How bad did you used to be?



  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    The very first day I started logging my food here, I consumed an entire family size bag of generic brand Cheetos. I used to sometimes eat 2 big macs in one sitting, just because it was on sale and yummy. When I worked at Pizza Hut, I used to consume half a large extra cheese pan pizza and a 2 liter of cola, daily. Strangely, I weighed the least during my Pizza Hut days. Maybe my new job isn't burning as many calories, or maybe my metabolism is slowing down.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Pretty much everyday at work, I would get fast food for lunch... McDonalds or BK large meals. THEN, after work, I would go through the drive thru at McDonalds and order 2 chicken wraps, a double cheeseburger and a 4 piece nugget and eat them on the drive home. Of course, I would hide the wrappers, come inside and pretend it didn't happen. I would prepare a large dinner for my husband and I or we would go out to eat.

    This makes me sick to think of now. I do not eat fast food, unless it is a salad with light dressing or low cal healthy choice. I pack lunches and don't let food run my life. I still think about food waaay to much though, but my body craves good-for-me food now.
  • DreamiJeani
    i would stand at the cupboard / fridge because i wanted something but didnt know what. so i would just eat different stuff until the craving was fulfilled.

    that is EXACTLY what I find myself doing on occassion. Its getting better but I slip every now and then. The funny thing is I always hear myself in my head going "shut the fridge and have a glass of water or a cup of tea shutit! SHUT IT!"
  • Mlove1356
    12 krispy Kreme donuts with 2-3 glasses of milk. Normally I would eat 8 then finish off the other four about an hour later.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I ate nothing but fast food for 5 years.
  • jmulldome
    Complete bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup one day, sometimes one sitting.
    Reese's are still currently a vice of mine, although I try to enjoy them at a less rampant pace.
  • piinchi
    piinchi Posts: 172 Member
    Used to be? Today I ate 5 chicken wings and 2 and a half slices of Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza for dinner. :cry:

    I have a problem equating "fun" with "food". Today I had a fun day. I started my day off with a healthy breakfast and a two hour hike in the woods, but then tonight I ended up at the restaurant where my fiance and I had our first date and just went a little nuts. It was over 4 hours ago and I'm still over-full. The other night we went out and I got a burrito so big at the end of the night it became like an episode of Man Vs. Food for me to finish it. I feel so ashamed sometimes. The logging is good because it keeps me accountable, and when I have a "good" day I feel proud of myself. Interestingly when I go over I don't see it anymore as a "bad" thing, really... did I enjoy myself, was it fun, was it a memorable experience or was I just cramming it in? The pizza was a good thing. The burrito was just eating for eatings sake, which I struggle with.
  • cherrytulips
    ****trigger warning****


    Well I used to be bulimic so on a bad day i could eat half a tub of icecream, 6 granola bars, dozens of graham crackers, an entire box of lucky charms, multiple cups of milk, and anything else in the cabinets before purging. sometimes it was dozens of cookies or an entire bag of halloween candy or some combo of the aforementioned foods, all before purging it.

    that was at my worst.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i could annihilate any bag of chips, a whole pizza, fast food twice a day... just terrible!! <not in one sitting!> bags and bags of candy... ugh the list doesnt end! i got upto 178 and im currently at 143!! wooohooooo!!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I don't bring chips or cookies into the house anymore. Sadly, I also can't buy saltines because I could easily take down an entire sleeve, even with nothing on them!

    That's me!!!:huh:
  • micha1984
    Pretty much everyday at work, I would get fast food for lunch... McDonalds or BK large meals. THEN, after work, I would go through the drive thru at McDonalds and order 2 chicken wraps, a double cheeseburger and a 4 piece nugget and eat them on the drive home. Of course, I would hide the wrappers, come inside and pretend it didn't happen. I would prepare a large dinner for my husband and I or we would go out to eat.

    This makes me sick to think of now. I do not eat fast food, unless it is a salad with light dressing or low cal healthy choice. I pack lunches and don't let food run my life. I still think about food waaay to much though, but my body craves good-for-me food now.

    O I think about food now more than I did before! I think that's what makes this whole thing work! You are actually thinking about it and not just doing it! This is a lifestyle and before was just like a sickness maybe, or a slave and master kinda thing!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Chips and cookies were my downfall. I never did like pop so at least that wasn't an issue. I would put nesquick in my coffee at 70cals a serving. The cookies, well, I have kids, and I make awesome cookies.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    my weakness is potatoes...french fries and potato chips mainly.

    I could eat a whole can of Pringles in one sitting, a whole bag of Tim's chips in one sitting. I used to get at least one refill of fries at Red Robin.

    My parent never allowed any potato chips in the house because 'they give you pimples', but I was allowed any kind of candy/cookies I wanted (never had a real sweet tooth). My meals at home were always really really bland, cheap grisly beef mixed with chicken stock and spinach. I hardly ate anything at home, even my doctor said I was too skinny, no muscle tone. So whenever I'd stay at a friend's house, I would ask to stop by the store, and I'd buy a bag of chips and eat the whole bag during the night. I craved 'taste/flavor'.

    When I got a job at the mall, I ate lunch there every day, and I'd eat the whole meal, and since I worked there, I'd always get 'extra' for free, I even got free food at closing, so I guess I was more addicted to the new flavors.

    I now eat more protein to keep me full, I have a hard time eating all my calories because I know all the food I ate before made me get bigger, but I'm still learning about adding flavor to my food so it doesn't seem 'boring' to eat. Oh what a vicious cycle!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Breakfast was 900 calories, lunch happened twice and mostly came from McDonald's or out of a Chef Boyardee can, dinner was large plates piled with pasta, or burgers and fries, or a big plate of rice with a little protein on the side. Also had a big bowl of ice cream most nights and had no sense of portion-control when it came to chips/popcorn/cookies/etc. I'm lucky I didn't get bigger than I did. Oh and I also drank probably 3-4 liters of diet soda per day, no water ever, just diet soda.
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I, too, never met a plate I could not clean. If there is more room in my stomach, I want to fill it with delicious, delicious food. My biggest problem has always been, simply, that I love food. I love light, refined fair for sophisticated palates, and I love big, greasy, messes thrown on a plate with extra sauce. I love food - the more of it the better.

    I tried for years to lose weight and failed until I found an eating strategy that both curbed my insatiable appetite and still allowed me to go hog-wild one day a week. Between my eating strategy and MFP to help me monitor my portions during my six "good" days a week, I feel like I finally get to have my cake and eat it too (so long as I only eat the cake on Sundays).
  • sarahcs424
    sarahcs424 Posts: 46 Member
    I would get a large curly fries and lots of ranch at like midnight all the time!
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    double quarter pounder, 2 orders of large fries, sweet tea, and cookies to top it off. i'm going to go log that and see how many calories that is and i'll get back to ya. lol

    ETA: 2,420 calories
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    The worst thing I ever did was eat an entire pound of bacon to myself... yeah... :sick: My heart seriously hurt after that...
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Nobody told me that 1/2 gallon of icecream was not a single serving.....:(
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    i would stand at the cupboard / fridge because i wanted something but didnt know what. so i would just eat different stuff until the craving was fulfilled.
