me :laugh:

    Ps. My husband taught me a new way (well I dont know how new it is to me seeming that I never did any anyways but...) to do push ups. I go into the bathroom to the sink counter and put my feet out and push off of the counter. The edges are rounded so I use a towel underneath my hands it it feel GREAT. Try it sometime and you will not go back to the "normal" way. It really focuses on your arms and not your entire weight.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hi guys....
    Here I am. On Friday when I weighed myself I gain .4lbs. :noway:
    I know its not even a whole pound but I cried :cry: and have been really sad. :sad: I didn't really want to talk about it so I avoided posting. I am frustrated! :angry: :grumble: :explode:
    And I didn't want to bring anyone down. The bf thinks I've reached a plateau with losing no weight the previous week and gaining .4 this one.
    Is it possible to reach a plateau so soon?
    I just feel like I should be seeing results. I've been told that the stress I am adding to myself probably is not helping my weight loss.
    I've added sugar and sodium to my trackers. Could too must sodium be causing the problem?
    Let me know if anyone has any ideas, I could use them.

    Absolutely too much sodium can do that, the few times I've eaten out (Chinese) since starting this I always see a significant gain and then when I finally flush it out with enough water, it comes right back down. I'm always over on sodium anyway, but those days were like hugely over...

    As I was told... 2 weeks is not long enough to be considered a plateau... although I know it's depressing, don't let it worry you yet! Have you been measuring? Are you losing inches? Are you seeing parts of your body that look firmer and tighter? Are your clothes fitting differently? Those are the real ways to see what's happening with your body, not some silly number on the scale!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member

    Those are the real ways to see what's happening with your body, not some silly number on the scale!

    Who is this and what did you do with Adopt4???? LOVE that attitude!

    Okay, this is a bit embarrassing 'cuz I'm loving the praise but I have a confession. I meant to type "situps" not "pushups":blushing: :laugh: So, yeah, I am not the queen of the upper body - what can I say? Sorry to get you all excited like that.:ohwell:

    Today, weights for 30 minutes and a 2 mile walk. I am recommitting myself to exercise 5 days a week Monday thru Friday, and to be active on weekends ~

    Renayeb ~ I am totally cheering you on! Can't wait to see the progress you make - I'm gonna try pushups on the counter - sounds like a good tip!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Thanks for the help with the picture... That is my happy dance Look at my hips go LOL

    I got up early made the kids breakfast at 6am drove them to school at 6:30 and was at the gym by 7am I did my 1 hour on the elliptical and the weights.. and was home by 9:30am now I have been pretty much cleaning the house running the vacume dusting... ect... ect... Shorts HERE I COME!!!!

    The Dr. up'd my pressure on my sleep apnea machine so the lady came by to increase it..

    Great job on the push ups... I cant even do 1 unless its the girly way...

    Jamie I wouldnt worry about that .4 cuz you may have weighed in at a different time then normal.. you will lose it again... as they say in Jamaica NO WORRIES MON everythings gonna be alright......

  • prayerfulmom
    Waaaaaaaaaay too much to catch up on. Congrats to all those losers this week. Congrats to all those who didn't but still press on.
    Returned from the South. Able to withstand the southern cooking with the use of my medical restrictions excuse=).
    I got noooooo exercise in this weekend and feel like a sloth. Will get my run in tonight. 12 days till the marathon.
    Have a great focused day.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441

    This for those that the scale isnt their friends... LOL
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    As I was told... 2 weeks is not long enough to be considered a plateau... although I know it's depressing, don't let it worry you yet! Have you been measuring? Are you losing inches? Are you seeing parts of your body that look firmer and tighter? Are your clothes fitting differently? Those are the real ways to see what's happening with your body, not some silly number on the scale!

    Who are you and where is Kelly, the gal that weighs every day?? Good job!! You are inspiring!

    Jamie, don't sweat it girl! All the things adopt4 said are true, be looking at other ways to measure your success. Also, little ways to tweak what you are doing nutritionally and exercisally {nods to lulu - if I use it 3 times, it becomes a word!}. Are you getting enough rest? The stress is absolutley a killer, and I would encourage something like affirmations, reframing thoughts, deep breathing, walking, yoga, or guided imagery meditation to deal with that. I hear from cmriverside that you are doing the couch to 5K thing. That is so cool! It sounds like there is a lot of positive energy on that thread, too. One thing I started to do was get out a pair of pants that I couldn't wear and try them on to see how I was progressing. The first time I did that was a Saturday and i was frustrated because I hadn't been losing like I thought I should. I found that a pair of pants I couldn't wear a few weeks before was now fitting nicely. It was a great motivator! So, shake off that frustration and get back in the game! We are all here for you!

    And, that brings me to renayeb... WOW!!! You sound fierce! Cool!!! You're soo gonna win that contest! You are on fire! Keep that up. Here is a happy dance to inspire you...

    You would think as much as she gets to dance, she would be in smaller coconuts by now! Oh well!

    Well, I just reallized, its getting late, and I must get my exercise in before toddling off to work. See ya later, gang!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    lulu - two minds with but a single thought! Pretty funny.

    Hey, prayerful mom! Good to see you back. Glad you were able to withstand the call of the South! Good luck in your marathon prep! Keep us posted. We will be cheering! See ya gang!
  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    And, that brings me to renayeb... WOW!!! You sound fierce! Cool!!! You're soo gonna win that contest! You are on fire! Keep that up. Here is a happy dance to inspire you...

    You would think as much as she gets to dance, she would be in smaller coconuts by now! Oh well!

    Hey Kristi, I do that same happy dance for my husband but I dont get any of the cool compliments she gets:laugh:
  • healthymom2009
    Just checking in...

    renayeb - awesome! You go girl.
    prayerfulmom - teach me how to marathon! thinking about starting the couch to 5K.
    jaime - ditto what others have said. this is my week 11 and I have lost 19 lbs so far. I found it averages out over time.

    I went for my "wog" tonight. I went north of my house, the noisy cars are distracting but was able to make it all the way home without stopping. I like the bike path going east/west better but wanted something different tonight. My body is just going to have to get used to exercising after supper - that is the only time I can go these days.

    Anyone have menu suggestions before exercising in the evening?
  • prayerfulmom
    Anyone have menu suggestions before exercising in the evening?

    I eat a banana on the way home from work which gives me an hour before my run.
    Post run I make sure to get in some protein, healthy carb, and veggies.

    Personaly I prefer to get my run in in the am but sometimes just too lazy to get up=)

    I would encourage you to the c25k. That is what I started at. Moved on to 1/2 marathons from there. Now the big one! gulp.

    Kristi-cracking up at the dancer.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Hi, all.

    I read everyone's posts, and I am exhausted today. I went out in the sun, but added a 2 mile walk on both ends, and the walk back to the car was a tough uphill. I'm just going to be vegging tonight - but you are all in my thoughts.

    You'll have to figure out who I mean here......

    0.4 lbs - doesn't count. :wink:
    Cute new picture! Nice haircut and cute little boy! :love:
    Biggest Loser group, look out. :tongue:
    Where are YOUR exercise stats, missy? A slapping upside the head awaits. :angry:
    I hate rain, too.:glasses:
    Going South is always cause for getting off-track. Marathon, here you come. :smile:
    Is that kitchen clean? :huh:
    We didn't really believe you did 128 pushups - girlie or otherwise.:laugh:

    If I don't fall asleep in my chair, I'll be really surprised........:yawn:
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Just stoping in to say good night Team,

    another early morning for me.. Kids are back in school... Let me see Do I like them in school so I have to get up at the butt crake of dawn??or Do like having the house to myself during the day??? Yep I can deal with the butt crake of dawn!!! :laugh: Tomorrow is my late day at the gym cuz of my water areobics... so see you all bright and early

    nite nite...

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I feel ya CM. I am beat too.

    I got up this morning and Morgolis and I hit the gym with adopt4. Got 50 minutes on the elliptical in. Shoulder still killing me, so Im getting irritated that I cant lift weights or swim. Pretty sure I have tendonitis in it as its been a week and it hurts off and on. Dont wanna hurt it more, so Ive just been taking my motrin and using the ice pack. Its just so irritating!

    After the gym I came home, showered and decided to vaccum the downstairs. Hadnt been done since I left and the cats are shedding like crazy since its warmer outside.

    Little kids showed up at 12 and I got the baby down for a nap. The 4 year old I watch helped me plant flowers and put mulch in my flower pots then water. We decided after that was done that we needed to go to the store to get bubbles and a wiffle ball set so we had something to play with outside. (I also had a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free on socks.. so I now have 18 pairs of workout socks. I hid them good from my oldest.. I think shes been snitching them cuz I just bought 10 pair not even 2 months ago and now I have 2 pair left..:angry: ) After we got home, we played outside until dad showed up to get them at 5:30.

    Then off like a turd of hurdles to pick up my oldest from her track meet. She got 2nd place in both events she ran and set a new personal record for the 400 meter run by 12 seconds. Got home and had dinner and my younger 2 decided they were gonna play wiffle ball and set up bases in the back yard. Next thing we knew, both Morgolis and I were out playing with them. It was pretty fun, the boys against the girls and the boys kicked our butts. As close as the bases where to eachother, we still got in some exercise running fast, cuz that wiffle ball doesnt go very far.. LOL

    Now Im sitting on my butt... watching American Idol cuz there is nothing else on to watch...:laugh:

    Tomorrow is Wogging day and Im actually reallllly looking forward to it!

    Renya- Best of luck with the biggest loser contest!! You CAN do it!!!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member

    That's my day:bigsmile: How was yours?

    Adopt4 - LOVE the pic! I want that baby boy! Too sweet!

    Kristi - You gotta give that dancer a rest - I'm sure those coconuts are chafing!!
    Not to mention the grass skirt wedgie that's gotta be going on:noway:

    CM - if you fall asleep in the chair, I'll cover you with a blanket. Just out of curiousity, I did push-ups today - I can do 4 official pushups.:ohwell: Not quite 128:laugh:

    Prayerful - ruuuunnnnnn woman runnnnnnnnnn!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    My picture of the week:

    I got this of Nilla with my phone. Was testing out the camera quality. Its not the best, but not bad for just snapshots on the go. She was perched on a fence post overlooking the wetland field next to the house.

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Where are YOUR exercise stats, missy? A slapping upside the head awaits. :angry:

    Oops!!! My bad. I did 4 sets of my 21s mixed with 3 sets of wall-aways (yes you made that one up. but I am still claiming exerciseally, and with that third use, it is officially a word!) and three sets of semi crunch things. Yesterday, I did it like circuit training, today, I went slower. I tried to increase my weights in my 21s, but my next weight up is too heavy. I need to dig some other weights up. I have some somewhere. I also took an exercise band to work so I can sneak off for some quick exercise there. THANKS FOR ASKING!!! :happy:

    For lunch, I had some shephards pie I made with cauliflower {salute to Chanty} instead of mashed potatoes. For dinner, I had teryiaki salmon, carrots and parsnips and mixed veggies.

    Lulu, is that you, typing your fingers to the bone? I can see that your nose is also a casuality, since you can't keep your glasses up!

    Adopt4, I'm with lulu, WOW!!! You are a new woman! And for that, I must bring her back one more time fatbellydancer.gif

    li4g, I bet its fun to be in your family! I have not heard the herd of turtles experssion for years! :laugh:

    Sheila, good to have you back! See you in the morning!

    Prayerful mom, wonderful to see you again! Thanks for the inspiration! The couch to 5 k seems a long way out of my reach right now. But, thanks to you and others, I feel hopeful!

    And, cm. you just lay your pretty little head down and get some sleep. :yawn: You deserve it. :yawn:

    Now, if someone will distract lulu (who is prolly be the protective type) I will short-sheet her bed, dip her hand in warm water, and put her bra in the freezer! :devil:

    Been a long time since I went to a good slumber party!

    Well kids, I'll see you all tomorrow! Unless I need to come back here and set someone straight! :laugh: :wink:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Now, if someone will distract lulu (who is prolly be the protective type) I will short-sheet her bed, dip her hand in warm water, and put her bra in the freezer! :devil:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey lulu
    >over here...:bigsmile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Now, if someone will distract lulu (who is prolly be the protective type) I will short-sheet her bed, dip her hand in warm water, and put her bra in the freezer! :devil:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey lulu
    >over here...:bigsmile:

    dde85913-1.gif Got it!

    Hey, cool pic of your cat! We were posting at the same time, I guess.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    I just want to say good morning Team...

    Hope everyone is doing GREAT..

    I just wanted to share a few photos of Jamaica from our trip last year with the kids...we stayed a week at my in-laws and a week in the hotel

    This is my husbands family

    my daughter and her cousin going to church easter sunday with their Grandpa

    This is me last year drinking coconut water.. they say its good for your heart...

    Hubby and I last year... I want to take a new on just like this when we go so I can compare!!!

    The view from our hotel room last year..

    He ae just a few of the pitcures hope you like.. I wish I could take pictures like Li4g she had some awsome pic's maybe she can give me leasons LOL :laugh: looking at the pictures makes me wish I was there now... I cant wait to go.. we are leaving May 16 so we have 3 weeks and 3 days until we leave... I better get with losing my inches... or I might not make it...

    I will be going to the gym this afternoon I have my water areobics at 4 but I go a 2 so I can do the machines before...

    see everyone Tonight.. Have a GREAT DAY....:flowerforyou: