Monthly Food Expenses



  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    Family of 5 - between $1200- $1300 a month.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Honestly, I wish I knew! I am pretty sure for the 3 of us we spend about $500 per month on food, but probably another $200 or more eating out.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I never did the math. I'm kind of afraid to. But money spent on food is money well spent

    I started to do the math a few weeks ago. Once I broke 250 for the week, I figured it was safer to stop than to freak myself out.
    I buy quality, tasty, foods. I'm going to enjoy them instead of letting the money factor bother me.

    If I factor in supplements, I'm much higher than that.

    I agree with both of you guys. I know I spend a lot for a family of 5 but I buy quality food and we don't eat out much. Easily $1000 a month, probably more.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    We spent $175 per month in 2011, which I am upping to $200 per month this year for our family of 4. That includes all food and toiletries and household things like light bulbs, batteries, paper towel, etc.

    A couple ways I am able to make it this low is 1) I am a dedicated (although not extreme) couponer. 2) My father-in-law is a hunter and we are able to supplement with venison we sometimes get from him. 3) My father is a farmer, and I have access to really inexpensive and sometimes free produce . So I spend a lot of time and energy canning, drying, freezing, jamming, juicing etc.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    About $600-700/mo for a family of 5 (two adults, 8yo, 6yo, 3yo). BUT that doesn't include a lot of our meat as we buy a quarter of a cow at a time and my husband hunts deer so we also have venison and he also goes fishing a lot as well. I also do a lot of gardening and can/freeze/store what I'm able to. We eat out maybe twice a month? My kids eat ~one or two school lunches per week so that's an extra expense. That amount does include things like toilet paper and shampoo and laundry detergent.
  • For myself, about $250. Mostly because it's winter and absolutely nothing except root vegetables is in season here, so just about all the fresh fruit is imported. It'll probably drop substantially in spring/summer as fruits and vegetables come into season and I can buy more stuff local.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    My grocery bill was getting a bit out of hand the second half of 2011, averaging around $400 per month just for myself and occasionally my BF every other weekend (he does eat a lot more than I do, but still...)

    I've tried to make an effort to lower my food costs, so for Jan and Feb i'm looking at around more like $250 average just for me. I know I could do better, i'll keep trying! haha.

    That said, I don't see food as a place to compromise on cost. I'd rather buy quality fuel for my body than live off happy meals every day. Duh :D
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    We spend ~$800 a month - 2 adults, 3 teenage girls at home, 1 married + son in law nearby and often eat with us. Our kids are homeschooled, so we provide all meals, 7 days a week. We are vegan-ish (some of us eat no meat, some of us do) so we eat a lot of meat-free or meat-optional meals. We buy our beef on the hoof from a local family, plus my husband hunts and fishes, so we are well-stocked in venison, duck and salmon/halibut most of the year.

    I cook in bulk, so I tend to shop at warehouse stores every 2 weeks, and I have 2 pantries, 2 freezers and 2 fridges and a cold-store to store everything. I buy most of my stuff in bulk, and then buy a few things at the regular grocery store.
  • Noadi
    Noadi Posts: 27
    Around $175 for just me. I try very hard to keep to my budget and not go over that amount.
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    We kept our food expenses for a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 young kids) at $600/mo for everything including toilet paper, etc, from 2008-2011 while I was on a strict budget. I went lax on the budgeting last spring and the baby started eating more (now we have 3 boys ages 8, 6, and 1.5) and it went up to $800/mo. I started shopping at Aldi for a bunch of stuff recently, so I need to look back and see how that's affecting things.

    We buy 1/4 cow once a year, I can A LOT of stuff using food I grew, picked on farms, or bought at the farmer's market. I use coupons on double-coupon day. We get organic produce and dry goods through a co-op with friends along with earth-friendly cleaning supplies and paper products. I try for mostly unprocessed food.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Im wondering how much everyone else is spending monthly with all your food that you buy at the grocery store plus supplements.

    I try to trim the fat from my spending when it comes to food but it's not easy when you go to WF's and Trader Joes.

    Please share.

    I know with protein I am spending about 600 bucks a month on food and thats not including beer, alcohol or dining out(which I RARELY do).

    Can you guys please share?

    !?!?!? Wow. I spend more like 150-200/mo for just me, but I rarely buy prepared foods. I eat a lot of steak, chicken, veggies for dinner. Some dairy, mostly cottage cheese and yogurt. Fruit, eggs, bacon, granola as breakfasts.

    But I don't take supplements outside the occasional vitamin.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    not including any toiletries or pet food, but including everyone's vitamins - we run about 1000 a month for the four of us. =)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I spend maybe 150-200 bux a month on food. Usually 100 on meats, dairy, and things like cereal, oats, ect.

    I buy my veggies by the week. Try to stick to the farmers markets (really cheap). I buy fish at a local shop as i need it(fresh and cheaper). And if i need anything spontaneously for a recipe i just run by the store. So i'd say 200 is a safe estimate.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Oh wow, you guys have me a little jealous here. I'm a student, so mine is about $40-$60/month, including coffee and an occasional meal out. I buy food in bulk when possible, and eat as cheaply as I can for the rest- rice, beans, the cheapest apples frozen veggies (fresh when I can, but I don't get to the grocery store often without a car), and sometimes granola bars if they're on sale. I eat a lot of eggs, which are very expensive here, but I get them from a local farmer for a little cheaper.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    i spend a lot..prob 120 a week for two of us plus 2 fur babies..that i also cook for every night..they don't like dog food :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    You do not even want to know what I spend on groceries every week. Let's just say it is outrageous.
  • I don't use supplements, but my monthly groccery bill is around $1000 for four people. All the fresh produce costs a ton.
  • We spent $175 per month in 2011, which I am upping to $200 per month this year for our family of 4. That includes all food and toiletries and household things like light bulbs, batteries, paper towel, etc.

    A couple ways I am able to make it this low is 1) I am a dedicated (although not extreme) couponer. 2) My father-in-law is a hunter and we are able to supplement with venison we sometimes get from him. 3) My father is a farmer, and I have access to really inexpensive and sometimes free produce . So I spend a lot of time and energy canning, drying, freezing, jamming, juicing etc.
    OMG, my husband would love you.
  • EroseT23
    EroseT23 Posts: 74 Member
    I'd say my husband and I spend an average of $150-$200 a month on groceries (not including cat food -- and I'm such a sucker, buying them the "really good stuff," that I swear they eat better than we do some nights!) Sometimes a smidge more, but probably never more than $250. We usually do just one major grocery trip a month, which helps keeps costs down (less chance for impulse buys), and it tends to alternate high month and low month -- sometimes the bill will break $100, sometimes it'll only be $65. I pick up things like fresh produce, eggs, and yogurt about once a week.

    We're able to keep costs low by making as much from scratch as possible and taking advantage of sales. I buy bags of dried beans instead of canned, cook the whole thing at once, and freeze individual containers. Cuts cost AND sodium. My favorite is when whole chickens go on sale. I'll buy two or three at a time. I'll roast one, and the meat will easily last 3-4 meals (which each last a couple days' worth of leftovers!), and use the bones + the "garbage ends" of veggies to make delicious chicken stock, which I also freeze into 2c portions.

    It helps that I love to cook and I'm BFFs with my slow cooker. <3
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    We spend about $550/month for 2 adults and 2 kids, aged 3 and 7. This includes toiletries and cleaning supplies, they are bought at the same place. This does not include eating out, which we do twice monthly. We buy lots of fruit and veg, we buy chicken in bulk(frozen) and we cut/grind our own beef. I don't supplement.